Sunday, August 31, 2008

From Peaceless to Peaceful MomentsThink for a few moments and write down three situations when you normally lack or lose your peace (become angry) during the course of the day.1.2.3.Now perform this simple exercise. Use the term "Om Shanti" to mentally invoke and experience your inner peace in each of these situations. Experience the meaning of the words "Om Shanti" (I am a soul and my original nature is peace). At the end of the day, note down what difference it made to the interactions (situations).

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Ahmed Faraz
Urdu: احمد فراز) (January 14, 1931- August 25, 2008) was considered one of the greatest modern Urdupoets of the last century. Faraz is his pseudonym 'takhallus', whereas his real name is Syed Ahmad Shah. Ahmed Faraz died at Shifa International Hospitalin Islamabadon August 25, 2008.[1] Ahmed Faraz, who has been compared with Mohammad Iqbaland Faiz Ahmed Faiz, holds a unique position as one of the best poets of current times, with a fine but simple style of writing. [2]Even common people can easily understand. Ethnically a pashtospeaking Pashtun, Ahmed Faraz studied Persianand Urduat the Peshawar University. He later became lecture at the Peshawar University. Wikipedia
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Sunday August 31, 2008 - 04:30pm (NFT)
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Entry for August 31, 2008

one shair is missing

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Positive Reflection For The Day
The one whose vision is clear on the destination is the one who is successful. While moving towards my destination, I tend to get distracted with even the little things that happen. Even a small negative or positive incident is enough to distract my thoughts from my destination. I am sometimes so busy with such things that my vision moves away from my destination and I stop moving forward. I need to first clarify my goal. Once I have done this, I need to take care that my vision is focused on it. Even when situations come by, trying to distract me I need to remind myself that these are only side-scenes which are not important for me. It is more important to keep my energies focused towards the goal.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Anger Management And Prevention
Step One – Never struggle with your anger. Don't fight it, or resist it, in any way. That only either strengthens it, or suppresses it until another day. So face it and accept its presence.
Step Two – As soon as possible, simply observe it. In the act of observation all emotion must die. Why? Because you are standing back from it within your consciousness in order to observe it. And as you stand back within your consciousness you are withdrawing your life giving energy from it.
Step Three – Through the practice of meditation, return to your centre, that means the centre of your consciousness, the centre of your self. At the centre you will find inner peace, and that peace is your power. At the centre of yourself you will find your love, and that love, when you give it to yourself and others, is the healing balm of forgiveness.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Anthem of Russian Federation (from 1991)

Anthem of Russian Federation (from 2001)



Pesenka o medvedyah (from "Kavkazskaya plennitza")

Podmoskovnye vechera

Pot-pourri from Russian Walzes

Proshyaniye slavyanki

Rodina ("Vizhu chyudnoye privolye...")

Russian Dances (pot-pourri)

S chego nachinayetsya Rodina…


Vashe blagorodiye... (from "Beloye solntze pustyni")

Ya sprosil u yasenya...

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Positive Reflection For The DayBy constantly checking our thoughts and switching from being critical to being accepting, affirmative or appreciative, we can change wasteful thoughts to valuable ones. The following list of questions may help us to do this: 1. What qualities have I exhibited today while talking with others?2. What quality thoughts have I had today about others?3. What qualities have I shown in my actions?4. What qualities do I still need to develop?

Thursday, August 21, 2008

"Can you spare some change?" a beggar asks a passerby."No, I know you’re going to spend it all on vodka.""No, sir, I don’t drink.""Then you’ll gamble it away.""No, I don’t gamble either, sir.""Well then, you’re going to spend it on women.""No, sir, I don’t spend money on women.""Okay," the passerby finally agrees, finally. "I’m going to give you 100 rubles, if you come with me. I want to show my wife an example of what can happen to a man who has no bad habits."

