Thursday, October 31, 2013

Pakiza Anchal by the editor

popularity  of  pakiza  anchal  is  spreading  from America  to  Europe  to  middle  east  to  south  asia  , the  reader  community  is  flourishing  healthily  , the  beauty  of  thought  and  idea  provide  nourishment   to  minds  hungering  for  positive  vibes


Urdu  lovers  are  growing  as  rapidly  as  inflation rate,  both  trying  to  beat  the  other, this  issue  of  huma  digest  is  the  successful  result  of  readers  wholehearted support , who  are aggressively   committed  , faithful  and  sincere  in their   reading  who  enjoy  good  stories  on the  themes  huma  is  specialist  in

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Ek Thi Mashal

she  got  down from the  rikshaw, paid  the  money  clutched  in her  hands  very  carefully,  then stood  watching  the  rikshaw  going  away  far  in the  distance  for   very  long  time,  then she  thought  why  was  she  there, what  was  her  reason to  come  , a  vague feeling  of  helplessness  enveloped  her

from previous--

najab"s   ama had  gone  to  Lahore  to  visit  her  brother   there, najab  was  under  great  pressure, tension was  killing her, she  walked  up  and  down to  release  her  negative  energy, on one  side  was  happiness  of  her  mother  father  and  family  on the  other  weighed  her  down her  own love  , how  could  she  balance  this  , she  was  to  find  a  solution

Chand Aur Muhabbet

she  was  uneasy  feeling  uncomfortable  ,  walking  up  and  down,  so  long  without  reason finally  bebe  putting  her  box  of  beetle  leaves  away  had  to  ask  her  why  she  was  so  fidgety like  a  burnt  cat  tossing  and  turning

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Andaz E Fiqr

fools  use  more  arguments than brainy  logic

death  overrules  all other  rules

physical  attractions  can be  destructive  if  not  wisely  controlled

writing  is  a  silent  voice, the  pen its  speech

from previous--

adla  discussed  the  matter  seriously  with Aisha , after  her  father"s  death there  was  nobody  to  help them, she  had  to  run their  home  on their  own, how  could  she  give  away  her  jewellery  , Aisha  was  not  married  , that  gold  would   make  them secure, she  had  never  shared  her  problems  , not  allowed  her  to  forget   their  relatives, not  to  learn to  hate  them , but  marriage  she  herself  must  arrange  and  the  gold  she  kept    was  useful

from previous--

shavez  was  still watching  the  anelic  beauty  leaving  when his  cell buzzed, it  was  ali  his  friend  messaging him , whose  wife  was  gone  to her  parental house , ali  was  missing  her  , the  hurt  was  infectious, shavez  was to  call him back

from previous--

shavez  zakir  was  still up  in the  wee  hours  of  the  enchanting  moonlit  night  , some  magic  of  the  night had  touched  his  aching  heart , when suddenly  on the  house  terrace  opposite  directly  to his  study  room window  opened  , and  a  angelic   young  woman in white  holding  a  cup of  steaming  tea  emerged  on the  terrace  , she  had  switched  on her  lights  , gazing  casually  at  the  moon she  looked  heavenly, long  plaited  thick  hair  , hanging  on her  shapely  back, her  large  innocent  eyes reflecting  thoughtfully  , suddenly  she  felt  someone  was  watching  her , she  looked  around  , unable  to  locate  the  gaze  of  shavez  she  quickly  shut  the  lights  off  and  turned  and  left 

Agahi Karab Musalsal

there  was  slow  magic  mixed  in the  moonlit  night,, the  full moon cast  its  enchantment glowing  bright  , the  stars  faded  away  in the  background,  he  was  in his  study  room  , for  past  many  hours   looking at  the  scene  outside, sitting  in his  revolving  chair, the  room lights  were  not  on, over  awed  by  the  night  scape  he  was  mesmerized  by  the  ethereal  beauty

Monday, October 28, 2013

from previous--

the  three  women  associates  find  the  house  and  press the  door bell, the  door  was  opened  by  the  father  in law, they  all were  made  to  feel  very  welcome, the  sisters  in law  very  politely  served  them soft  drinks, the  mother  in law  was  happy  to  meet  them, but razvana  was  sleeping  in her  room , the  door  to  which was  shut  from inside, the  knocking  was  ignored  , finally  they  were  asked  by  the  mother  in law  to  give  her  a  call on the  cell phone  that  they had  come  to see her  , , quickly razvana  opened  the  door  to them, in conspiratorial  tones  she  also  said  she  did  not  open the  door  thinking  it  was  them--her  in laws, the  women were  embarrassed

