Saturday, May 31, 2014

Guftgu--june huma

the  beauty  of  urdu  language  is   polished  by  the  sincerity of  the  urdu  lovers  and  readers, who  encourage  others   with their  ettiquettes , style  and  originality, the  veteran  urdu  reader  community   guides  the  new  generation  of  readers  to  enjoy  as  much  as  they  have,the  richness  of  the  language  is  in relishing  it  and  discussing  it  , admiring  it  with  total  truthfulness, maturity  is  not  in ageing but  in understanding  of  thought , the  increasing  number  of  new  members  of  huma  subscribers  proves  how  much  work  is  done  with  complete  sincerity and  wholeheartedness, feedback  is  invited

june pakeeza anchal--

there  are  innumerable  sources  of  information  in this  present  modern  times, the  world  is  educated  and  enjoys  updating  latest   know  how, every  information  is  not  correct, because  half  truth is  a  dangerous  thing  more  harmful than productive, sorting  out  right   meaningful  information  needs  intelligence  , it  is  very  important  to  retain  individuality  and  identity  on the  personal  , social  and  communal  level, 

Friday, May 30, 2014

from previous--

khan jahan and  sayed  jalal   speculated  the  reasons   for  the  fakir who  was  avoiding   an  audience  with  the  baadshah, he  had  said  it  was  against  his  lifestyle  but  it  was  also  a  cause  of  loss  of  his  spirituality, for  the  fakir the only  thing  that   mattered was  purity  of  heart  to  become  one  with the  universal  soul, 

from previous--

jahangir  reached  the  sheikh    shah  alam"s  tomb  and  offered  his  prayers , then he  began  to  look into  the  rooms  , hoping  to  find  the  fakir  in one,  but  his  room was  found   vacant,  to  the  surprise  of   sayed  jalal  and  his  supporter   khan  jahan, they  secretly  feared   the  wrath  of  the  fakir  which  can  destroy  kingdoms , fakir"s  wrath is  stronger  than his  blessings  and  presence  and  stronger  than  the  baadshah's  wrath 

from previous--

jahangir  asked  curiously  from khan baba  where  could  he  meet  the  hazrat, ,khan  jahan  knew  the  hazrat  niyamat  allah  well , who  would   not  meet  the  baadshah  because  it  was  against his   fakiri  lifestyle,  khan  baba  was  sent  to  arrange  an audience  between the  baadshah  and  niyamat allah, who  flatly  refused  again, but  jahangir  reached  the  mazar  of  sheikh  shah  alam 

wali kamal--

it  is  said--if  the   baadshah  is  fakir    then  all  the  fakirs  in his  kingdom  live  like   baadshahs  ,sayed  jalal  was  also  among  the  welcome  team  when the  baadshah  entered  gujrat, all  surrounded  him because  it  was  a  matter  of  pride  and  honour,  but  niyamat  allah  stayed  in his  room, never  emerging  to  meet  the  baadshah

Thursday, May 29, 2014

from previous--

the  sun that  shone  bright  in her  life  began to  burn furiously  , burning  down her  happiness,  zen  was  reading  the  letters , recorder was  played , an  emotional  male  voice  was  confessing  his  love  for  rabi , childishly, he  was her  student  once  upon  a  time  , adamant, stubborn and  childish, imature, who  always  showed  his  crush  for  her  articulating  expressively , she  laughingly  to  console  him had  admitted  motherly  she  too loved  him, but  the  listeners  in the  room did  not  knwo  of  it, she  hid  herself  in her  room, the  sun  can  sooth  and  heal  but  can  also kill scorchingly

from previous--

the  courier  had delivered  a  khakhi  envelope, zen  had  received it  , signed  on the  sheet, all gathered  around  because  it  was  odd  who  could  send  them  an  envelope  that  fat, quickly  opening  it  up  exclaiming  with surprise   they  all  looked  at  the  letters, greetings, flowers, poems,  and  messgaes  and  pictures  and  a  recored  falling  out  , these  were  by  someone  who  had  written them all but  never  sent  them to  their  destination

Koi Chand Rakh Meri Sham Per--

zen  was  hugging  his  daughter  jugnu, as  rabi  watched  them and  smiled, he  declared  both of  them were  his  life, he  could  not  live  without , he  could  give  up  rabi  but  never  jugnu, the  sun of  joy  was  shining  bright  in her  life"s  garden