Monday, August 18, 2008

SamovarWikipedia, the free encyclopedia- A samovar (Russian: самовар, literally "self-brewer") is a heated metal container traditionally used to heat and boil water in and around Russia, as well as in other Slavic nations, Iran, Kashmir, and Turkey. Since the heated water is usually used for making tea, many samovars have an attachment on top of its lid to hold and heat a teapotfilled with tea concentrate. Samovars are said to have been invented in Central Asia, though their origin is a matter of dispute. For example, some argue that it is purely a Russian invention given that the samovar appeared in Irannot later than in 18th century, and it bears the same Russian name "samovar".
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Tuesday August 19, 2008 - 04:20pm (NFT)
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Entry for August 19, 2008

aati nahin kaam

Friday, August 15, 2008

Winter morning
Cold frost and sunshine: day of wonder!But you, my friend, are still in slumber -Wake up, my beauty, time belies:You dormant eyes, I beg you, broadenToward the northerly Aurora,As though a northern star arise!
Recall last night, the snow was whirling,Across the sky, the haze was twirling,The moon, as though a pale dye,Emerged with yellow through faint clouds.And there you sat, immersed in doubts,And now, - just take a look outside:
The snow below the bluish skies,Like a majestic carpet lies,And in the light of day it shimmers.The woods are dusky. Through the frostThe greenish fir-trees are exposed;And under ice, a river glitters.
The room is lit with amber light.And bursting, popping in delightHot stove still rattles in a fray.While it is nice to hear its clatter,Perhaps, we should command to saddleA fervent mare into the sleight?
And sliding on the morning snowDear friend, we'll let our worries go,And with the zealous mare we'll flee.We'll visit empty ranges, thence,The woods, which used to be so denseAnd then the shore, so dear to me.
Зимнее утро
Мороз и солнце; день чудесный!Еще ты дремлешь, друг прелестный,Пора, красавица, проснись:Отркрой сомкнуты негой взорыНавстречу северной Авроры,Звездою севера явись!
Вечор, ты помнишь, вьюга злилась,На мутном небе мгла носилась;Луна, как бледное пятно,Сквозь тучи мрачные желтела,И ты печальная сидела -А нынче... погляди в окно:
Под голубыми небесамиВеликолепными коврами,Блестя на солнце, снег лежит;Прозрачный лес один чернеет,И ель сквозь иней зеленеет,И речка подо льдом блестит.
Вся комната янтарным блескомОзарена. Веселым трескомТрещит затопленная печь.Приятно думать у лежанки.Но знаешь: не велеть ли в санкиКобылку бурую запречь?
Скользя по утреннему снегу,Друг милый, предадимся бегуНетерпеливого коняИ навестим поля пустые,Леса, недавно столь густые,И берег

Thursday, August 14, 2008

I wake. Yes, it's a coffin lid.-With effortI reach my hands out and I callFor help. Yes, I recall the torturesOf dying.-Yes, this is no dream!-And without effort, like a spider webI push aside my casket's rotting wood
And stand. How bright the winter light appearsIn the crypt's doorway! Can I doubt it?-I see the snow. The crypt's without a door.It's time to head for home. How stunned they'll be!I know this park, I cannot lose my way.But oh how different it looks now!
I hurry. Snowdrifts. Frigid boughsOf dead trees poke deep into the sky,There are no tracks or sounds. It's still.The realm of death in an enchanted world.And here's my home. But what decay!I'm shocked by this heartbreaking sight.
The village sleeps beneath a snowy blanket,There is no path in all the boundless steppe.Yes, there it is: upon a far-off hillI see the ancient belfry of the church.A frozen traveler in the whirling snow,It stands out clear against the cloudless span.
No winter birds or midges dot the snow.I understand: the earth has long lain chillAnd dead. For whom do I conserveThe breath within my chest? To whom did deathReturn me? What's my mindConnected to? And what's its final purpose?
Where shall I go if there is no one to embrace?And time has lost itself in space?O, Death, return! And hasten to assumeThe fatal burden of this final life.And you, stiff corpse of earth take flightAnd bear my corpse on the eternal path!
© A. Wachtel, I. Kutik and M.
Проснулся я. Да, крыша гроба.- РукиС усильем простираю и зовуНа помощь. Да, я помню эти мукиПредсмертные.- Да, это наяву!-И без усилий, словно паутину,Сотлевшую раздвинул домовину
И встал. Как ярок этот зимний светВо входе склепа! Можно ль сомневаться?-Я вижу снег. На склепе двери нет.Пора домой. Вот дома изумятся!Мне парк знаком, нельзя с дороги сбиться.А как он весь успел перемениться!
Бегу. Сугробы. Мертвый лес торчитНедвижными ветвями в глубь эфира,Но ни следов, ни звуков. Все молчит,Как в царстве смерти сказочного мира.А вот и дом. В каком он разрушенье!И руки опустились в изумленье.
Селенье спит под снежной пеленой,Тропинки ист по всей степи раздольной.Да, так и есть: над дальнею горойУзнал я церковь с ветхой колокольней.Как мерзлый путник в снеговой пыли,Она торчит в безоблачной дали.
Ни зимних птиц, ни мошек на снегу.Все понял я: земля давно остылаИ вымерла. Кому же берегуВ груди дыханье? Для кого могилаМеня вернула? И мое сознаньеС чем связано? И в чем его призванье?
Куда идти, где некого обнять,Там, где в пространстве затерялось время?Вернись же, смерть, поторопись принятьПоследней жизни роковое бремя.А ты, застывший труп земли, лети,Неся мой труп по вечному пути!
Январь 1879AFANASII FET(1812-1892)

