Monday, September 30, 2013

Ujalon Ka Safar

the  copper  red  sun  blazed  to rush  itself   sink  down in the  coolness  of  the  sea ,  tourists  gathered  on the  beach  saw  a  taxi  stopping, a  man  in a  hurry  stepping  out, he  was  so  engrossed  in himself  he  was  reminded  by  the  driver  to   pay  him off  , 

from previous--

asud  approaching  the  porch  observes  naila  arguing  with the  driver, she  wanted  him to  drive  her  without  asking  permission, aud  was  annoyed  at her  stubbornness because  when she  was  restricted  from taking  cars  driven by the  drivers  she  must  understand, but  she  hated   following  home  rules, she  wanted  to  be  the  one  in charge  of  everyone  around  her

Tum Mere Sath Raho

shamsa  winds  up  the  kitchen,  the  dinner  was  over, the  children gone  to  bed  in their  rooms,  she  comes  in to  find  hamad    very  worried,  upset   he  looked,  she  insisted  if  he  wanted  to  share  his  troubles  , if  he  was  missing  home, avoiding  mentioning  zaris  beghum , he   was  upset  because  his  mother   he  had  always  trusted  would  remain true  to  him,   she  would never  change  but  he  was  proved  wrong

Sasural Ke Jhagde

every  woman  marries  to  live  a  second  life  after  marriage   with  her  husband  and  her  own children, the  in laws  family  set  up  is  absolutely  different  from her  own background  no matter  how  closely  they  were  interactive  , it  is  up  to  her  to  maintain  and  follow  the  rules  of  the  new  home, each  home  has its  own laws  rules  and  a  head, usually  the  head  is  the  mother  in law    who  expects   from the  new  comer  to  respect  her  and  her  instructions

page 189

recalling   precious  moments  spent  with you
falling  apart  waiting  for  you
what  do  you know  someone  is  broken   down
securing   his  love  for  you

Sunday, September 29, 2013

from previous--

shamsher  ali  stood  before  tausif  ahmed  , defining  his  life, his  mother  died  when he  was  small and  his  sister  tajur  was  just  one  year  old  infant,  his  father  remarried  , to  lead  his  life   happily  with his  second  wife  and  both  the  motherless siblings  were  neglected, he  grew  up  deprived, he  began  working partime  to  raise  money  for  his  education and  to look  after  hsi  little  sister, today  he  is  a  self made  successful man before  him 

from previous--

shamsher  ali  was  elated  he  was  in love  , ariba  was  his  choice, he  cared  for  her, he  wanted  to  buy  the  entire  world's  happinesses  for  her, to  decorate  their  life  with the  best, it  was  already  nicely  done  but  he  wanted  to  leave  nothing   out  for  her, all that  he  wished   for  them both  was  a  life  full of  contentment  but  first he  must  ask  for  her  hand  from her  father  tausif  ahmed  , he  picked  up  the  phone  he  needed  to  talk  to his  own father  too

Mere Khwab Lauta Do

he  was  extremely  happy  to  see  her, ariba  was  there  , he  was  recovering, shamsher  ali  began to  feel light  headed, he  was  about  to   flirt  with her  when she  said  if  he  knew  how  exactly  did  she  feel, she had  been  engaged  to get  married  four  years, believing  it  would  never  end, it  was  forever,  but  that  dream shattered  so  quickly  , painful  as  it  is  but  reality  is  this  that  body  and  soul must  segregate  finally

Saturday, September 28, 2013

from previous--

alya  beghum  was  happily married  to  the  man of  her  choice, when her  toungest  of  her  six  children hassan was  four  she  was  widowed, she  raises  them all, and  gives  them the  best  , in america  with her  daughters  she  misses  her  son and  life  in pakistan, she  pleads  them all to  sen  her  back, the  cultural  gap  is  wide  ,  on the  phone  she  is  sometimes  able  to  talk to  her  son   but  in reality  it  is  not  what  she  thinks

