Tuesday, April 30, 2013


life  is  a  battle, success may  or  may  not  come to  everyone, from defeat  lessns  must be  taken, learning  to  live  is  a  science  and  a  difficult  art, many  people  are  happy  but  still play  the  victim of  circumstances, unthankful as they  remain, never  show  gratitude  to  the  almighty  , they  lust  for  more  and  stay  unsatisfied,  the  useless idle  people  justify  their  condition of  watsed  state , cometition is  not  a  rule  to  win,   doing  something  positive  is, huma  shows the  difference  in attitudes  of the  destructive  and  the  creative  positive  people, interesting  stories  are  educative and  mind tickling

Pakeeza Anchal--May

unhealthy  and  sick  society  pose  more  danger  to  its  citizens  than sefety,  one  after  another  shameful wolfish  attacks  on women , leaving  them in cabbage  state  by  the  men of  prey  reflects  what  are  the  weaknesses  in our   lifestyles, pakeeza  anchal  drapes  the  readers  in a  moral  code  of  conduct, teaches them to  be  more  alert  , behave  sacredly  first  towards  himself  , not  attracting  dirty  glances  from the  useless discarded  filthy  tongues  , though  purity  also  is  destroyed  by them , media  plays  very  important role  in broadcasting  such  juicy  stories  not  bothering  to  stop  such  events, television serials  have  infected  the  idle minds  leaving them for  asking  for  moreso  watch  your  every  step  , each one  of  you is  an  equally  responsible  partner  in crime

from previous--

meher jan rushed  into  roma's  room, who  quickly  hid  her  wireless under  the pillow, from  meher jan's  eyes  flew sparks, and  tongue  lashed  out  at  her, , why  was  she  awake  so late  at  night  , was  it  a  holiday  the  next  morning, who was  she  talking to  , wasting her  energy, looking  around  , the  phone  from under  the pillow  was pulled  out, to  find  out  who  was  roma  talking  to  , she  was  about  to press the  number list when the  phone  rang  shrilly in the  silence  of  the  night, roma  stood  in a  corner  , her  mother  answered  the call, it  was  kainaz, meher jan before  switching  off the  phone advised  her  to be  a good  girl  and  go  to bed  , both  girls  were  given a  lecture  , were they  sent  to  colleges  to  study  or  to  enjoy, 


with blood  and  sweat  seasons of  autumn and  spring are  nurtured
though  planting  saplings  is  easy  enough in soils
those  seasoned  in the  heat  and  rain will tell
how  comfortable   the  shade  of  home  is
rising  from the  dust  of  defeat  to  glory of  victory
the  way  is  impossible  yet  so  easy to  attain

page 305--kuch log

some  people  are  like houses , hearts desire  to  reside  in their  souls

some  people  are  like  roses, their  presence  is  fragrant and  refreshing

some people  are  like clouds , cooling  off  the  fire  of  hatred  of  others

some  people  are  like mind's  eye  ,when together  new  solutions  are  discovered

Monday, April 29, 2013

from previous--

shamsa goes with nusrat  to  see the  girl  for  nusrat's  son zulfar  who  is  of  quiet nature  and  wants  a  life partner  who is  homey, simple  , not  a  show  off , not  fashionable  but  understanding , who  would  be  steady  homemaker , less of  a  talker  more  of  a  listener, who  would  wisely  handle  all his family  friends and  manage  without  interfering, he  is  told  that his  phoophoo aunt  just  rejected  humiliatingly  faiqa  an ideal  woman because  they  lacked  wealth and were  financially  lower  in society


nusrat  wants  her  son zulfar  to  get  married  to  a  suitable  and  compatible  young  woman, she  can not go  alone  to  accept  or  reject  the  girl ,she  takes  her  sister  in law  shamsa  with her, to  see faiqa  a  homely  all rounder  girl who  serves  them tea  and  dishes  home cooked  , but  shamsa  whispers  out  loud  enough  in nusrat"s  ear  insulting  the  host"s  family  , that they  were  not  well off  of  their  status  and  level 

