Monday, September 26, 2016

duss cheezein--

-there  are  ten things  that  cancel  out  other  ten things-
-pen --justice
-haughtiness -goodness
-sorrows-life  joys
-stubborn anger-intellect 

from previous-

-rehana  was  a  brainy  and  brilliant  student  , born after  her  five  brothers  she  was  loved  and  raised  with  respect  , but  it  had  never  turned  her  arrogant, shahana  the  eldest  was  married  off  when rehana   was  just  five, shahana  had  supported  and  taken care  of  her  siblings  when their  mother  was  not  well  , in fact  she  loved  them so  much  that  when their  mother  recovered  all of  them regarded  and  looked  up  only  to  shahana  to  solve  their  problems, she  had  a  place  of  high  esteem  and  great  honour  in the  family , rehana  was  so bright  and  intelligent  that  mother  feared  for  her  , because  women with  intelligent  minds  are  considered  wise  and  old 

from previous-

-both  amir  and  rehana  were  married  by  the  consent  of  their  elders, it  was  an arranged  marriage , they  both  belonged  to  class, but  hers  was  a  conservative  background  and  his  was  a  modern open  type  of  upbringing  , after  their  engagement  he  had  so many  times  tried  to  contact her  but  she  was  not  available, her  cousin was  their  go between helping  the eager  groom  but  she  always  turned  down their   invites  saying  when they  get  married  he  could  talk to  her  as  much as  he  wished, what  a  beauty  she  had  [roved  , he  became  her  husband  and  her  admirer  , every  word  she  uttered  he  had  to  fulfill it, once  she  with  him driving  through a  forest exclaimed  what  a  beautiful place  it  was  to  have  a  house  and  he  like  a magician  got  one  built  there for  them to  move  in leaving  their  equally  palatial  house  

from previous-

-in every  room  there  was  a  television  with a   cctv  monitoring  the  patient all the  time, , a  drip  stand, ,machines  for  emergency  , a  chair  for  the  expert  specialist  visiting  doctor  and  a  glass  wall  through  which  one  could  see  the  snow  peaked  mountains  covered  with  partly  clouds  and  partly  with  fog  hanging  over  them,  rehana  looking  at  them  thought  she  could   never  enjoy  watching  television as  much  as  she  liked  admiring  that  scenery,  many  wise  old  seers  have  said  to  think before  speaking, once  she  had  exclaimed  what  a  beautiful location the  new  modern hospital was  built  with  all the  latest  technology  the  world "s  latest  ones  had  , but  this  in additional  also  gave  a  view  of  heavenly  mountainous   chains that  one  could  die  for , without  regrets, she  had  spoken without  thinking  , one  never  knows  what  one  says  is  accepted  by  fate

numainda khas-

--rehana  was  looking out  through the  glass  wall, she  was  in her  mid  thirties  , quite  attractive  and  her  age  had  added  some  plump  to  her  that  added  more  loveliness  to  her appearance, she  was  in the  hospital clothes,, there  were  dark  circles  under  her  eyes, she  was  apparently  not in good  health, she  had  come  to  this  hospital  two  years  ago  with amir  to  get  their  younger  son  iban  checked  up from the  dentist,  this  hospital  was  a  computerised  modern  and  latest  with  all  facilities  and  machines , trained   technicians  worked  twenty  four  seven, set  amidst   snow y  ranges  in daralhakumat  the  hospital  was   a  wonder  in its own  sense, with  a  parking  and  entrance  specially  for  the  ambulance  near  the  emergency  building  , within  sat  experts  and  only  those  were  allowed  to  enter  who  were  given permission, lab, radiation tests, x-rays  and  surgeries  were  all done  in separate  buildings, the  competent  staff  and  in mates  were  allotted  for  everyone'"s  safety  a  uniform and  specific   areas  were  distributed  to  each  department  