Dard Bekran

a  sentimental  story  of  an old  woman --alya  beghum  who  raises  her  six  children and  settles  them all down , her  youngest  son hassan lives  in pakistan , when she  is  gone  to meet  her  married  daughters in canada  and  america, 

from previous--

he  decides  to  find  out  if  the  girl  was  really  as  good  as    was  being  discussed,  he  rings  her  up, the mother  answers  the  phone, he  recognises  the  voice  and  asks  in a  very  well  practised  nasal  female  voice   to  call  sherzad  , thinking  it  was  the  girl's  friend  mother  calls  her  daughter  who  begins  to  lecture  him in abusive  tones, definitely  there  was  some  misunderstanding  , it  was  his  first  phone  call to her,  but  if  this  is  how  she  speaks  what  is  he  going  to  do , how  long  can someone   appreciate  beauty  without  goodness

from previous--

he  overhears  his  mother  and  sisters  discussing  the  beauty  and  behaviour  of  the  girl  they    had  liked and selected  for  him to get  married  to,  what  an amazing  moon like    glowing  face  she  had, all the  items  were  homemade, they  had decorated  the  house  so  properly, all of  the  girl's  family  members  were  so  well bred  and  well mannered, he  laughed  silently  because  all  such  fair  like  moon girls  later  turned out  to be  wicked dragons  , after  marriages  the  spell  is  always  broken, dreams  shattered

Friday, September 27, 2013

from previous--

somewhere  the  moon was  lost  on the  way
also somewhere  was  lost  its  moonlight 
like  a  lamp  burnt  out
how  was  my  night illuminated
we  met   what  a  meeting  it  was
the  same  distances, the  same  unfamiliarity
never  did  i  stepped  forward
never  did  you broke  your  hesitation

from previous--

he  greeted  all his  three  elder  married  sisters  visiting  them, he  goes  to  his  room to  freshen up  a  bit  before  the  meal is  announced,  he  observes  his  room  was  in a  chaotic  state, the  condition suggested   his  sisters  children  had  been there, tired  he  sits  down, his  younger  sister  comes  to  call him to  have  his  meal, he  mechanically  walks  up  to  the  dining  table , after  his  food  is  finished  he  leaves  to  go  out

from previous--

he  meets  his  three  married  elder  sisters   happily  asking  them why  there  seemed  so  much silence,  he had  greeted  them all but  they  were  so  busy  in their  secret  meeting  ,  if  their  children had  also  come, who  usually   came   aggressively   rushing  and  tightly  embracing  him surrounding  him from alldirections,  clinging  to  his  knees, legs, arms  and   climbed  up  him to  show  their  love  for  him 

Chand Mere Angan

one  day  he  returned  home  to  find  all his  three  elder  married   sisters  who  had  big  families  and  naughty  children  sitting   so  quietly  with his  mother  , their  low  tones  were  shocking  because  there  was  no  noise  , no  uproar  , no  commotion of  them being there, usually  the  three of  them never  agreed  on any  one  point  but  all of  them seemed   engrossed  in a  very  serious  matter  , he  greeted  them without  getting  any  response  from them, he  turned  to  go  to  his  room when his  mother  called  out if  he  was  not  being  rude  by  not  greeting  them

Thursday, September 26, 2013

from previous--

anusha  feels  cheated, when it  is  time  to  rest , time  for  her  to  go  to  bed,  to  gossip  with her  husband in the  room, her  mother  in law  calls  her  to  bring  a bottle  of  oil to  massage  her  head  moaning  she  had  a  mild  or  severe  head  ache, in the  room anusha  sees  her  sister  in law  had  painted  her  own nails  and  blowing  them dry,  stretched  out  on a  sofa, her  mother  in law  watching  star plus  and  spinning her head  rythmically on some  songs  not  a  sign of  head  ache

Yaqinan Muhabbet Hai

she  was  still  doing  the  dishes  , tired  from all the  house  work she  had  been doing  since  morning, her  husband  had  returned  from work, waiting  for  her  to  come, anusha  was  busy  cleaning  up, winding  the kitchen is  a  routine  affair  of  a  house  wife,  her  mother  in law  called  out  to  give  her  a  head  oil massage  after  the  kitchen was  done

page 146

soft  tones  have  more  impact  than  strong  words

formality  kills familiarity

from previous--

just  two  days  were  left  to  aiza's  marriage,  her  mother  in law  had   come  and  the  custom of  henna  ceremony  was  completed,  gifts  from the  in laws  were  prperly  placed  in the  room,   amira  and  asifa  had  arrived  with their  families  to  attend  the  wedding, amma jan  sat  on a bed  making  paan--for  herself  and  chewing  them one  by  one,   enjoying  watching  the  scene,  sabahat  was  overjoyed  to  see her  daughter  get  married  with  such  real  jewellery  given her  from in laws

from bheeghi palkon per---

there  was  a  huge  age  difference  between mahrukh and    ahjira yet  they  had  come  emotionally  very  close  to  each other, they  had  nobody  else  except  each other  to  support  them, dilruba  also  was  against  them,   it  is  love  like  poison and  faith  that  kills women in love,  all  castles  from outside  are  illuminated  but  dark  silence  ominous  looms  within