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Anger Management There are some false ideas about anger that we have acquired, which we use to justify and nourish our anger: 1. I do not get angry. The actions of others make me so.Fact: At all times, and in all places you and only you are the creator of your thoughts and feelings and are completely responsible for them, not anyone else. Tip For Transformation: The regular practice of meditation empowers you to become the ruler of your mind, intellect and thoughts.2. I need to use anger to motivate others.Fact: Trust and respect, the foundations of any relationship, at home or in the office, are never built by anger. In the long term, angry outbursts damage any leadership qualities you may have. Anger kills motivation within oneself and will likely negatively influence others' motivation. Tip For Transformation: Meditation helps you practice acceptance and respect for others as they are.

Monday, August 11, 2008

When you start meditating, the important thing is to be patient with yourself. Many people try to meditate but find it hard to sit still and quieten the mind. Our journeys to this point are very different and, as a result, we all have different personalities. Some take to meditation like a duck to water, but if you find it difficult getting started, be patient with yourself. For others, it can take weeks or sometimes months before they feel they are really beginning to practice and experience the benefits. The main thing is not to expect anything specific. Some people see light, others feel more peaceful and others feel more powerful and in control. Never compare your experience with others.
Ingredients/Building Blocks of Spiritual Intelligence
The development of spiritual intelligence is a process of continuous learning across seven important areas of your personal development. They are positioned here in the form of seven questions, the answers to which have little power in their theory, but immense power when realized through personal experience. The answers to these seven questions have unlimited depth.
1. Who am I? - This is the question of identity.2. What am I? – This is the question of nature.3. How do I work? – This is the question of consciousness.4. Where am I? – This is the question of relationship. 5. How does it all work? – This is the question of law.6. Why am I here? – This is the question of purpose.7. What happens next? – This is the question of creativity.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Oh, how desperately I want to live...
Oh, how desperately I want to live:Immortalize the real,Personify thefaceless,Give flesh to the nonexistent!
Life's crushing dream may smother meI may suffocate as I dream, - And yet a lighthearted youth, perhapsWill say of me in times to come:
Let us forgive his gloom - could it beThat it was really his secret drive?"He's but a child of goodness and lightHe's but freedom's triumph!"
© A. Wachtel, I. Kutik and M. Dennerwww.russianpoetry.netALEXANDR BLOK(1880-1921)
О, я хочу безумно жить...
О, я хочу безумно жить:Всё сущее - увековечить,Безличное - вочеловечить,Несбывшееся - воплотить!
Пусть душит жизни сон тяжелый,Пусть задыхаюсь в этом сне, -Быть может, юноша веселыйВ грядущем скажет обо мне:
Простим угрюмство - разве этоСокрытый двигатель его?Он весь - дитя добра и света,Он весь - свободы торжество!
5 февраля 1914