Sunday, April 28, 2013

page 287

the  difference  between realtionships  and  business deals  is  the  first  have  to  be  built  and  maintained, the  second  are  fixed  for  investment  and  returns

the  only  truth is  death, hope  is  a  complete  lie

its  our  expectations  not the untrustworthiness of  people  that  make us  unhappy

each  moment  of  time  wasted  is  a  precious  pearl  lost  in the  depth of  ocean

page 283

beware of  picking  up  the  three --
oath, step, pen

avoid  the  three--
vanity, cruelty, greed

keep  them with you--
righteousness, goodness, truthfulness

remember  the  three--
advice, death, favour  done  to  you

Saturday, April 27, 2013

from previous--

like  the  softness of  clouds
like  the flow  of  waters
like a  thought  of  love
between the  two  of  us
making  ways
love  like  a  mystery unsolved
love  crystal clear
in the  whispering  rains
opening up  listening  
picking  up  choicest  dreams  
with closed  eyes
silently  stepping into the  rythm of  heartbeats
love  is  mercurial
clutching tightly the  inner  soul
noisy  yet  stranger  
love  is  like  trickling  water
just  a  thought 
fickle  , mercurial

from previous--

mrs  begh scolded  her  daughter anahita  lovingly  , how  could  she  have  taken such  a  huge  decision without  their  consent  of  going  abroad  , to london to  make  her  career, her  future  was  for  them to arrange  by  giving her  away in marriage  of  their  choice, she  had  spoilt  all their  dreams  and  plans  , she  had  had  all their  support  yet  quietly  on line  she  had  managed  to  find  a  way  of  running  away  from the  trap

Aur Kuch Khwab

when the  lost  friends  reunite
old  wounds in broken hearts  heal
drunk as  i  am enter  eden
blossoms  show  up  in my  honour--

life  was  exhausting  her, it  was  aimless she  felt, life  was  meaningless, what  she  wanted was  out  of  reach, and he  was  disappointing  her 

Friday, April 26, 2013

from previous--

the  phoophi  aunt  wait   for  the  girls  father  to  return from work, in the  evening  she  asks  for  shanya"s  hand  for  her  son, it  came  as  a  surprise  because  she  had  already  married  her  elder  sons  without  proposing them, the  boy  was  under  treatment  , and  a  daily  wager, the  clever  aunt  compares  her  useless  son to  theirs  , like  adnan was  improved  and  reformed  so  would  her  son too, she  wanted  a  bride  who  would  be  old  fashioned  like  herself  who  would  work all day  , take  care  of  the  large  family  , do  the  whole  house  hold  chores , manage  , maintain and  look after  them all , like  she  used  to when she  was  young 

from previous--

the  sisters  liked  sewing  embroidering  sheets  , making  their  dowries, their  mother  guided  them , the  girls  were  groomed to  become  perfect  housewives, one  day  the  girls  aunt  comes  to  lunch, she  asks  them why  they  do  not  become professional  tailors  and  earn to  run their  lives, horrified  they  tell they  were  provided  all they  needed  by  their  father  and  brother , this  was  a  passtime  till they  were  married  off

page 294

it  was  a  very  small room, with two  cupboards  and  one  settee fitted  in just  enough space  was  left  for the  five  of  them to get  in with their  mother,who  had  raised  them in the  cut  out   of  an  ideal  housewife,  in the  community  nobody  wanted  a  bride  who  was  defiant  disobedient  and  more  educated  than neccessary, they  all  had  after  completting  school sat  down to  stitching  and  sewing their  dowry  

Thursday, April 25, 2013


i want  to  tell you  something
in the  mild  drizzle  of  monsoon
you  with your  untied tresses, 
wind  brushing  veil
on the  swing high
my  request  is
in those  special moments  
dedicate  some  to  my  memory
in that  lovely  weather
my  dear
just  remember  me
just remember  me

from previous--

he  walked  the  sea  shores  alone, he  fiemly  decided  he  would disappear  like  the  tides  soon, he  sends  a  message  and  was  about  to  put  back his  cell phone  in his pocket  when it  buzzed, without even bothering  to  look at  the  caller ID  he  answers  it, he  hears  a  female  voice  asking  for  his  help, she  was  nervous, in the  background  so  much  disturbance  and  noise  was  heard, he  asked  her  location , she  was  hiding  somewhere  near the  super  store, 

from previous--

he  walked  alone  , he  thought  he  would  like  the  tides  and  waves  disappear  soon by  tomorrow, he  takes  out  his  wireless cell phone  and  sends  a  message--
you  are  draped  in mist  like  loneliness
my passion, my  prayers , my  shame
when you  sing  it  feels
the  echoes  are  heard  on the  sea  shoes
your  voice  , your  silence-why
impress on my  soul
who  are  you to me
what"s  our  relation
who  are  you  to me-
what"s  our  relation

from previous--

he  walked  the  sea  shores, alone  , watching  with unseeing  eyes  the  people  far  away  moving  like  dots  , the  sea  at  sunset  stretched  like  a  sheet  of  gold, waves  wrinkled  it  in patterns   original, he  would  too  like  the  tides  disappear  soon 