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

from previous--

he  was  rather  annoyed  he  said  why  did  she  ask  chacha  uncle  , and  not  directly  rang him up  for  his  help, she  also  said  she  was  not  the  one  to  ask  anyone, dadi  had  made  mother  ring him up  , she  did  not  like  taking favours  from others

Bheeghi Palkein

pari  was  offered  a  car  lift  by  sheheryar, she refused  because  she  needed  a  lot  of  time  shopping  , going  to  the  tailors, to  jewellery  shops, to  other  places  and  he  did  not  have  so  much  time  to  spend  with her

Ek Bar Phir

history  repeats  itself  like  stories  and  lives, life  of  each  one  is  but  an  echo  of  his  own past,  this  story  begins  with another  daughter  being  born, same  reaction  by  the  relatives  expecting  a  boy , same guilty  feeling  by  the  new  mother  , 

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

from previous--

fara  tells  madra  that  in the  university she  came  to know  about  the  bust  strike  and  she  came  back to  fetch her  from the  bust  stop  she  knew    she  caught  her  bus,  so  thankful  was  madra, fara  tells her she  had  refused  to  go  with her  mother  to kerachi  , a  dream destination   of madra  who  said  if  her  mother  had  asked  her  instead  she  would  have  just   taken her  veil  and slipped  her  feet  into her  slippers  and gone  to kerachi

from previous--

madra  waited  and  waited  for  quite  some  time  for  her  bus  to  arrive  , she  was  to  reach her  classes  in the  univerity on time, the roadside  cobbler  tells  her  there  was  strike,  she  turned  to  go  back home,  because  there  was  no  sign of  any  bus    for  miles  , the  road  seemed  vacant  , she  took  a  couple  of  steps  in the  direction of  her  home  when a  speeding  car  breaked  near  her, it  was  fara  who  had  come  to  fetch her , 

from page 115

madra  looked   around  her, then  far  in the  distance, the  bus sop had  a  vacant  feel, she  was  alone  there  waiting  for  her  bust  to  take  her  to  her  university  , it  was  her   routine  , the  cobbler  sitting  by  the  road   was  a  familiar  sight, he  said  the  bus  was  not  coming  because  the  driver  was beaten up by the  students  , there  was  a  strike

Monday, September 23, 2013

from previous--

fara  asked  her  mother  why  she  was  so  adamant  to  go  on this  trip  , there  was  a  certain reason   and  then they  all  liked  them to  visit them, but  fara  stubbornly  refused  to  go  with her, if  sasha  missed  her  why  does  she  never  visit  her  in faislabad, every  time  they  have  to   travel  , but  what  was  her  reason  mother  did  not  reveal because  all matters  can not  be  discussed openly  and  freely before  time  , nor  must  be revealed  or  they  are  aborted

from page 110

fara  was  watching  television very  ritualistically, when her  mother  calling  out  her  name  entered  the  room to  find  her  busy  apparently, she  said  she  was planning  to  go  for  a  few  days  to  meet  shamina in kerachi  if  she  also  wanted  to  see  them specially  shasa  who missed her  so  much  she  must  get  ready

page 99

almighty  bestowed  man with  intelligence  and  sensuality, if  he  overcomes  sensual pleasures  he becomes equal  to  angels, or  if  he  turns  to  such pleasures  he  becomes  beastly

Sunday, September 22, 2013

from previous--

when any  part  of  the  body is  hurt  , the  pain is  seen on the  face,  madra   sees  that her  friend  is  hurt  by her  words,  unintentionally  she  had commented  on her  feelings  and  problems , meaningless  to one  meaningful to  another, , not  wanting  to  hurt  her   she   got  up, madra  is  very  careful  in her  speech  , she  does  not  speak  useless meaningless  things   to  pass her  time, watchful  and  very  observant  she is  a sensible  person, 

from previous--

fara  and  her  friend  discuss  afaq, fara  is  in love  with him, it  is  said  by  khalil gibran that  in love  one  becomes  slave  to  his  beloved  because  he  loves  him completely  , but  this  afaq    either  was  not  in love  with fara  or  he  would  be  her  slave, nor  was  he  ready  to be  her  master , madra  feels  she  was  wasting  her  time  and  stands  up  to  leave  her  there  to  go  to the library