Sunday, September 25, 2016

from previous-

-my  voice  resonated  in endless  space
-this  is  quite  different  nobody  heard  it
-negativities  are  your, positivities  are  mine
-do  not  pride  so much in your reflection
-because  mirror  is held  by  me
-whole  life  was  spent  thinking  of  him
-whom we  avoided  seeing  for  life  

from previous-

-come  to  bring  sorrow  to  my  heart come  indeed
-come  to  leave  me  but  do  come  again
-every   blessed  dream turned  a  curse 
-like  you  were  a  dream
-no  traveller  should remain thirsty  on the  way
-quench  it  quickly  on the  journey to  satisfy
-how  is  it  possible to  acquaint  strangers  now
-best  possibility is  to  forget you like a  stranger

aap ki pasand-

-i  was  a  traveller  in the  desert  of love faraz-
-a whiff of  fragrance  pulled  me  lose  myself
-all  near  and dear ones  unhappy with me
-strangers  also  annoyed
-honestly  never  could  call poison was  life
-o, silent  heart shouting  loud in gathering  is  not  right
-because  first  rule  of  love  is  self  restraint   of  mind

khali haah-

-shazya  was  tired  of  aban ali  who  was  sleeping  like  a log, it  was  three  and  still his  day  was not  up,  he  hated  being  woken up  when he  was  enjoying  his  leisurely  slumber, but  shazya  had  some  news  to  give  him that  made  him jump  up  and  instead  of  getting  happy  he  looked  concerned  as  shamra  brought  in tea  for  them all, declaring  the  picture  of  the  bride  was  accepted  and  agreed  on by  all, specially  the  mother , this sounded  more  like  a threat  than  a  regular  information

kitchen tips-

-oil  your  pans  before  use
-use  baking  soda  for  cleaning  your  dishes  and  pans
-vinegar  and  water  boiled  in new  pans  keeps  them  ready  for  use
-keep  onions  and  potatoes  separate  or  they  spoil  quickly
-keep  unripe fruits  and  vegetables  wrapped  for  a  couple  of  days  in newspaper  to  ripen  them  before  use
-deep  frying  is  delicious  but  frequently fried  food  consumed  destroys  health rapidly, change  the  method  of  cooking  --bake  what  you  fry

page 193--

-sorrows  do  not  sadden  anyone  , it  is  the  giver  of  sorrows  that  gives  pain
-do  not  live  in your  dream  world, but  keep  your  dreams  alive  inside  you
-you  can  like  anyone  you  want  but  you  can not  make  him like  you
-one  does  not  love  the beautiful  but  finds  them beautiful  whom he  loves

Saturday, September 24, 2016

from previous-

-knocking  at  the  door  stepped  in jibrail, speaking  to  salar, he  was  ready  to  go  to pakistan, he  believed  he  was  more  suitable  to  take  care  and  be  the  right  companion to  their  grandfather  in  pakistan, though  salar  and  hasn had  spoken in the  closed  room in hushed  tones  yet  jibrail had  hear  them out  in great  detail,  he  fell silent, adding  that  hasn and  mother  could  stay  there  with  salar  and  he  alone  was  quite  capable  of  travelling  alone  and  also  take  responsibility  of  his  grandfather  , his  tone  was  soft  and  clear  in his  natural  style

from previous-

-salar  analysed  mentally  that  his  eleven year  old  was  not  a  rebel, not  rude, just  dorect  and  straight, he  spoke  his  mind  out  quite  expressively, did  he  hate  hsi  brother  jibrail , no  he  did  not  , he  was  his  brother  , it  was  just  that  history  repeats  itself  but  not  when one  wishes  it  to  replay  but  when time  wants  to  repeat  the  events, salar  felt  his  son was  reminding  him of  helpless  and  feeble sikander  ashman,  he  became  speechless, salar  debated  in his  own mind  when did  this  begin , the  showing  of  difference  between his  sons, sitting  so  silent  and  quiet   still thinking  how  and  when hasn turned  so  observant  

from previous-

-hasn  was  eleven , his  father  salar was  having  a  serious  talk with him, he  wanted  to  send  him back  to pakistan their  native  land, but  the  boy  was  not  ready, he  also  without  any  hestitaion was  able  to  express  himself  like  any  mature  person,  turning  salar  so  serious, why asked the  son  father  showed  a  difference  in his  behaviour  towards  him and  jibrail his  brother, but  why  should  salar  who  wanted  him to  tell  what  made  him feel so, jibrail was  near  to  salar"s  heart  because  he  was  a  student  of  religion and  they  both  understood  each  other  better  than they  did  him, , it  was  their  attitude  towards  him that  was  not  right, 

aab e hayat-

-salar  sat  hasn  down next  to  him, just  before  their  dinner  imama  had  informed  him of  his  refusal, looking  diretly  into  each others  eyes  the  father  and  sin tried  to   see  what  was  going  on  into  the  head  of  the  other, salar  was  amazed  at  his  eleven year  old  , asking  to  give  him one  solid  reason , excuses  could  be  endless but  one  solid  reason for  refusing  to  go  to pakistan-hasn  had  done  lots  of  research  before  appearing  before  his  father  , he  simply  said  he  will not  be  able  to  adjust  there a  solid  reason , how  simple  plain and  direct  his  approach  was, no  abusive  tongue, no  arguments , no  dirty  words, no rude behaviour , salar  was  stunned  into  silence

