Sunday, April 30, 2017

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-zeenat"s  house  was  filled  with sorrow  and  heaviness and  silence, one  month had  passed  and  he  was  not  going  out  or  mixing  with  anyone, he  was  silent  and  left  all the  very  few tuitions  he  was  giving  children  for  raining  money, he  kept  laying  in his  bed  watching  old  newspapers   making  holes  in them  with  the  pencil point  he  held  in his  hands  , the  sound  made  from pencils  drowned  the  ringing  of  his  cell phone, his  attention diverted  and  he  looked  unpleasantly  at  the  lighted  screen-basma  calling 

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-entire  week  he  stayed  in bed  moaning, his  cheap  mobile  was  switched  off, he  neither  got  it  recharged  nor  did  he  turn it  on , basma  also  could  not  contact  him, the  day  the  results  were  out  of  FSC she  was  on merit  and  he  had  failed, she  could  not  longer   keep  herself  aloof  and  pulling  her  mother  along  she  reached  his  house 

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-twenty  days  of  tireless hard  work, second  year  exams  over,  all the  sleepless nights  and  memorizing  lessons    , writing   bundles  of  answer  sheets  for  grades the  session got  over  but  again all of  them headed  for  the  academy  for  entrance  tests  this  time,  but  what  happened  one  night  before  the  exam  was  that  hams  fell ill awfully  sick,   perhaps  depression or reciting  and  repetition of  learning  the  lessons  had  injured  his  throat,eyes  red  pained,  zeenat  also  was  coincidently  not  feeling  fine  , one  day  earlier  she  had  taken  clothes  to  deliver  to  the  house  could  not  cook and  got  the  meal  ordered  from outside, either  it  was  stale  or  her  luck  was  bad  or  perhaps  his  luck  was  bad  if  not  the  food  that  he  fell ill, his  stomach  began  paining  

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-the  same  was  done  by  his  parents  when he  was  growing  up  and  the  impressions  are  made  forever  on their  minds, he  had  registered  in his  mind  that  he  was  a  doctor, doctor  hamas,  , the  month of  march  was  over  and  summers  declared  their  heat  with  scorching  affects,  his  exams  were  over  and  he  was  checking  his  grade  test  paper  sitting  under  a  tree  when she  also  came  to  sit  before  him, handing  him one  of  the  ice  cream  scoops  she  held  in her  hands, what  for  he  asked, to  celebrate  his  tests  were  finished, oh  then  he  replied  it  should  be  him giving  her  a  treat

Saturday, April 29, 2017

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-next  day  arrived  tai  aunt  , this  time  matrimony  was  not  on her  mind, it  was  for  a  different  reason she  had  come  to  meet  them all, doctor  shazeb was  adventures  were  narrated  to  mother  and  grand mother  , she  could  not  tell them all the  truth last  time  because  mahnoor:s  mother  was  with her, and  she  had kept  quiet  all this  time  for  the  sake  of  peace  but  finally  her  conscience did not  allow  her  to  remain silent  any more , she herself  was  a  mother  of  daughters  and how  could  she  want  bad for  others  daughters, shahzeb"s  nature  and  habits  are  not  correct   and  his  first  engagement  also  broke  off, he  takes  drugs  and  has  many  female  friends  , god  forgive  her  for  saying  al that  but  what  else  could  she  tell them, because   they  were  so  decent  a  family  her  sister  in law  decided  their  daughter   would  be  right  for  him and  perhaps later  he  would  change  for  better

from previous-

-mahnoor  continued   telling  aiza  perhaps  it  was  because  she  was  preparing  for  her  exams  and nobody  wished  to  disturb her  , but  now that  her  exams  were  over  and  mother  will come  again and  this  time hopefully  it  would  be  a  positive  big  yes  from aiza  and  where  else  can  she  find  a  man  like  shazeb  for  a  life  partner, mahnoor  was  so  proud  of  her  brother , her  speech  over  aiza  could  not  even  give  a  smile 

from previous-

-mahnoor  sat  down  with  aiza  , thankful  nobody  was  home, they  could  spea  openly, what  about  aiza  was  not  clear  about  the  topic  of  discussion mahnoor  was  interested  in,  mother  and  tai  had  not   visited  for  so long  , had  aiza"s  family  come  to  a  decision, what  kind  of  decision,  aiza  was  surprised  that  mother  and  tai  had  not  come  , her  expression  spoke  up  for  her  innocence  and  not  being  involved  and  aware  of  the  events  taking  place  , mahnoor   got  irritated  , what  kind  of family  did  aiza  have  who  kept  secrets  from her  ,  any  way,  tai  and  mother  had  brought  marriage  proposal of  shazeb  for  aza    and  her  family  wanted  some  time  to  decide