from previous--

samya, hanya  and  shobya  go  to  meet  razvana  who  was on bed  rest  with  a  sprained  foot, nobody  had  before  been to  her  house, but  shobya  knew  the  whereabouts  as  it  was on her  way home, razvana  had  told  them she  was  very  upset  with her  in laws  , the  sisters  in law  and  the  mother  in law  ill treated  her

from previous--

razvana  is  a  woman  of  different  nature  from shobya, she  believes in enjoying  life  to  the  fullest  without   sacrificing  self  interest, using  others  to  move  up  in society,   she  enjoys  sharing  other  people"s  stories  with  shobya  who is  a  quiet  person, when a  new  teacher  joins  school razvana  says  it  was  a  special  appointee wife  of  a  army  officer  who  should  be  given  a  helping teacher  "s  status  and  the  previous helping  teachers  should  be  promoted   

Ujley Mann

shobya  is  a  school  teacher  who  works  honestly,  she  is very polite  by  nature,  married  and  professionally  working  she  faces  problems  everywhere  because  she  hates  arguments,  she  is  the  house  in charge  of  sports  function in school, she  needs  one  day  leave  that  the  principal  rejects  because  the  school management  loses  credibility 

Saturday, October 26, 2013

from previous---

sofya  and  nahis  at  dusk   hurried  homewards, it  was  sofya"s  slight  limp  that  slowed  their  pace  as  the  dusk  stretched  its  dark  sheets   quickly  over  the  horizon, painting  all  beneath it  black, nahid  was  annoyed  , she  had  to  call  nabil at  seven but  she  had  forgotten her  cell phone

from previous--

it  was   dark  , the  night  was   getting  on  to  small  hours, night  peeped  in the  rooms  from glass  windows  to  see  him watching  some  English  movie  alone, in his  casual  attire,  his well built  body  was  quite  attractive  , black  trousers  and no  shirt  ,  showed  off his  muscles  to  his  favour

Tang Alud Ainey

the  world  is  an  examination center  where  every  p living  person has  to  pass  his  life  which  is  an examination,  major  or  minor, , easy  or  impossible  , each  one  of  us  must  appear  and  face  it, some  are  blessed  , others deprived  , some  have  natural  talent  others  learn skills, every  one  must  prove  his  worth

from previous--

naiman  looks  at  barham  when he tells  hi  that  he  had  lost his  cell somewhere , though  cheap  it  was  his asset, naiman  has  a  gift  from his  uncle  who  had  given him a  cell previous  year  on his  visit  that  is  still not  in use  because  naiman has  a  cell of  his  own choice  , he  wants  to  give  the  extra  one  to  barhan ,who  is  not ready  to  accept  such  a  expensive  gift  that  is  initially  not  meat  for  him

from previous--

shah  alam  was  surprised  why  his  grand  daughter  kainaz  wanted  barham"s  contact at  that  late  night  hour, she  tells  him about  the  forgotten cell, he  might  need, actually  alam shah  thought  she  wanted  some  explainaition  on her  difficult  chapters  done 

from previous---

kainaz sees  off barham,  it  was  already  late  and  dark  when she  arranges  things  and    eats  her  dinner, she  had  observed  barham had  forgotten his  cell phone  in her  house, she  goes  to  meet  her  grandfather  who had  gone  to  bed  , the  night bulb  showed  he  was  trying  to  sleep, she  asked  him if  he  had  barham  "s contact  number


sunscorched exhausted  traveller   can  appreciate  the  cool  shade  of  his  home  walls  , the  welcoming  door  that allows  him the  comfort  he  enjoys,  it  is  easy  to  plant  trees  but  without  proper  care  they  would  not  grow, all  bonds  need  wise  understanding  or  the  ties  get  killed

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Chicken momo with rice

mix  ginger  , garlic  paste  , red  chilli  powder, salt  to  taste, a  little  yogurt,   garam masala, zeera  , together
on the  chicken make  cuts  with  a  knife  and  marinate  with this  above  mixture,
bake  in over  for  twenty  minutes  till tender 
serve  with  rice 

Bache Ki Zimmedari aur lunch box

a  good  mother  is  she  who  raises  her  children lovingly  carefully  and  with  understanding  responsibility,  value  of  nutritious  food  is  as  important  as  life  quality  itself, values  of  all things  depend  on the  willingness  of  the  mother  , if  she  is  carelss  she  would  ignore  and  overlook her  own involvement  as  a  result  her  children and  family  suffer

Asal hakayat

zarin  was  crying, a  huge  heap of  tissue  was  piling  up, her  eyes  were  red, lashes  damp, face  hot, she  tried  to  balance  her  emotional  status  by  attacking  it  with  kalim's  name  , after  all he  was  the  cause  of  it  all, the  canteen man  said  she  could  sit  there  crying  as  long as  she  wanted  but  if  she  broke  glasses  or  threw  around  pieces  of  furniture  and  scattered  crockery  she  would  be  made  to  clean it  up  all, she  who  had  never  even  picked  up  at  home  a  thin  light  weight   blade  of straw