Friday, September 23, 2016

from previous-

-nadir  sat  down on the  driver  seat,  how  successful  they  both him and  wasim had  become  in bikes  and  cars  thefts, experts  in their  field, their  extraordinary  style  was  undetectable  and  undefeatable, all they  did  was  their  homework  on the  vehicle  to  be  stolen and  changed  their  own vehicle  accordingly  in interior  decoration, furnishing , alarms  and  parking  their  similar  vehicle  next  to  the  target  attempted  fearlessly  unlocking  the  door  and  breaking  in , neutralising  the  alarm and  running  away  , but  life  pays  back  in the  same  coin the  rules  set  by  one  , as  he  was  about  to  drive  away  in his  own car he  saw  the  woman"s  bag   on the  seat, opening  he  could  see  the  dead  body  of  a  child,  , the  woman  had  mistakenly believing  his  car  as  hers  had  placed  it  there  and  he  was  trapped in his  own  vicious  circle  , escape  is  not  always  possible

from previous-

-both  wasim and  nadir  were  unmarried  and  their  business  of  stolen cars  and  bikes  had  taken off, nadir  was  an orphan  and  was  raised  by  an  aunt but  his  fate  remained  unchanged  , he  went  hungry  with not  enough to  eat  in that  poverty  stricken  home, he  had no  life, no  education, no  skills, no  training  and  no  future, his  empty  mind  was  devil"s  workshop  till he  met  wasim who  in comparison had  a  loving  family, loving  parents  who  guided  him, who  wanted  him to  learn  the  correct  ways  of  dos  and  donts  in life  , thinking  them wring  and  overly  strict  wasim left  home  rebellious

from previous-

-wasim and  nadir  were  both  partners  in theft  crime, they  stole  bikes, their  unique  method  of  stealing  bikes  was  good, they  managed  to  steal  in past  six  months  several  dozens  , they  had  many  contacts  and  their  business was  doing  well, they  accumulated   enough  wealth  and  decided  to  take  off  from their  to  additional  to  bike  robberies  to  car  car  robberies, they  bought  two  cars  for  themselves, latest  models  that  were  common  in town and  seen frequently  running  on roads

khud apney daam mein-

-nadir  and  wasim were  robbers, they  stole  bikes, their  style  of   stealing  bikes  was  unique, what  they  did  was   to  park  their  own similar  model  bike  next  to  their  target  and  some  time  later  nadir  an expert   with  wire  locks  would  unlock  the  bike  theu  had  done  their  research  on and  if  in the  middle  of  the  procedure   of  the  theft  the  owner  appeared  nadir  put  on an  act  of  fam]lse  surprise  looking  amazed  and  baffled  at  the  bike  and  then appologising  very  politely  turned  to  his  look alike  bike  standing  next  to  it  and  again politely  nodding  his   new  acquaintance kick  his  bike  and   disappear or  in several  cases  success  would  come  and  he  disappeared  on the  stolen bike  as  quickly  as  he  could  unlock  the  wire

Thursday, September 22, 2016

from previous-

--eid  day  arrived  with  joys  showering  , fardin mischievously  distorting  a  couplet  to his  advantage  sung by  a  famous  singer  mehdi  hasn sang  it  to  zarmin--
--it  is  eid  , come  and  give  me  a  hug, 
-because  it  is  a  custom, a  chance  and  social  tradition
--zarmin also  was  ready  with  her  retaliation because  nobody  was  around  to  disturb her, 
-eid  has  approached  in the  world
-fardin fell down in the  bathroom with  a  thud
adding  one  more 
-box  in a  box, in the  box  was  a  cake
-fardinsadaraldin  one  and only in one lac