Low Blood Pressure

blood  pressure  is a  dreaded  symptom, high  or  low   the  patient  suffers, lack  of  energy,  spinning  head,  loss  of  appetite, and  dehydrated  condition,  listless  and  depressive  attitude,  one  must  get   hypotension free  by   regular  check  ups

from previous--

tahir  could  not  take  it  any  more, he  could  not  stand  a  moment  longer, he  was  drained  out  of  his  energy, he  came  back  to  his car  and   fell  into  his  seat, the  cell buzzed, sabina  calling  shone  on the  screen, he  picked  it  up, why  had  she  cheated  him, why  did  she  play  games  , sabina  answered  it  was  him playing  games  , after  his  innings  he  never  gave  her  a  chance  to  complete  hers, thsi  was  final, she  had  hit  him completed  the  game  he  had  started, and  scored  her  self   flying  colours , the  game  ended  there  to  begin a new  life

from previous--

tahir  wanted  to  meet  his  friend  ahmed"s  brother  , ahmed  and  his  bride  arrived,   the  groom looked  so  happy  and  elated,  the  video  makers  asked  to  remove  the   veil of  the  bride  a  bit  for  pictures, tahir  was  stunned  what  a  beauty  she  was, was  she  not  her, how  could  there  be  another  one  like  her, ahmed"s  sister   chattered   the  bride  was  older  to  grrom but  they  were  meant  to  be  life  partners, 

page 204--

he  sat  in the  marriage  hall , it  was decorated  for  the  function, illuminated  and  beautifully  welcoming, the  bride  and groom yet  had  to  arrive, he  was  making  plans  promising  himself  this  time  he  would  prove  worthy  of  her, be  good, not  fail her, not  resign  from his  job, 
on the  phone  he  spoke  to  her  that  her  house  was  near  they  should  quickly  get  married,

page 185--

from ashfaq  ahmed's  book--
the  writer  says  in his  book it  is  not  important  to  be  the  first  love  of  someone  , what   matters  is  be  the  last  love  in his  life  , after  you   there  is  no  other  love, their  search  ends  on you, no  matter  how  many  times  they  sought  love  all their  life  before  meeting  you  , the  realisation  that  you  were  the  one  being  sought    and  found  , one  feels  life  is  accomplished

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

from previous--

sabina  listened  to  alam ghir's  voice  singing--

return  home  before  dusk
when the  sunlight  is  fading  away
flowers  in full bloom
bring  with you  all the  seasons
all the  happy  days  are  here to  stay
what  are  we  destined  for
all my  life  dedicated  to  you
life  is  an   excuse  mere
just  because  you  are  here
the  world  is  at  my  feet
all my  life  is  for  you
why  distances  remain
return  home before  dusk
when the  sunlight  is  fading  away

from previous--

sabina  started  her  car  , he  opened  the  door  and   settled himself  down ,next  to  her, he  wanted  to  talk, she  looked  at  him and  shouted  she  did  not  know  who he  was , she  would  call the  guards, he  was  stalking  her, her  tone, her  attitude  was so confident  and  threatening, he   stepped  out, as  she  drove  off, ages  had  passed,  but  sabina  had  not  changed  a bit , he  kept  on looking  as  she  disappeared , but  she  did  not  turn  back

from previous--

sabina  almost  ran  towards  the  hotel  leaving  her  car  at  the  parking,  quickly  finding  a  hide  out  she  chose  a  table  , her  back  was  towards  the  main entrance, he  followed  her  calling  after  her,  , pulling  a  chair  he  seated  himself  , if  she  had   not  failed  to  recognise  him , he  too  had   noticed  her  and   looked  very  excited  and  eager  to  talk , making  sure  it  was  the  same  tahir  she  clutched  her  car  keys, put  the  cell in bag, picking  it  up  she  left

Drama Khatm--

life  is  strange,  the  world  is  round,  she  had  known it  all  along  that  life  was  really  stranger  than fiction , and  that  the  world  was  round  was  proved  just  now,  when she  left  her  office  in the  car  the  world  was  straight, when she  entered  the  mall  the  world  was  straight, when she  emerged  out  it  began raining  and  then she  saw  him standing  in the  rain and  her  head  began  to  spin