Tum Meri Kaun Ho

arrested  in double  minded  life
feet  torn yet  passion for  travel
heart  trusts  you  completely
fear  of  separation troubles  me 

Khabron Ki Duniya

bollywood  film actor  dalip kumar  promised  his  two  brothers  to give  them sixty thousand  per  month  with  new  apartments  in the  building  he  would  construct  if  they  vacated  the  pali hill home, both brothers  live  with friends  and  wellwishers   but  still await  their  share , saira  banu  refuses  to  discuss publically  saying the  matter  is  purely  domestic  issue

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

page 350

as  if  the  dark night  was  bored  , the  silence  broke  itself   with  a  chorus  of  beatles , at  that  very  moment  green light  in the  ground  floor  room of  dilkashan was  seen through the  window, imran and  safdar  came  out  from their  hide out  from the  hedges, like  the  last  time  both  climbed  up the  pipe to  reach the  upper  floor

from previous--

pari  and  her  nau  sat  talking, nanu  invited  her  to  eat  out  with him, she  was  thrilled  she  wanted  her  favourite  flavoured  ice cream on their  way back, asud  had  tried  to  kill himself  because  he  wanted  to  marry  pooja, when he  was  saved  on time he  again tried  to  kill himself , so safdar  got  them married  and  returned  to pakistan, but the  question that  was  troubling pari  was  why  was  it  so  easy  for  her  mother to  break off  ties  from everyone , why  did  she try  to  escape  from reality, first  it  was her  father , then she  now  safdar , why  could  not her  mother  be  more  stable

page 223

when does  she  know
her  attitude  makes  him so
disturbed  uneasy to  make
incomplete  dreams fullfil--
the  moments  of  separations  from the  beloved  are  tiresomely  long and  unending, sherry  finally  when thought he  would  die  waiting  fayaz drove  in with pari  but  sherry  could  not  react  because  of  his  father  mother  and  sisters  were  present watching  him , but  she  had  not  come

page 221

he  brushed  his  hair, then sprayed  his  favourite  perfume  liberally  on himself, then he  looked  at  his  image  reflected  in the  mirror  from all angles  critically  and  finally  pleased  with the  result he emrged  from his  room, mrs  abadi  observed  her  son lovingly  and  whispered  a  chant  to  ward  off evil

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Atishdan Ka But

imran  had  brought  safdar  along  with him, both had  painted  their  faces  and  changed  their  appearances, their  target  was  to  climb the  most  dangerous   building  where  the  most  good looking family  of  distinguished  people  known to them lived,  imran encouraged  safdar  on the  pretext  of  giving him training of  breaking  into  houses  in the  dead  of  the  night quietly, it  was  their  mission , X2 had  instructed  them to  do  so, it  was  confidential  and  official

from previous--

jharna  was  surprised  that  shahid  himself  was  leaving when he  had  saved  her  life , she had  no other  emotional support, he  must  stay  on, ramzan was  amazed  at  shahid"s  decision of  not  leaving  as  before,  shahid  had  changed  his  mind  and  finds  that  he  could  not  hurt  jharna

from previous--

all night  shahid  was  engrossed  in jharna's  beautiful  eyes  , he  could  see her  eyes  were  deep  and  her  face  was  covered  in the  dark, , in the  morning he  had  to  leave , he  was  ready  with his  luggage  when ramzan came  -there  was  a  young woman to  see shahid, surprised  shahid  goes  to the  drawing  room where  jharna sat  on the  carpetted  floor, she  had  a  most  fascinating  face  , her  eyes  were  even more  beautiful than he  remembered  from last night

from badrooh ashiq

he  was  driving  back  late  night , he  saw  a  young  woman on the  lonely  street  crying, he  stops the  car , her  name  she  said  was  jharna , her  parents  were  no more , she  lived  next  to  his  house  with her  uncle  and  aunt  who ill treated  her, she  had  no  other  place  to  go , he  offers  her  to  drive  her  back , she  gets  down  past  his  cottage  and  disappears  in the  dark  shadows  of  the  forest