Raqs Bismil

 fara  and  madra   are  best  friends, in the  university complex  the  green grassy  lawn stretched inviting  small  groups  of  students  to  sit  there  in free  periods  gossiping , mostly  girls   would  spend  time   there sharing  useless  unimportant  personal matters, the  listeners  either  got  bored or  enjoyed  juicy  topics, fara  shared  her  emotional  involvement  with afaq  with her  friend  madra

Saturday, September 21, 2013

mujhe tum se muhabbet hai

i  am  in love
oh, how  did  it  happen
so  sudden
look  at  my  dreams
shining  like
a  glowsome  moon
in a  lonesome  night
in the  dawning  memories
fragrant  like  a  rose
in the  town of  my  heart
what  puzzles  me  so
every  moment  i  feel
the  strings  of  my  life
in the  corners  of  my  eye
your  words  and voice
your  tones  and  sighs
mesmerise  me
with you my  dear
an innocent  moment in night
if  ever  you  remember  me
bother  not  ever
just  know  it
i  love  you
you  too  me

from previous--

for  so  many  years  women folk  kept  rejecting  hinat  for  being  plain  and  not  fashionable, not  born  extraordinary  beauty, for  having    a  dark  skin , people  choose  the  best  looking  match  sometimes  ignoring  the  hearts  of  gold,  one  day  as  it  happened  a  sober  father  comes  to  see  her  , likes  her  and  sends  his  son to  finalise  the  match-abrez  was  as  sober  as  her, intelligent  , softspoken and  both  had  compatible  nature, liking  each  other  they  accept    each other  as  life  partners, to  khola  her  younger  sister"s  delight  who was  always  confined  to  her  room  because  uaually  matchmakers  selected  her   for  her  fair  skin and  attractive  behavoiur

from previous--

imtyaz  sahib had  just  two  daughters , no  son, elder  to  khola  by  six  years was hinat , both girls  were  good looking but hinat  was  not  as  fair  as  her  younger  sister, all the  women who  came  to  see her  for  their  sons  as  prospective  bride  rejected  her  for  being ordinary  , finding  fault  with her  complexion , her   not  made  up  face  , feeling  guilty  hinat  was  ashamed  of  herself , though  a  masters  degreee holder, with a  good  job , intelligent  and  soft  spoken , nobdy liked  her  qualities

Eid Ka Joda

the  new  moon  of  eid ul  fitr had  been seen, the  town  market   shone  brightly  with  decorated  lightings, people   rushed  to  illuminated  shops  to  get  choicest  things  to  celebrate,  cars   zig  zagged  through  crowds   with  all their  dazzling  lights,  but  hinat  lay   silently  watching  the  sky  , sadness  filled  her  heart, she  asked  the  same  question  to  herself  why  was  abrez  not  present, no  call  from him, no message  from him, he  just  disappeared  so  suddenly  without  announcing  , is  that  a  sign of  broken promises, her  younger  sister  and  mother  were  cheerfully  getting  the  food  ready  in the  kitchen 

Friday, September 20, 2013

from previous--

nashya  takes out  a  handful of  rupees,  it  was  a  big  amount, she  handed  it  to the  woman  of  the  inn, saying  it  was  extra   besides  the  bills  her  husband  had  paid  them for  the  room, one  must  be  good  and  honest  to  children, it  was  for  a  beautiful  doll for  the  little  girl,  doing  good   gives  joy  both to  the  giver  and  taker  specially  when its  unexpected  

from previous--

sajid  wakes  her  up  , so  gently  and  softly  that  she  was  amazed  at  this  new  sajid  almost  a  stranger to her, he  had  paid  a  truck driver  to  drive  them to  the  destination--home  their  home, she  had  thought    life  had  made  him so  arrogant  , life  is  easy  to  the  arrogant, superiority  complex  turns  them to  inconsiderate  painful  humans, it  is  another   side  of  feeling  inferior  for  some  hidden reason, but he  had not  commented  on her  remarks, he  was  changed, eid  was  to  be  celebrated  at  home,his  home, her  home, their  home, true  it  is  that     sincere   wishes  are  granted  if  the  eid  moon is  seen