Friday, August 8, 2008

विविध भारती का सुबह प्रसारण शुरू होता है चिंतन से जिसमें उदघोषक द्वारा कोई उपदेशात्मक बात, विदुषकों की कही गई कोई सूक्ति बताई जाती है यानि सुबह-सुबह कोई सीख दी जाती है। यह शायद एक मिनट का भी नहीं होता। कभी-कभी केवल एक वाक्य ही कहा जाता है पर इस तरह के कार्यक्रम आकाशवाणी के अन्य केन्द्रों से बहुत अच्छे होते है।आकाशवाणी हैदराबाद से प्रसारित होने वाले ऐसे ही कर्यक्रम का नाम है - प्रकाश किरण। इस कार्यक्रम की अवधि पाँच मिनट होती है। इस कार्यक्रम में वरिष्ठ नागरिकों की वार्ताएँ प्रसारित होती है जिससे विषय के साथ-साथ उनके जीवन के अनुभव के आधार पर कार्यक्रम का स्तर बढ जाता है।विषय बहुत व्यापक होते है पर जीवन की गहराई से जुड़े होते है जैसे मित्रता, शत्रुता, अहिंसा, कर्म, परोपकार आदि। पाँच मिनट के लिए इस एक विषय पर जब कोई उम्रदराज नागरिक लिखेगें तो स्वाभाविक है कि उनका अध्ययन उनका अनुभव सभी सिमट आएगा।मित्रता विषय पर कृष्ण सुदामा की मित्रता से लेकर राम सुग्रीव विभीषण की मित्रता भी आ जाएगी। इन उदाहरणों द्वारा जीवन में मैत्री भावना का महत्व बताने के लिए कवियों की रचनाएँ भी उद्धृत की जाएगी जिससे पाँच मिनट में बहुत कुछ समझा और समझाया जाता है। इस तरह दिन की शुरूवात सकारात्मक होती है। रेडियोनामा आपका ब्लॉग है । आप भी इस पर लिखना चाहते हैं तो हमसे संपर्क करें ।

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09-08-2008 07:44 (
Self EsteemIf our self-confidence is based only on a set of skills and abilities, we will not have real self-esteem. This is because there will always be a situation where those skills and abilities will have no use, and the ones that are needed in that situation have not yet been developed. The person who has real self-esteem will recognize that while they may not have the skills now, they can and will learn. They are able to use such situations as their personal classroom. High self-esteem has a certain humility built into it. The person with the highest self-esteem is free of the ego of "I know". Question: What are your key skills and abilities? In what situations do you find yourself out of place, or out of your depth? What do you think you need to learn to be more effective in these situations? Reflection: Visualize yourself being skillful and confident while maintaining your self-esteem in that situation.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

The Tree of Life, Stoclet Frieze, c.1909Gustav Klimt
Positive Reflection For The DayWhen we make the distinction (difference) between mind and matter, body and soul, human and being, we are making a distinction between two kinds of energy – physical (matter) and non-physical (spirit). Our bodies are made of the five elements of matter, which combine to make our physical forms, which are visible. Our minds are non-physical energy, which produces invisible thoughts, feelings and attitudes. To understand this more clearly, consider the case of electricity: you know it exists because you can see the result in the form of an electric light, but you cannot see the actual electricity. In the same way the mind cannot be seen but the energy, which comes through it, controls the movement of the body.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

रेडियो सिलोन से शनिवार सुबह नौ बजे आप ही के गीत कार्यक्रम के बाद प्रसारित होने वाला कार्यक्रम है भाव गीत। पहले जब भी स्कूल और कालेज की छुट्टियाँ होती थी मैं नियमित यह कार्यक्रम सुना करती थी।जहाँ छाया गीत और त्रिवेणी कार्यक्रम उदघोषक के होते है वहीं भाव गीत कार्यक्रम श्रोताओं का है। श्रोता पत्र में लिखते है उनकी पसन्द का गीत और उस गीत के भाव। इस कार्यक्रम में अधिकतर साठ और सत्तर के दशक के गीत सुनने को मिलते। वैसे हिन्दी सिनेमा में देखा जाए तो इन बीस सालों में ही ऐसे गीत लिखे गए जो बहुत अर्थपूर्ण रहे और साहित्यिक रहे।

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07-08-2008 07:44 (
Positive Thinking Given below are some examples of simple positive affirmations (thoughts) that you can make about oneself, others, real life situations and the future, which will assist you in becoming a positive thinker. The self: I do like myself; I accept my weaknesses; I understand myself; I have special skills and qualities; I value myself; I believe in myself; I am lovable. Others: I accept others as they are; I look for the best in others; there is something good in everyone I meet; I appreciate others. A real life situation: I am capable of handling the situation; I have all I need; I am fortunate; there is a bright side to everything; nothing lasts forever. The future: I look forward to each day; every difficult situation is an opportunity/challenge in disguise; each day brings something new and beautiful, something to learn.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Time Management