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Khabron Ki Duniya--

now  railway   will provide  information to  waiting list  travellers  through SMS  , in new  delhi

hema  malini  the  famous  bollywood  actoress  wants  to  learn  urdu, she  always   wants  to  keep  learning  all her  life   the  things  she  could  not  earlier  because  she  had  then no  time  on her

from previous--

arma  had  confessed, she  desired  no  name, no  property, faridi  and  hamid  discussed  the  matter  , native  australians  catch   wild  horses  with  a  special peculiar  grass  grown  in the  forests   that  smells   good  to  the  wild  horses,  this  grass  was  found  packed  in small   bags  in  the  room  hamid   boasted  he  got  the  tip  off  long  time  before  the  case  was  solved

from previous--

he   locked  his  mouth  for ever , because  he  knew  salomi  was  not  his  daughter, but  he  could  not  face  the  world  , he  raised  her  as  his  , then from australia  he  moved  back  to  england where  salomi  was  considered  his daugter,  arma  was  his  orphaned  niece, with whom he  conspired  to  get  rid  off  salomi for  his  share  of inheritance

from page 352--

then all  of  them  left  salomi  in the  room and  moved  into  another  to  talk, zapon  said  he  married  very  late  in life, he  was  a  woman  avoider,  but  when he  met  the  woman  who  came  in his  life  who  had  all  the  qualities  he  desired  in his  wife  he  quickly  married  her,  he  felt  blessed  till  salomi  was  born five  months  later   and  the  woman  died  in childbirth

Monday, May 26, 2014

from previous--

nobody  is  ever  alone, because  everyone  has  dreams  and  desires  to  chase,  only  the  one  who  can  never  desire   is   destined  to  be  alone  , age  gives  experience  to  man, enrichening  his  life, life  is  the  only  teacher  that  gives  useful lessons  , said  the  old  man  philosophically, hamid  enjoyed  his  company  , every  year  he  visited  ramgarh  and  offered  them to  show  them new  places  of  interest  as  their  guide, 

from previous--

hamid  joined  a  group  of  seven whites  because  he  was  alone  and  there  were  two  young  women in the  group,  he  asked  in his  most  polite  tone  the  old  man  who  seemed  to  be  the   caretaker  of  the  girls  if  he  could  join the  party, the  old  man  was  sharp, shrewd, quick  wit  and  funny, he  welcomed  him , so  did  the  girls  smilingly  but  the  other  four  remained  serious  as  ever

from previous--

ponies  for  tourists  were   of  very  good  nature  selected  by  their  owners,  walking  up  and  through  hills  and  forests  carrying  them   it  felt  the  poor  creatures  were  engrossed  in some  deep  meditative  philosophical   thought, walking  monotonously, unagressive, unattacking, not  very  eager  , unexcitedly

Dhuan Hui Diwar--

the  horses  were  running  at  great  speed, strange  it  was, all  the  tourists   tightly  wrapped  their  arms  round  the  necks  of  their  horses  in fear,  in ramgarh  for  tourists  in the  season   very  gentle  and  mild  natured  beasts  were   kept   that  every  tourist  with his  eyes  shut  could  mount  and  ride, but  this  was  amazing  

from previous--

johny   steps  into  the  room, shela  was  deep  into  some  kind  of  reverie , thoughtful  and  silent,  it  was  their  routine  to  spend  time  together  talking  , exchanging  notes   of  the  entire  day, but  she  had  not  noticed  him at  all, he  had  also  come  to  know  all  about  her  , her  secrets  , what  had  occured  at  the  super  store

Sunday, May 25, 2014

from previous--

behind  every  crime  there  is  a  reason--, money, woman  or  landed  property, both  johny  and  sheila  discuss  how  naghina  was  , what  naghi  was  , but  disputes are  not  settled  so  easily, because  humans  have  no  control over  their  greed  and  emotions

from previous--

afzal khan had  refused  to  join  naghi,  again the  pistol  was  pointing  his  head, the  trigger  this  time  was  about  to  be  pressed  when someone   like  a  fisherman  came  in,  it  was  lochan in disguise, jagga  was  with him, both  change  the  scenario, naghi  was  now  held  at  gun point, jagga   lets   afzal  go  because  once  he  had  rescued  him


afzal  was  held    at  gun point, naghi  was  pressing  the  trigger  then stopped, he  offered  him a  a  second  chance  on the  condition he  would  remain lyal  to  him after  he  was  let  free, that  he  would  never  show  up  again, afzal  khan  did  not  promise, he  had  his  reasons,  if  naghi  was  sikander  ali's  man, he  too  was  sent  by  someone  special  whose  name  he  could  not  reveal, naghi  asked  if  it  was  not  aurangzeb, 

from previous--

fariha  remembered  so  clearly  that  anila  had   held  her  hands and   said  after   god  she  was  the  one  whom she  could  depend  upon to  look  after  her  children , she  did  not  fear  death  any  more, , usually  second  wife  is a vamp  , but  both had  lived  like  sisters,  specially  fariha  had  treated  her  so  well, accepted  her  presence  , her  children and  shared  her  rights  with  her