from previous--

nashya  was  surprised  how  sometimes  what  is  said  unintentionally  comes  about  to  happen, the  room was  very  clean , probably  no  customers  came  by, food  was  cooked  by  the  woman  proprietor  herself  and  served,  the  little  girl  helped  bringing  plates,  nashya  asked  her  her  name--hamida  she  replied, she  helped  in cleaning  washing  and  played  by  herself, she  had  no  doll

continued from eid dil mein

sajid  and  nashya  get  down from the  train, it  was  a  remote  untouched rural  area,  just  a  minute  ago  she  had  exclaimed  if  only  they  could  have  stayed  in a  place  like  that  to  celebrate  eid,  there  was  nothing  around  , a  small  hut    was  seen  before  them, they  approach  it, a  board  read--jahanbao's  sarai--so  rather  grateful to  have  a  inn there  they  ask  for  a  room  from the  woman sitting  there  welcoming  them, a  eight  year  old  filthy  girl  also  stood  by her

Thursday, September 19, 2013

from previous--

hamid  and  fanny  feeling  poorly  wait  for  someone  to  come  , suddenly the  door  with the  ring   flew  open, there  was  a  cosmic  lightening   , like  a  laser  beam,  hamid   showing  his  presence  of  mind   signs  her  to  follow  him , there  was  nobody  to  stop them,  a  bicycle  was  the  only   conveyance to  get  out  from there, , sighing  coolly  she  went  along, if  he  must  paddle  them to  freedom

from previous--

fanny  hates  hamid  for  making her  take  off her  diamond  ring she  had  just  found   in a  corner  , the   diamond   shone  its  dazzling brilliance, but hamid  tells her  a  satellite  was  in rotation in space  sent   some time  back  it  controlled  the  metal  of  the  ring , recharged  it  electro magnetically  , the  wearer  would  be  the  target,  he  twists  the  metal  of  it  and  fixes  it  onto  the  locked  handle  door

from previous--

--hamid  tells  fanny  to  take  out  the  ring  from her  finger  quickly  because  it  was  meant  to kill her, it  was  the  murder  weapon used  when nothing  else  besides  this  was  found  on the  ones   found  dead  in the  niagara  falls

from previous--

faridi   is  absent  , hamid  has  no idea  of  his  where abouts, almost  cursing  him he  looks   around  him , fanny  was  wearing  a  beautiful  ring, diamond  ring on her  finger  that was  not  on her  finger  minutes  ago

Zehrila Sayara

fanny  and  hamid   were  there  ,  someone  called  out threateningly  at  them from  a  corner, it  was   singh , two  of  his  men were  with him,  fanny;s father  was  dead, she  starts  crying  but  both  were  imprisoned,   hamid is  full of  life  , he  has  a  wicked  sense  of  humour, fanny  thinks  he  was  crazy  then changes  her  mind  decisively  and  tells  him he  is  mad

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

from previous--

he  claimed  he  had  called  the  nine  eleven  number  when he was  held  up  by  the  killer, but  they  came so  late  , later  than one  hour    by that  time  he  was  being   being  interrogated,  and  the  suspect  had  run away

from previous--

the  homicide  squad  was  present  , the  investigation was  conducted  by  the  officer , a  dead  body  was  by  chance  dug  out  from a  construction site,  it  looked  more  than fifteen months  old, the  face  of  it  was  completely  destroyed

Khauf Muhabbet

he  was  around  twenty  , a  man  of  good  looks, long  lanky  golden blonde hair  hanging  loosely  over  his  shoulders, , in new  york    at, bus  terminal he  entered  looking  around  with  searching  eyes,  rather nervously  , he  waited  in queue  to  get  a  ticket  to  atlanta  city, but  because  he  was  engrossed  in  faces  the  man at  the  counter  almost  raised  his  voice  to  ask  him to  get  his  ticket  as  the  young man  stared  at  a  boy  in the  corner

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

from previous--

nik  tells  ms  hope  he  can not  in his  bad  condition with a  fractured  leg  move  around  , he  can not  move  and  hardly  steal  a  grilled  turkey  from a  party  using  crutches, she   gives  him all his  fees  in advance  and  promises  975000 dollars  after  robbery, nik  jumps  up  on his  legs  , he  was  ready  to  break  his  leg  for  that  amount  in every  case