The one who works in coordination with others is the one who can fulfill responsibilities well. Responsibilities can be fulfilled well when there is the recognition that each one can contribute something to the task. It is also essential to create a cooperative rather than a competitive environment. Then there would be no feeling of superiority or inferiority in anyone. When we are responsible to complete some task, we need to involve all the people who can help in it. When we do this we will find our task finishing faster. Also we would find that we would get the good wishes of all the people involved in the task. polaroid o1.jpg

Monday, August 4, 2008

Virtues / Values Take one of the following virtues or values per day and spend five minutes thinking about its meaning and its application during the day.HarmonyForgivenessTrustFlexibilityCourageGentlenessFreedomUnderstandingBenevolencePatienceEnthusiasmToleranceSerenityCo-operationGenerosityHumility

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Self Management
One of the deepest patterns, which we all learn to create within ourselves, is to blame others for what and how we feel. Each and every time we point the mental and emotional finger and blame another person or situation, however subtly, we give our power away. Self-responsibility is the first principle of self-management. Once we learn not to blame others for how we feel or whatever happens to us we only need be careful we don't turn and point the finger at ourselves. No one is to blame but I am responsible. There are three essential steps if you wish to empower yourself. Step one is to know who and what you are. Step two is the acceptance of complete self-responsibility. Step three is to break the deepest patterns which we all learn in some form or other, that of self-rejection and self-blame.
The grove of golden trees has fallen silent,Shorn of its gay leaves, in mute silhouette,And so the cranes in sad file past it flyingHave no cause any more to feel regret.For whom, for what? We are all rovers, startingOut, coming home awhile, then traveling on.The hemp field's dreaming of all who departedAnd there's a full moon gazing at the pond.I stand alone, the bare expanses viewing,While on the wind the cranes are borne away.Remembrance of my merry youth pursuing,I find nothing I would relive today.I don't regret the years that I have wasted,I don't regret the lilac time of life.A rowan fire is in the orchard blazingBut none shall from its brightness warmth derive.Red rowan-berry clusters cannot scorch you,The grasses will no yellow and decline.As leaves fall softly from a tree in autumnSo I let fall these mournful words of mine.And if time with its breezy broom should pile themInto a heap to burn without regret…Just say this … that the golden grove fell silent,Shorn of its leaves, in pensive silhouette.1924SERGEI ESENIN(4 Oct. 1895 - 27 Dec. 1925)* * * Отговорила роща золотаяБерезовым, веселым языком,И журавли, печально пролетая,Уж не жалеют больше ни о ком.Кого жалеть? Ведь каждый в мире странник - Пройдет, зайдет и вновь оставит дом.О всех ушедших грезит коноплянникС широким месяцем над голубым прудом.Стою один среди равнины голой,А журавлей относит ветер в даль,Я полон дум о юности веселой,Но ничего в прошедшем мне не жаль.Не жаль мне лет, растраченных напрасно,Не жаль души сиреневую цветь.В саду горит костер рябины красной,Но никого не может он согреть.Не обгорят рябиновые кисти,От желтизны не пропадет трава,Как дерево роняет тихо листья,Так я роняю грустные слова.И если время, ветром разметая,Сгребет их все в один ненужный ком…Скажите так… что роща золотаяОтговорила милым языком.1924


Relaxation The art of relaxation does not lie in any physical exercises or postures but in the posture of our minds. Essentially there are five qualities of thoughts, which we can create:Necessary thoughts, such as, "I must not forget to go to the market today", or "I have to collect the children from school at 4 pm." Waste thoughts, which include thinking too much about the past, worrying about things that might not happen (future), and thoughts about others that spill out as gossip.Negative thoughts, which include feelings of anger, fear, ego, greed, doubt, sadness, regret and unease. Negative thoughts make us lazy and drain our energy.Positive thoughts, which are affirmative and focused, carrying only the best intentions for ourselves and for others.Soul-conscious thoughtsarise from the truth of who and what we are, and require the effort of remembering and gently reminding ourselves that we are eternal souls and our real nature is peaceful and loving. When we restore our awareness of the self as a soul, it allows us to clearly see and release any negative or waste thoughts and it helps us experience true relaxation of the mind.