from previous--

fariha  recalled  she  was  so  terribly  upset  when the  medical  reports   declared  she  could  never  in life  bear  children,  rafiq  ahmed  also   had  become  so   listless,   she  had  kept   away  when for  anila the  upper  portion was  built  , how  happy  rafiq  had  been when their  first  son was  born, within a  year  their  second child  Aisha  was  born but  then anila  became  bedridden,  fariha  had   taken over  all the  responsibilities  of  raising  children and  looking  after  them all

from previous--

rafiq  ahmed  looking  around  the  room , over  the  preparations  going  on   stopped    when he  saw  a  picture  on the  wall,  he  was  young  handsome  , standing  with  a  most  beautiful  woma,  fariha  was  ordered  to  remove  it  , so  many  times  in the  past  he  had  asked  her  to, but  se  smiled  and  said  it  was  a  reality, not  a  problem  to  be  solved,  mirrors   told  the  reality, she  was  strong  enough  to  face  the  truth, so  it  would   not  be  removed

Azim Aurat--

rafiq  and  fariha  were  very  busy  with  making  the  arrangements  of  their  daughter  Aisha, their  two  sons  were   abroad  and  not  present  to  help  them around, but  she  was  a  strong  woman, dignified  and   seasoned, her  husband  adored  her  , she  too  lovingly  coaxed  him to  take  care  of  his  diet

Friday, May 23, 2014

from previous--

richard  was  left  alone  , he  wanted  justice, life  was  treating  him unfairly, he  wanted  to  take  revenge, his  wife  gave  him divorce, the  killer  of  his  daughter  was  free, he  sold  out  his  old  property  and  declared  he  was  leaving  town, but  moved  into  a  six  room apartment  near  which  was  a  gas  station he  began working  in at  the counter , 

from previous--

richard  and  gloria  were  happily  married  , their  daughter  was  killed, he  had  seen his  daughter  dying  , in bits,  raquel  was  dead  , this  sara  had  killed  her, gloria  divorced  him because  he  had  changed  , he  was  no  longer  the  man he  used  to  be  , shattered  and  broken, sara  had  left  the  job and  moved  out  to  live  in a  lake  house  and  now  three  years  later  richard  saw  her  , she  was  disguised   as  someone  she  was  not

from previous--

richard  recognised  the  woman  who  was  dressed  beautifully, looked  gorgeous,, her  figure  was   carved  out, she  was  stunning,  she  appeared  so  gentle  and  mild , but  he  knew  she  was  the  one  who  had  killed  his  daughter, he  followed  her  out  whe  she  left   and  noted  down  the  black  ford  number  , jerry  thought  he  had  liked  her  so  much  he  had  gone  to  ask  for  her  telephone  number

Anokhi Saza--

richard  had  been  working  on a  gas  station  counter  for  three years  , his  job was  to  collect  bills  and  give  out  receipts, his  manager  jerry  was  a  bully  and  quite bitter  , but  richard  always  remained  silent, looking  in his spare  time  out  of  the  window  in empty  spaces, till one  day  a  pretty  woman  walked  in

Thursday, May 22, 2014

page 268--

sheba  was  waiting  at  the  lahore  airport  to  board  her  dubai  flight, thinking  all the  time  how  she  had  for  past  twenty  years   used  others  to  take  benefit  , she  had  always  manipulatively  used  others  in her  schemes, this  time  also  sharafat  khan  was there  ready  to  help her  , she  had  not  changed  in looks  , nor  in her  nature, nor  in her  mentality, she  would  follow  his  advice  and  reaching  dubai   start  a  new  life  , she  felt  someone  sitting  next  to  her, turning  she  saw  sharafat  khan--who  had  changed  in these  twenty years  , experienced  and  learned  and  more  seasoned  , he  had  known her  motives  all along  it  was  not  him who  was  fooled  this  time  it  was  her  

from previous--

three   young  men were  fishing  quietly  by  the  sea,  to  pass their  time  they  began  talking, one  bragged  he  was  rich  because  he  was  paid  a  handsome  allowance  by  the  insurance  company  when his  house  was  burnt  down

the  second  also  remarked  that  he  was  also  given a  huge  insurance  when the  fire  broke  out  in his  house

the  third  said  he  was  paid    insurance  quickly  when his  house  was  flattened  up  in the  flood, the  first  two  looked  meaningfully  at  each other  and  asked  in a  chorus--
its  rather  easy  to  without  being  caught   set  fire  but  how  did  he  arrange  a  flood


from previous--

a couple  goes  to  a  local  fair  , they  can not  afford  all that  is  sold, in a  corner  was  small plane  for  joy  rides, they  whisepred  if  only  they  could  get  to  have  a  joy  ride  for  free  it  would  be  worth   it, a  memorable  event  for  the  rest  of  their  lives, the  pilot  overheard  them and  asked  them to   fly  with him on the  condition if  they  remained  silent  through out  they  pay  nothing, but  if  they  screem they  pay  eight  thousand  the  amount  they  carried...