Monday, April 22, 2013

Bheeghi Palkon Pe

the  journey  of  life  boat  ended  abruptly
the  dream was  of  melting  snows
the  sun burnt  down wax  houses
and  you too brought  glass  covering  

page 211

it is  the  duty  of  the  host  to  entertain the  guests and  the  duty  of  the  woman to  feed  the  family  , be  the  home  maker  and  look after  the  needs  of  her  family, if  she  is  calm gentle  warm and  understanding  she  would  prove  herself  the  best  family  maker  but  if  she  lacks  willingness  her  family  atmosphere  turns  hell , the  woman of  substance  is    not  merely  a  professionally trained  holding  high position but every  home  that  is  well run well kept  and  family  is  together  the credit  goes  to  the  wisdom of  the  woman 


smiling  relieves  tension, it  maintains mental  health and  balance  to  combat  life  as  it  comes, its  easy  to  smile  when one  is  already  happy  but  learning   to  smile  when  its  almost impossible  would  also  help  the  practitioner , wearing  a  false  smile  is  not  useful but  to  feel  inner  joy  , discovering  some  hidden point  in negative  situations is  the  real key  to  success

Sunday, April 21, 2013

from previous--

it  was  a  very busy  day, that day  naghma's  friends  had  arrived, also  came  asma's  in laws, all the  kababs, pakoras, samosas  and  snacks  she  had  made  herself  without  anyone  giving  her  a  helping hand, she  was  tired  and  exhausted  , from serving  so  many  guests  alone, rahima  was  there  sitting  in competition with asma  more  decorated  and  looking  extremely  made  up  in one  position without  moving  like  a  top model as if  hoping  she would  be  selected  instead  of  asma

from previous--

saiqa  recalls  how  her  khala  aunt had  given her  tips  on her  own life  experience  comparing herself  with her  sister-saiqa"s  mother  -that  being  a  good  cook she  spent  all her  life  in the  kitchen feeding  and  producing  dishes  to please  others, but  in mami aunt  was  over clever  when saiqa  comes  to  stay  with them mami  starts  teaching her  how  to  do  house  chores from cooking  , to  sweeping to  cleaning , to  washing  to  doing the  dishes but  somewhere  in saiqa "s  mind  was  a  stubborn element  that  did  not  allow  her  to  do  the  work properly  , she  did  not  enoy  doing  it, she  would  do  it  badly  and  make  them all angry, but she  was  not  their paid  maid , she  learnt  to  be  patient  instead  of  learning  to  manage 

page 165

saiqa  remembered her  khala aunt's  advice, that  to  enjoy  life  fully  one  must  not  learn to  do  menial  work  , like  her  mother  had  then she  spent  her  life  cooking , washing  and  serving  others  to  keep  them happy, khala  learnt  nothing  and  was  the  queen of  her  family  , others  tried  to  keep her  happy  by  doing  things  for  her , so  there  was no need  for  her  to  learn to  cook new  dishes, her  own daughters  were  perfectly  useless at  kitchen 

Saturday, April 20, 2013

from previous--

saiqa  had  come  to  stay  with her  mother's  brother--mamu uncle's  family, there  were  so  many  of  them in their family, mamu , mami, their  three  daughters  and  one  son sherry, all were  well  educated  yet  their  thinking  and  behaviour  was  backward,  if  she  had  known this  before  saiqa  would never  have  come  to live  with them

from previous--

saiqa  had  lived sometime  with her  aunt, her  mother;s  sister, it  was  nice  living  with them but  her  uncle  was  an uatocratic who  instructed  her  not  to  go  into  the   lawn, not  to  step on the grass, not  to  be  where  she  should  not  be  without  reason without  permission,  but  otherwise  it  was  nice  being  with them 

page 163

everyone  turned  to  look in the  direction from where  the sound  of  breaking  of  glasses  came, the  host  and  the  family  and  guests  and  friends  all , sherry  was  the  first  to  go  to the kitchen to  find  saiqa  had broken the  set  of  new  glassware, asma  joined  him ,