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-every  time  asghar  passed  that  way  the  silence  turned  to  annoyance, now  mother  had  stopped  asking  him to  get  things  from the  market, when  and  if  he  asked  her  she  would  snub him rudely,  that  his  uncle  had   got  all they  needed  and  if  necessary  naiman  will be  sent,  when  asghar  sat  politely  with  grand  mother  she  would  simply  go  off  to  sleep, declaring  ever  since  her  medicines  were  changed  she  just  wanted  to  doze  off, when  freshened  up  she  would  follow  her  routine  prayers  and  namaz, stretching  out  on the  bed  quickly  that  asghar  had  to  get  up  from there, his  aunt  tai  also  was  avoiding  him, mumbling  something  she  had  just  remembered  to  do

Friday, April 28, 2017

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-fatma  desparately  banged  the  next  door  neighbour"s  door, afaq  and  his  wife  and  son came  to  help, many  other  neighbours  also  gathered  quickly, jawad  hasin was  taken to  hospital, fatma  als  wanted  to  go  along  but  afaq  said  she  must  stay  home  with  other  women  and  he  was  not  alone  his  son also  was  going  along  in the  taxi, three hours  later  afaq  and  his  son and  jawad  returned, the  pain had  gone  and  so  had  jawad  hasin, 

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-during  the  night  around  one  thirty  he  felt  his  lower  right  stomach  paining, he  woke  up  from the  pain, first  he  thought  he  can  tolerate  it  and  it  will subside  by  itself, but  the  pain kept  on increasing  and he  had  to  get  out  of  the  bed  and  take  a  pill which  was  somewhere  kept  at  home, he  did  not  wake  up  fatma, the  pill did  not  work  and  the  shooting  pain began  to  fill his  head  with  the  worst of  the  worst  ideas  that  he  was  dying, not  certain what  should  be  done he  took out  a  soft  drink  from the  fridge,, but  that  too failed  to  relieve  his  pain

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-husna  wanted  to  plan  her  future  well  and  wanted  to  have  the  pleasure  of  becoming  a  mother, she  even told  amma  she  wanted  a  child  but  mushtaq  was  not  yet  ready  for  shouldering  the  responsibility  that  is expected from a  father  , one  year  passed  and  he  managed  to  save  enough money  to move  out  from their  house  and live  in a rented  house ,, husna  was  happy  like  any  woman  who  dreams  of  having  a  fulfilling  married  life  only  with  her  husband  in their  own home,  though  there  were  so  many  obstacles  , foremost  as  always  was  their  financial condition,

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-husna  got  married, her  rukhsati  also  was  done  , after  her  send off  she  did  not  have  to go  very  far  from her  house, only  exit  from first  to  enter  the  next  door, , after  marriage  it  seemed  mushtaq  had  improved  his  behaviour , disciplining  himself  not  to  roam  around  with  loafer  friends  and  be  punctual  and  get  responsible, husna  was  happy  her  husband  was  making  money  selling  business in the  agency  , her  husband  was  no  longer labeled  useless man  who  shirked  from working

Thursday, April 27, 2017

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-amir  added  to  their  worries   the  police  had  not  checked  the  passengers  in the  vehicle  by  throwing  torch light  , perhaps  they  were  also  partners  in crime, thsi  was  a  cause  of  worry, a  barrier  was  in  the  middle  of  the  road  and  saim drummed  the  vehicle  to  a  stop  to  inform the  driver  of  the  barrier, they  waited  by  the  side  and  meantime  another  vehocle  crossed the  barrier  and  it  was not  stopped, zishan  was  encouraged  and  they  also  took a  risk  and  managed  to  cross  silently  and  were  not  stopped thankfully, it  was  decided  the  jeep  must  be  discarded  and  they  must  not  continue  because  it  could  present  danger , they could  stay  in a  hotel  wahid  suggested  but  they  were  rescuing  a  girl what  about  her