from previous-

-fardin, zarmin, rahel, sharmin, fehem and  sajda  behum all were  present  at  the  iftar  in the  evening,  sharmin  was turning  away  from fehem, who  also  was  showing  he  was  least  concerned  with  her  presence,  but  when all  went  away  in different  directions  he  asked  her  if  she  had  made  new  acquaintances  who  had  more  attraction for  her  over  his  , if  she  was  annoyed  at  his  leaving  her house without  meeting  her  , he too was  upset at  her  behaviour, both  cleared  their  minds  and  were  free of   doubts they had  invented  themselves  to  cloud   their  minds, cool  showers of  water   put  off the  fire  of  envy  that  was  burning  his  heart  and  soul to  ashes  of  emotions

from previous-

-sajda  beghum was  so  upset  at  her  son fehem's  attitude , he  had  suddenly  left  sharmin"s house  and  returned  to  rawalpindi, besides  he  was  smoking  cigarettes  non stop  and  also  fuming  inside  with  fire  of  envy  , she  was  firm  she  wanted  to  know  what  was  wrong, he  explained  how  he  had  seen sharmin's  wrist  in rahel"s  clutch, sajda  laughed  out  with  relief, thsi  she  was  sure  a  great  misunderstanding  , sajda  did  not  like  to  leave  hamra bibi like  this  , doubts  cloud  clarity  of  mind  , she  was  certain he  was unclear in his  mind  

from previous--

--rahel  quickly  goes  to  the  lawn where  unexpectedly  sharmin looking  refreshingly  like  a  fresh  blossom in red  was  watering  the  plants  singing  and  humming  to  herself  unaware  of  his  presence , rahel  when  called  out  to  her  she  turned  with  the  water  hose  and  then looking  at  what  the  water  had  done  to  his  appearance  became  half nervous  and  half  laughing  she  tried  to  run  inside  but  he  was so  furious  he  caught her  wrist  , fehem who  at  that  point  opened  his  window  opening  into  the  scene  in the  lawn smouldered  with  the  fire  of  envy  and  soon  enough  he  left  the  house  with his  mother  sajda  beghum for  rawalpindi  without   meeting  sharmin who  was  offended  , he  had  never  before  like  this  gone  

page 151-

-rahel  was  ready  to  leave  , dressed  up  for  the  occasion but  he  could not  find  his  reading  glasses, he  asked  shamsa  bua  if  she  had  found  them, but  shmsa  bua  was  a  responsible  woman  and  got  all the  cleaning  and  arrangements  done  in her  presence  if  she  had  located  something  missing  or  not  in its  right  place  she  would  have  brought  it  to  everyone"s  notice, was  it  possible  rahel  had   taken his  glasses  out  of  the  house  somewhere  and  misplaced  them , oh , right, in the  morning  he  recalled  he  had   taken his  glasses  along  with  the  newspaper  to  the  lawn  and  lost  them there

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

from previous-

-oliver  was heartbroken, he  needed  a  drink , he  was  taken  to  another  room where  he  was  given  a  drink  to  soothe  his  disturbed  mind, he  emptied  the  whole  bottle and  left  alone,  when his  eyes  opened  he  found  he  had  spent  the  hight  out  in the  field , the  sun was  up, he  could  not  tell his  family  what  was  happening  in his  life  with him, eliot  listened  to  his boss  very  carefully  as  oliver  wiped  his  tears  from his  eyes,   he  was  crying  as  if  this  happened  yesterday, hurting  him  as  a  fresh  wound , someone  had  played  a  trick  on him,he  was  given  drugs  added  to  his  drink  that  night 

from previous-

-debbie  supported  oliver  when he  was  questioned  by  the  group  who  let  their  secret  out, he  had  explained  the  man who  came  to  repair  the  toilet  must  have  observed  it  himself  , debbie  then asked  him to  take  care, she  was  going  back  to  texas, she  left  , andrew  decided  to go  to  the  student  union office  to  find  if  there  was  any  room he  could  get  on rent, nancy  wanted  to  go  with him, they  spoke  in private  as  sara  watched  them go, meantime  sara  informed  oliver  they  all were  free  and  adults  and  she  was  now  in love  with  andrew  and  leaving  oilver as  nancy  was to  leave  andrew

from previous-

-oliver  regretted  his  past  decisions  and  choices  he  made  when he  was  very  young,  he  hid  all the  facts  from his  family, he  had  fallen in love  with  sara  and  was  ready  to  do  anything  for  her, others  in the  group  simply  ignored  him, perhaps  because  he  was  a  keen photographer  he  could  see  things  others  could  not, he  could  analyse  faces  better  than others,