Naye Khwabon Ki Eid

he  asked  his  mother  to  promise  him that  by  the  next  eid  she  would  marry  him off, it  was  the  day  of  eid, mother  was  in the  kitchen cooking  biryani, with a  spoon she tried  to   cover  the  dish  of  biryani with  its  lid, as  he  sat  there  eating  sheer  khurma

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Raqs Bismil

afya  beghum "s  daughter  madar murtza  and  her  friend farha  are  not  allowed  to  meet  afya  beghum"s  friends  , many  restrictions  are  applied  on them, farha  is  to  marry  shamina  durani"s  son in kerachi, her  mother goes  to  meet  her  there but  now  educated    young  women have  fire  in them

Dhundh Ke Uss Paar

qarat  is  an only  child  raised  lovingly , she  has  grown up  head  strong, she  was  engaged  to  be  married  long  ago  , as  in conservative  families  tradition is  to  arrange   matrimonial  alliances by  elders, amongst  their  known  friends  families, but  modern generation refuses  to  follow  old  fashioned  customs, so  did  qarat  , she  was  in love  with hamad    a  fellow  student  in the  university


in summers  cooking  becomes an ordeal, heat  scorches  the  person  who  cooks, why  not  instead  use   some  clever  tips   to  eat  better  diet  made  of  good  fresh vegetables  and  fruits   of  the  season , balanced  as  it  is  cool it  would  keep  one, saving  time  and  energy  and  beat  the  heat

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Khabron Ki Dunya

bangkok in thailand  have  registered  with  world  records  their  national  with  proper  documents  that  he  is  the  oldest  man alive  at  the  age  of  119

page 353

then  how  was  zulfar  sneaked  out  , the  whole  story  was  told, the  trolley  was  taken to  laundary  room from where  it  was  easy  to  secretly  carry  out  the  whole  episode 

Nukta Chini

critisicing  , criticism is  a  tendency in some  people  , it  comes  natural  to  them, they  ignore  their  own faults  and  find  faults  in others, spouse  is  a  life  long  partner  easily  available  always  at  home  when on e  wants  to  use  their  own  criticising  habit, mostly  such  people  are  actively  disliked  for  their  negative attitude  , but  the  victim is  life  partner  , pecking the  spouse  is    very  common , 

Waldin Ka Gussa

parents  are  after  all  human  beings  like  their  children , not  eternal  , not  immortal, not  perfect,  they  pour  out  their  own  worries  to  who  ever  is  ready  to  listen, sharing  makes  life  easier, but  to  every  problem is  a  solution  one  must  find  himself  , not  trained  to  get  answers  quickly  parents  tend  to  incorrectly   press  their  own family  specially  children  to  release  their  tension and  building  mental pressure  they  can not  handle  which is  very  wrong

Hasin Tips

beauty  tips  easy  to  use  at  home, using   vegetables  and  fruit  found usually  in the  kitchen, --apples, coconut, cucmber, rosewater, sulphur  and   multani  clay  for  looking  and  feeling  great

Monday, October 21, 2013

Halakat Khez

the  air craft  circling  over  the  town of  darulaslam  full  of  palm trees, was  about  to  land, all  the  passengers  aboard  had  tightened  their  seat  belts, ready  to  land, the  best  hotel  there  was  booked  already  for  them all, they  were  to  stay  there, mehsin knew  that  zulfar's  pocket  did  not  allow  such  an  expebsive  hotel  , one  eighty  shillings  a day  just  for  lodging  and  no meal

from previous--

koopar  prides  in his  collection of   knives , when leslie  uses  wrong  knife  to  cut  tomato  salad  he  gets irritated , lecturing  her  so  long  on the use  of  right correct  knife, the  one  she  held  was  good  for  chopping  fish  and  chicken  pieces  separating  flesh  from bones  , before  that  the  knife  was  used  to  make  steak


carl  is  a  detective  and is  investigating a  case , he  calls  in   leslie  who  wants  him to  quickly  finish  interrogating  her  , she  has  to  go  to  hospital,  she  is  getting married  to  koopar  in april, they  are   steady  and  dating  regularly

Sunday, October 20, 2013


stories  are  good, stories  are  bad, they  like  life, which  can be  either  good  or  bad, but  only  once  it  can be given a  chance  to  prove  itself

Phone Call

the  phone  in the  corner  of  the  room was  silent  yet   in focus  of  all,, helen finally  picked  up  the  receiver  to  check  it  if  it  was  working  or  not, the  phone  was  fine  and  working  but  stubbornly  not  ringing  up