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-ell had  happened  as  they  had  expected, the  approaching  jeep   came  to  a  halt  by  the  jeep,  the  two  men  seemed  to  be  familiar  with  the  fallen jeep, one  came  closer  to  check  out  the  driving  cabin , zishan 's  heart  was  beating  very  fast,  then  he  shouted  to  the  other  sitting  in the  jeep  that  it  was  empty  and  perhaps  because  of  the  killing it  was  abandoned  there, not  even bothering  to  check  the  tyres  or  the  swinging  front 

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-learn  to  ignore  others  faults, 
-nobody  and  nothing  is  perfect  it  is  a  natural  law
-those  who  find  faults  in their  own  brothers  are  humiliated  and  their  reputation is  damaged  by  the  same  law  of  nature
-improve  your   own  nature   by  becoming  more  understanding  and  accepting

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-saim heard  the  firing  and  looked  towards  the  sky  where   fireworks  were   showering   sparks  of  fire  , a  car  had  fallen on the  side  amidst  the  trees, that  had  caught  fire  and  exploded, his  face  covered  with  a  sensational  expression, this kind  of  scene  he  had  only  seen  before  in movies,then  he  suddenly remembered  kamal  who  was in the  car  dikky  and  must  have got  himself  burnt  to  his  certain death, the  car  was  burnt  and  he  saw  two  men armed  reach  it, he  crouched  in his  seat, he  was  getting  himself  deep  into  crime  and  war, he  began  trembling  like  a  dry  quivering  fallen  leaf with  fear

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

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-man  learns  not  from success  but  from his  defeats
-man  should  not  avoid  defeats  but  take  them as  challenging  lessons 
-every  smile  on a  face  has  a  storm behind  it
-time  must  be  saved
-every blessing  ignored  is  a  curse
-all  can  see  the  rain drops  but  not  the  tears  that  escape  from others  eyes
-always  remember  almighty who  resides  in your  heart 

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-the  weather  was bad, lightening  was  terrible, rain incessant , he  looked  at  her  ans  said  others  might  come  by  morning  because  of  such  bad  conditions  , she  could go  to  bed  and not  wait  for  others, he  was  in the  lounge  on the  sofa, he  arranged  his  cushions  comfortably  settling  himself down, she  kept  standing  there , holding  the  lighted  candle, the  dark  night , thunder  storm and  rain, she  there  looking  a  ghost   with  a  candle, he  got  irritable, why  did  she  not  leave  him and  go  to  her  room, she  grunted  she  was  frightened,  this  was  even more  annoying , this  fear  factor  , mysterious  darkness , she  a  ghost  , shouted  he to  shut  up, , this  was  new  situation he  must  handle 

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-he  had no  need  for  any  beverage, he  left  saying  he  had  come  home   full, she  quickly   picked  up  the  candle  stand  in the  corner  with  candles  fixed  to  it , the  lighter  was  near  by,  it  was  all  ready  for  use  how  competent  bua  was  who had  taken care  of  keeping  things  in place  before  she  left, there  was  no  load  shedding  normally  , only  bad  weather   presented  problems, so  nobody  needed  generators 

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-pitch  darkness  welcomed  him home, in that  rainy  thundering  evening  whole  house  was  drowned in darkness like  a  haunted  house, he  parked  his  car  in the  porch  and  tried  his  best  not  to  get  wet  as  he  entered  the  house, he  could  not  see  her  around, where  was  she,, in the  kitchen, garage, all rooms  but  she  was  not  there,his  cell  battery  was  getting  low, where  could she  be, he  turned  towards the  lounge  , when he  stepped  into  the  lounge the  room was  lighted  with  thunder  and  lightening, she  was  sitting  in a  corner  crouching  with her  head  bent  and  hidden between her  knees, the  lightening  flashed  the  whole  room, her  hands  pressed  hard  on her  ears

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-he  spoke  slowly, he  had  a bad  night, that  is  what  mother  was  enquiring  why  were  they  so  late  and  where  were  they  till mid  night, what  was  the  reason  for their  sleepless night, he  simply  informed  her  larin  "s car  got  out  of  control  and  hit  a  girl  walking  on the  side  , the  car  ran over  her, some  limbs  fractured  and a  serious  head  injury, nothing  to  worry  about  , 