from previous-

--an  elderly man  asked  where  did  he  live, he  said  he lived  in the  next  house, he  was  a  next  door  neighbour, the  elder  in a  firm tone  asked  him not  to  reveal  anything  about  them, agreeing  to  their  condition was  his  first  mistake, sara   asked  his  him name  , andrew  was  their  group leader, nancy  his  girl  friend,  all young  students aspired  to  be  in future  professionals  like  choosing  literature, or  rock  music   and  sports  as  their  main field  of  work, if  only  he  was aware  of  their  activities  then he  would never  have  gone  with them

page 229-

-then he  said  in those  days  he  carried  a  camera  he  had  got  as  a  proze, idiotically  he  began  taking  pictures  and  finished  entire  rolls  on her, then taking  his  eye  off  from the  camera  he  observed  there  were  other  boys  and  girls  with her , who  were  older  than him,  all  young  but  older  than him,bearded  and  shabby, the  two  girls  were  made  up,  looking  at  him they  laughed  nervously, was  he  a  photographer  or  a  detective, sara   clutching  his  arm declared  he  was  with her, and  introductions  were  made

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

from previous-

-kathy  was  oliver"s  wife  and  worked  part
time  in a  clinic, when she  saw him come  home  early  she  got  worried, he  looked  tired  and  wanted  to  rest,m she  was  not  satisfied  with his  answer, wanting  to  check his  temperature  she  stretched  her hand  but  he  drew  it  aside  and  again said  he  just  was  tired  and  wanted  to  rest  a  while  in his  room, some  time  later  she  went  to  see  how  was  he, married  to  him long  time  had   given her  an insight  of  his  behaviour  , he  was  posing  he  was sleeping  but  he  was  wide  awake, was  something  troubling  him, was  anything  the  matter, could  she  help  him , if  only  he  was  ready  to  share  his  problem  


-the  detective  eliot  was  kneeling  down  looking  inside  the  freshly  dug  up  grave, as the  gave  diggers  waited  on one  side  for  instructions,   not  very  deep  over  the  grave  he  could  see  oliver  another  detectove  approaching  in his car  on the  horizon line  in the  drive  way, slowly  oliver  reached by  his side  walking  , then he  asked  him how  and  when did  he  come  to know  about  this  incident

sabakhan ki diary-

-no  swearing  in love
-because  love  is  an expression
-to  describe  life  and  days  and  nights
-pledging  togetherness
-on joys  of  life
-celebrating  it  every  moment
-whatever  their  identity
-none  of  them untruthful
-both  committed to  other
-sacrificing  self  to  protect  the  other
-just  swearing  is omitted 
-when one  is  madly  in love

gudya shah ki dairy-khalid sharif-

-on my  eye  lids  
-when a  shadow  is  cast
-on my  eyes
-when a  soft  hand  is  pressed
-on my  lips
-when a  melody lingers
-from somewhere  a  fragrance  approaches
-on  the  rose beds
-when a  bright  coloured  blossom opens up
-when some  one  crosses  the  path
-decorated  in joy
-when someone  madly  falls in love
-i  remember  you 
-i remember  you

Monday, September 19, 2016

from previous-

-betty  , laila  and  carolin were  in their  thirties  , sara  asked  if  they  wished  him dead  and  one  of  them for  a  reason killed  him, betty  began  she  did  want  him dead, but  this  was  their  last  trip  together, he  traveled  first  class  as  the  sisters  in economy  class, but  this  was  not  the  reason she  wished  him dead, added  laila  next  to  him sat  a  religious  figure  who  brainwashed  uncle  to  give  up  all his  wealth  and  property  to  obtain peace  of  mind,  carolin also  agreed  this  was  the  reason he  declared  it  his  last  trip

be khabri-

-the  detective  sara  berlin was  called  to  the  casino  in las  vegas  where  four  new  arrivals  a  couple  of  days  ago  had  come  to  stay, an uncle  and  his  three nieces , their custom was  to  visit  some  new  destination every  year, this  time  it  was  a  casino in las  vegas,  but  the  uncle  was  found  dead , the  nieces  were  detained  in the  manager"s  room, where  the  detective  had to  question them all one  by  one