from previous--

mirza  was  tired  of  the  city  mechanical  life  style, he  left  the  city  and  decided  to  settle  down in a  remote  village, to  spend  a  peaceful  leisurely  life, he  planned  to  buy  himself  a  goat, the  farmer  asked  him to  pay  two  thousand  and  get  the  goat  the  next  day

advance  was  paid , but  the  next  day  the  farmer  simply  said  the  goat  was  dead, because  the  mirza  had  paid  for  it  the  goat  was  his, but  as  it  was  god's  will  it  was  dead, so  he refused  to  return the  advance

mirza  had  a  scheme  in mind  , he  asked  the  farmer  to  give  the  dead  goat  to  him because  he  owned  it,   and  then how  he  made  profit  is  a  enjoyable  read

from previous--

a  housewife   tells  her  husband  how  clever  their  pet  dog  was, every  morning  he  got  them the  fresh  newspaper, husband  replied  it  was  normal behavioural  pattern of  all  dogs  to  serve  their  masters  and  fetch  them things  they  could  carry, the  wife  said  but  they  were  not  paying  for  the  papers  as  subsribers  , the  newspaper  belonged  to  neighbours

from previous--

father  of  five  children  won a  most  expensive  gift  in a  lottery, he  came  home  and  announced  who  ever  is  going  to  prove  the  most  obedient  and  silent  of  all shall get  the  gift, all  children  joined  their heads  together  , five minutes  later  they  declared  their  father  was  the  most  suitable  winner   

from previous--

a  wife  got  annoyed  , and angrily  packed  her  luggage to  leave  her  husband    he  asked  where  was  she  going, to  her  mother, he  also  quickly  packed  his  suitcase  , she  asked  where  was  he  going  , he  answered  to  his  own mother

the  angry  wife  got  worried  about  their  children who  would  take  care  of  them

the  happy  man  cheerfully  remarked  their  mother  , like  he  and  she  were  taken care  of  by  theirs

page 257--

a  rich  man  was  very  fond  of  spending  his  time  fishing, one  day  it  was  rather  cold  , he  kept  on drinking  to  keep  himself  warm , by  the  end  of  the  day  he  was  quite  drunk, he  drove  homewards, feeling  his   ankles  were  wet  he  was  surprised, a  farmer  near by  looked at  him, the  rich man asked  him the  shortest  possible  route  to  town before   the  floods   reached  the  shores, the  farmer  said  if  he  drove  his  car  on the  road  he  would  reach  somewhere  , but  if  he  drove  further  into  the  river    floods  or  no  floods  he  would  ...

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

from previous--

sharafat  goes into  his  past  down the  memory  lane  when he  was  a  univeristy  student, and  sheba  was  his  classmate,  if  he  was  considered  the   most  handsome  of  all in male  students  she  was  the   glory  of  all  beauties, not  friends  at  that  time  they  came  to  know  how  others  were  enjoying  pairing  them together  for  their  good  looks  as  a  couple, sheba was  very  rich, who  came  in a  car  driven by  a  chauffeur , her  most  expensive  dresses  and  style  were  beyond  comparison , her  life  began  from  where  others"  ended, but  sharafat  began liking  being  complimented  for  his  own looks  and  being  paired  with her , he  became  a  regular  student  or  he  would  have  dropped  out

from previous--

sharafat  khan  sat  down  at  his  computer  checking  on line  complaints,  his  mobile  buzzed  showing  a  strange  number, as  a  rule  he  never  amswered  calls  that  were  new  to  him and  not  on his  contact  list, he  turned  to  his  mail  box  on line,  his  cell  buzzed  SMS , he  picked  up , the  message  read--sharafat  , pick  up  my  call, --i  am  sheba--

from previous--

sharafat  khan  belonged  to  a  family  of  police  , all his  uncles  on father's  side,  also  on his  mother"s  side  were  either  serving  or  retired  from the  police, his  grandfathers   were  retired  policemen, he  understood  this  police  culture  deeply  because  he  grew  up  breathing  it  in,