Gazal--page 271

eager  is  all  eagerness
to  meet  their  beloved
life  is  spent 
 that  was  not  easy  to  spend
peaceful sleep  also  
belongs  to  memory
tell  them someone  
heart  awaits  beloved to  behold
sorrows  destined  in his  fate
each  one  waits  his  turn

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Hairaton Ka Sheher--page 269

an  amzing  story  from past  about  hazrat  noah  "s  daughter  on whose  name a  township was  founded,   a  very  strong  invader  discovered  a  cave  where  her  dead  body  for  hundreds  of  years  lay  still fresh  and  looking  alive  with a  saying  that  made  the  invaders  quickly  shut  the  entrance  of  the  cave

Gazal-page 267

the  towns  where  almighty  is  forgotten
soils  are  embraced  by  weeping  rains
amazing  the  beauty  , beauty  of  attitude
close  to  associates, also  faithful  to  beloved


life  seems  full of  blessedness
studded  with  stars  and  pearls
hesitant  holding  their  hand
magic  of  love  spell was  cast
when tales  of  faith narrated in gathering
faces  many  lowered and  paled  

from previous--

the  young man  in his  thirties  was  very  well dressed, his  appearance   expressed  his  status  , the  experienced   police  man  eyed  him, his  job  and  trained  to  surmise  people  told  him to  be  extra  polite  to  the  stranger  who  had  rushed  into  the  police  station, the   man  breathlessly  informed  them his  wife  and  children were  taken hostage


it  was  a  remote  rural  area, a  three  piece  suited  well dressed  proper  and  decent  ran  into  the  police  station located  at  the  back  of  nowhere,  the  guard  was  supposed  to  stop  him from entering  , he  was posted  there  to  prevent  everyone, but  looking at  his  condition, and  the manner  and  style  and  status  he  dared  not  stop  him

Friday, October 18, 2013

Tum Kya Jano

ramsha  is  the  beautiful happy  bride  to  be, getting married  to  zohaib  who  secretly  rings  her  up  , they are  not  allowed by  their  conservative  parents  to  meet  as  the  modern couples  meet  and  date  each  other  till the  last  moment  , traditions  make  the  flame  of  love  kindle  steadily, 

Extract from Kanch Ki Aurat

a  small extract  from the  book --kanch ki  aurat  -woman  is  regarded  as  brittle, like  glass  that  breaks  easily  , touch  it  hard  enough  and  it  shatters  in thousands  of  pieses, but  what  people  forget  is  that  glass also  has  one  more  peculiar  attribute--  attribute  of  transparency--woman  is  also  like  glass  --book  written by  manza  saham

Tum Mere Sath Raho

asud  was  talking  on the  phone, concerned  about  beghum zaris, in hospital, he  also  knew  she  was  improving  but  still under  observation she  needed  attention,  hamad  had  reached  there  alone  without  shamsa, it  hurt  the  beghum because  it  meant  she  was  no longer  of  any  value  to  shamsa, and  hamad  was  being  dutiful  to  comfort  her

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Izhar e muhabbet

women  are  romantics  by  nature,  men are  lovers, but  every  human being  is  unique  and  has  a  personal  style  of  expressing   his  love  , everyone  does  not    say  the  three  precious  words--I  Love  You--  love  can be  shown in various  manners  of  taking care  of  the  beloved, giving  him importance  , respecting  their  wishes  over  other  matters, preference  is  given them ,cheap  arguments  are  by  passed

from page 223

a  wealthy  woman  fired  her  bautiful  maid  who  was very  attractive  , saing  what  would  now  her  husband  do  without  her , they  would  miss her, the  maid   replied  not  to  worry  because  the  man was  going  with her

when the  man returned  home  from work  his  wife  complained  the  driver  had  hit  the  car   second  time  , she  fortunately  survived  the  bad  acident, the  driver  must  be  fired,  his  services   no  longer  needed , 
the  man  said  they  must  give  him another  chance

a  man"s  wife  died, the  funeral  was  turning  the  corner  when her  corpse  hit  the  pole  on the  roadside, the  dead  woman got  up  alive , all  went  home, some  days  later  again she  was  found  dead, this  time  the  man  was  careful  at  the  turning  in the  corner  that  the  corpse  did  not  touch  the  pole  at  any  cost


leutanant  fletcher  repeated  the  answer  of  the  ma  sitting  before  him --so  he  was  not  anywhere  near  hotel plaza  the  night  before,  that  he  was  some  twenty  miles  away  , he  had  boarded  a  bus,  not  even  within  couple  of  miles  near  the  plaza  hotel, fletcher  crushed  the  cigarette  stub into  the  ash tray and  looked  around