Badrooh Ashiq

he  tossed  and  turned  but  could  not  go  to  sleep, the  night  was  silent  and  half  way  through, he  wrapped  a  warm blanket  around  himself  , in the  lawn he  took  a  round  , feeling uneasy  , a  fragrance  , an exotic  fragrance  filled  the  air, there  was  noone  around  , not  a  single  soul, no  flower  in autumn, trees had  shed  there  leaves, all  was  dry  and  cold  , but that  perfume  he  had  experienced  in the  room earlier  , it  was  chilling  he  came  in when  the  fragrance  suddenly   swept  past

from previous--

he  was  one  of  the  most  popular  and  wealthiest  swede  , at  sixty  still  unmarried  , he  was  found  murdered, the  suspects  were  his  butler  who  had  been with him for  twenty  two  years, goldy  a  twenty six  year  old  assistant  for  three years, jackson his business   partner , the  lawywer  who  knew  that  the  old  bachelor  was about  to  will  his  all to  goldy, but  why  should  anyone  kill  such  a  nice  man  the  investigating  officer  steps  in  and  finds  his  missing  sister

Friday, April 19, 2013

from previous--

he  was  considered   one  of  the  wealthiest  man in sweden, at  sixty  he  was  still  a  bachelor, he  never  married, a  thorough gentle man  , harmless  and  popular  with people  found  him dead  one  day, it  was  a surprise  who  killed  him, he  had  an old  butler  in his  mansion and  one  twenty  six  year  old  assistant  whom he  was  about  to  legally  declare  his  heiress that  just  his  lawyer  knew  of

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that  he  was dead  spread  like  forest  fire, someone  had  killed  him, he  had  a  heart  of  gold, he  was  amazing  gentle  and  harmless who  could  never  hurt  a  fly , everyone  was  surprised  who  killed  him and  why  

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Ao Kualalumpur Chalein

malasia  has  risen  quickly  in south eastern   asian  countries , it  attracts  global  tourists   and  has  become a  cultural and  modern  center  of  interest, kualalumpore  means  entertainment  enjoyment  and  progress

Jaza-e- Saza

shared  by  mirza  amjad  begh is  one  of  his  life  experiences  , a  case  is  brought him by  a  woman one  day  , how  a  crisis  small it  may  seem could  turn complicated  for  some  , a  challenge  for  the  writer  who  enjoys  solving  impossible  cases, handling  them  with an  expertise  proves  his  commitment


as  if near  you  yet  so  disturbed  
in rage as  if  my  joys
put  off  the  stars  are
as  if  heart burns
fuming  is  light in the  dark
stars  studded  like  tears  in the  veil of  night
restoring  my  troubles  a fresh as  if
blemished  as  if  purity
tear fueled  lamps burn
no hope, no  desire  no  dream no more
turned  down  life  discarding  me
live  life  as  if fully
colours  filled  blossoms
moisture  in dew

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

from previous--

juhi  goes  to her  room, rage  filled  she  throws  all the  things  in the  room  scattering  them, her  love  was just  blossomed for  asud, tai  aunt had  not  come  back, who  could  she  tell , with whom could  she  share her  feelings,  the  engagement  ring  on her  finger  was  a  trap, her  father"s  promise  was  tightening  around  her  neck , her  mother  came  in , she  looked  on mutely, 

from previous--

juhi  could  not  take  a  single  bite  of  her  food   , why  was  she  not  told  , that  shaman   had  once  casually  discussed  it  with her  that  her  phoophi  aunt"s  son washiq  was  an only  son and  suitable  for  him but  that  they  all were  here  for  this  match making  was  aweful, she  was  not  like  ali  who  would  agree to  leave  his  love  to  accept  an  arranged by  family  life  partner

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taking  a  large  helping  of  carrot  halwa  juhi  taunted  rawa  bhabhi  that  she  was  favouring  shaman bhabhi"s  maternal  family   by  serving them so  many  dishes  , rawa  looked  surprised  , she was  doing it  not  for  them but  for  her  juhi"s future in laws  they  were  becoming

from previous--

mashal  was  asked  leading  questions  by  her  paternal  and  maternal  grand maas, about  the  other, if they   criticised , but  mishal  had  a  very  sharp  mind  , she  never  let  down any  of  her  relatives, she  just  jumped  up  into  the  lap  of  the  asker  and  said  she  loved  them and  said  she  was  after  them in  nature  behaviour  and  looks, that  pleased  the  asker  very  much

Ek Thi Mashal

mashal  was  just  seven, it  was  her  birthday  party, all relatives  friends  family  were  present,  she  was  liked  by  all, because  of  her  sweet  temperament, unprovocative  nature, good  behaviour  , the  cake  was  cut, birthday  song  was  sung, celebration begun, cake  pieces  were  being  distributed, she  was  higged   by  every one  turn by  turn, she  was  looking  pretty  in her  barbie  dress