from previous-

-khuram  posing  as  his  own  twin aslam  secretly  in his  heat  prayed  for  himself , if  only  he  could  marry  them both  later  he  would  see  to  what  he  could do  to  make  them understand  that  he  was  just  one  and  had  no  twin, gazya    believed  he  was  at  least  sympathetic, kind hearted  sincere  and  these attributes  were  what  made  him worthy  of their  attention

from previous-

-gazya  and  shumaila  looked  at  each  other  exchanging  glances, they  were  silent, then both  spoke  together they  have  experienced  in their  life  so  far  from early  childhood  that the  world  ran after  only  wealth, for  wealth they  could  make  friends , break  relationships  and  di anything  for  it, but  they  sought  someone  like khuram  and  aslam, wealth  for  them was  secondary, they  wanted  sincerity and  were  satisfied  to  have  them in their  lives

page 221-

-both  shumaila  and  gaya  were  home, sitting  in their  posh  drawing  room khuram  felt  rather  odd, what  if  they  discovered  he  was  cheating  on them, the  girls  entered the  room and  welcomed  him warmly  , he  introduced  himself  as aslam, his  twin khuram  was  busy, ashamed  to  confide  in them  because  he  said  they  were  direct  descendants of  golconda  royal  family  , now all they  were  left  was with  decency and  background  and  no  wealth, so  as  aslam  khuram  explained  why  his  twin did  not  come, he  was  sent  to  explain their  situation

Sunday, September 18, 2016

from previous-

-he  was  so  impressed  by  them both, how  beautiful  and  helpful  they  were, in these  modern times  women  were  more  concerned  with  how  much  money  and  wealth  a man  made,  but first  gazya  said  they  know  women  want  to  have  a  comfortable  life  and  for  that  they  look for  rich  men  but  they were  already  rich  and  unlike  those  women who  have  no  money  and  seek  to  spend  other  people"s  wealth , in fact  they  had  even    decided  to  marry  men with  no  money  because  they  could  finance  them and  build  a business  to  suit  their  needs,  added  shumaila  that  they  believe  more  than wealth love  and  trust  is  important  in life  , experience  in their  personal  lives  they  had  enough  to  set  up  their  spouses  with  them

from previous-

--a  teacher  asked  his  class to  memorise  three english  words  and  phrases  he  would  take  a  test  the  next  day, little  hamid  learnt  three english  words and  phrases but  he  did  not  know  what  they  meant  the  first  was  no  sir, second  shut  up,   third  was  six million dollar  man-
--next  morning  the  class teacher  asked  hamid  if  he  was  prepared hamid  said  no  sir
-teacher angrily  -why  not
-hamid-shut  up
-teacher -what  the  hell do  you  think  you  are
-six million dollar  man

from previous-

-a  rich  influential  man  asked  the  proprietor  if  his  dog  ever  came  to  his  shop  he must  remember  to  be  good  to  him and  not  kick him out, the  shop keeper agreed  he  would  treat  his  dog  exactly  like  he  was  if  the  dog   visited  their  shop


-a  man  had  two  daughters  whom he  got  married  when they  were  of  age, one  was  married  to  a  gardener  the  other  to  a  potter, his  daughters  were  happy  and  led  a  peaceful life , as  the  tradition was  the  father  visited  them  , the  gardener"s  wife  was  properous  and  asked  him to  pray  for  more  rains  so  they  could  get  better   vegetation and  flowers  , when he  reached potter"s  wife  she  too  was  cheerful  and  asked  him to  pray  for  no  rains  because  their  mud  pots  would  dry  in the  sun and  the  bricks  will get  sun baked  quickly

Saturday, September 17, 2016

from previous-

-as  he  had  expected  she  called  him , he  stopped,  turning  he  saw  she  was  inviting  him to  join her  at  the  table  because  her  companion was  absent  for  a  while,  he  hesitantly sat  down showing  his  concern over  such  parties  pretending  he  did  not  like, he  introduced  himself  as  prince  khuram, amazed   he  was  a  prince  she  wanted  to know  all about  him, but  he  dclined  slowly  , explaining  he  was  now  a  plain khuram  , once  the  golconda  belonged  to  his  ancestors  and  he  was  a  descendant  without  any  inheritance  , but  he  was  running  a  firm and  showing  his  curiosity  he  asked  her  who  was  she, she  was gazia  , her  father  was  the  owner  of  star  enterprises , simply  impressive 

from previous-

-prince  khuram  had  a  house  of  his  own  but  there  were  other things  in life  that  needed money  to  pay  bills  for , a  big  friends  circle, parties, branded  clothes, ration, electricity water  and travel  , the  problem was  he  was  unemployed  , he  had  no  job, but  he  maintained  his  appearance  , dressing  up  in  style , the  suits  he  had  collected  in good  times  still  were  presenting  him in society  as  he  desired  to 

from previous-

--he  was  prince  khuram, a  khuram  but  not  a  prince, his  friends  called  him prince  for  his  looks  and  his  style, well educated   he was  given  a  diary  from his  father   when he  came  to  know  his  ancestors once  belonged  to  a  nawab  family  but  as  the  times  changed  , modernisation of  society   wiped  out  his  title  and  his  father  bought  a  small house  and  gave  him good education hoping  like  all loving  fathers  that  their  sons  would  one  day  prove  extraordinary  and  the  world will  take  orders  from them, perhaps  his  own son prince  will also  become  a  politically empowered  , a  governor  or  someone  powerful


-he  saw  her  in a  party,  what  a  beauty  se  was, attractive  and  apparently  wealthy,  he  believed  that  it  was  easy  to  analyse  anyone  by  their  looks  , to  ascertain their  background  from appearances, for  instance  dress  up  a  woman  from low  class  in rich  branded  clothes  her  style  of  carrying  will  expose  her  background, on the  other  side  dress  up  a  woman  from a  wealthy  solid  family  who  grew  up  wearing  good clothes  in plain simple  garment  her  bearing  will  expose  her  regal  back  ground  her  clothes  can not  hide  her  grace  and  confidence  , it  would  feel  she  wore  them only  for  the  heck  of  it  to have  fun  or  for  some  compulsion , so  this  he  called  was  body language 

Friday, September 16, 2016

from previous-

--he  was  up  there  in the  balcony  leaning  against  the  grill standing  in the  mid  night  alone  watching  out  at  the  dark  outlines  , savera   held  two  cups  of  tea  and  reached  there  handing  him one, she  was  still up  and not  sleeping  he  was  surprised  but  she  also  argued  he  too  was  up  and  awake,  he  explained  the  goddess  of  sleep  was  not  kind  to  him , he  usually  stayed  awake  all night, savera  asked  why  he  had  left  his woman  when it  was  a  love  marriage  , because  love  marriage  was  a way  of  life  there  and  separations  were  also  very  common, he  and  others  like  him in their  loneliness  away  from their  natives   got  carried away  but  it  is  said  people  who  eat  peacock  meat  prove  treacherous unloyal  and  cheats 

from previous-

-the  haveli  was  silent  before  rahel  returned  and  then the  mid  night  illuminations  and  nosy  activities  stirred  life  around  , everyone  was  pleased  and  hugged  him, later  as  hajra  bibi climbed  up  to  meet  them she  found  the  door  was  shut  and  the  voices  of  rahel  and  his  mother  were  in the  middle  of  their  conversation speaking  about  some  samira, bibi  stood  there  still   not  making  a  sound  ,gluing  her  one   ear  to  the  shut  door  to  listen better,  who  was samira  thought  bibi  she  was   said  rahel  left  with  a foreigner  woman  because  in those  foreign countries  their  own people  mattered   , outsiders  were   dispensable , he  believed  soon samira  would  become  a  clone  of  the white  woman in all  manners, hearing  someone  stepping  on the  stairs  bibi  quickly  knocked  on the  door  and  entered  the  room quickly  to  escape  being  caught  eavesdropping

from previous-

-amiraldin was  nervously  waiting  for  rahel  who  ought  to have  reached   a  couple  of  hours  ago  and  for  past  one  hour  he  was  walking  up  and  down trying  to  focus  his  eyes  in the  dark  as  far  as  he  could  to  check  for  the  approaching  jeep, finally he  saw  the  headlights  of  the  nearing  vehicle  fall  on the  road   filtering  through  the  gates   and  before  someone  could  reach  the  gate  he  ran  to  open the  gate  himself, how terribly  upset  he  had  become

page 141--

-he  asked  how  long  will it  take  , feroz  baba  was  repairing  the  jeep, already  two  hours  on the  road  in the  middle  of  nowhere with  a  jet  black  mid  night  and  they  surrounded  with  high  mountains  , rahel  was  getting  impatient but  then the  jeep  started  its   groaning  coughing  engine  and  they  started  to  move   on  as  rahel  sighed  a  long  breath  of  relief