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

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-incredible  , the  doctor  observed  with  mixed  feelings  of  envy  the  boy had  topped  , why  are  such  geniuses  born in wrong  places  , in low  class  and  backward  areas, so  brilliant  and  so  poor, so  bright  and  hard working  and  then looked  at  his  own  daughter  , nayaz  muhammed  stepped  forward  and  began  telling  what  an  amazing  boy  he  was, always  studying, aloof  and  hardworking  ,, since  his  childhood  he  was  covered  with books  and  never  went  out  to  play  with his  age  group children, he  gave  tuition to students  to  raise  enough  funds  for  self , he  was  awarded  medals  by  admirer officials  , at  this  the  doctor  heartily  laughed  ,

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-breakfast  table  was  laid  out, the  doctor  was  ready  and  freshened  up  reading  the  newspaper, holding  it  he  looked  at  the  headlines, the  results  were  out, pictures  of  toppers  and  merit students  were  given, he  looked  across  at his  daughter  bisma  who  was dabbing  a  slice  of  bread with   dollop of  butter  and  jam, he  wished  only  once  , just  once  she  too  could  get  her  name  on the  list  of  students  passing  with  high merit, he  was  about  to  turn the  page  when the  cook nayaz muhammed   came  to  stand  by  the  table  and  happened  to  glance  at  the  pictures  on the  page and  coming  closer  pointing  to  one  boy  announced  with  great  pride  and  hidden pleasure  he  was  his  neighbot

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-hamas  was  screaming, shouting  and  crying  out  loud  he  had  failed  , his  dreams  were  crushed, he  will never  become  a  doctor  , his  aim of  following  that  medical  course  and  making  it  his  career  had  broken, he  was  useless, listening  at  the  door  with  folded  hands  she  heard   him  and  was  also sad  but  she  stepped  in showing  mock  courage  saying  that  was  not  the  end  of  the  world,  life  opened  other  doors  when one  got  closed

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-mother  , your  son who  from his  nursery  days  was  standing  first  in his  class, in every  board  exams  he  was  declared  topper  has  failed  the  entrance  test,he  spoke  pressing  his  teeth, mincing  his  words painfully, apparently  he  was  going  through  lots  of  mental  strain, he  had  failed., all his  aims  and  goals  in life  had  shattered  , like  his  dreams  

Monday, April 24, 2017

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-the  luke  warm morning  sun had  descended  in the  spring  in the  courtyard  silently with  its  soft  steps, the  clear  blue  sky  seemed  even  more  incredible  today,  whiter  than  white  foam  mountains of   pure  clouds  were  spread  out  distantly, on the  roof top  a  cane  chair  was  placed  by  the  wall, sitting  comfortably  he  was  sipping  his  hot  steaming  cup  of  tea, on the  table   in front  of  him was  open the  fresh  newspaper, birds  were  chirping  noisily, it  was  a  sunday  and  he  was  somewhat  free

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-the  new  family  that  came  to  live  in the  quarter   consisted  of  just five  members, the  head  of  the  family  was  a  mechanic  working  in a  large  company  , his  job requirement  was  to  repair  and  check  and  maintaince  of  all the  vehicles  of  the  company, he  was  paid well, in between he  also  proved  his  skills  in driving  the    vehicles  around  ,  it  was  a  satisfactory  job  and  his  skills  were  appreciated

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-fatma  was  asked  if  her  dead  daughter mehmuda  had  given her  statement to  the  police  that  she  was  threatened  by her  husband he  would  burn her  to  her  death, fatma  shook her  head , before  she  could  inform them she  was  dead, she  had  intended  to  but  she  was  burnt  alive   and  could  never  tell the  truth

from previous-

-fatma  continued  answering  questions  of  her  lawyer, her  son in law  had  given his  statement  that  he  was not  home  when this   crime  took place, he  was  away, he  had  left  minutes  earlier  , the  lawyer  was  experienced  and  knew  exactly   what  was fatma  going  through,  many  clients  came  in  mentally  stressed  state  of  minds  believing  their  dearest ones  died  because of  someone  related to  the  family  , later  proven  wrong  but  the  condition of  fatma  was  pitiable in deed

page 9-

-fatma  was  telling  her  lawyer  the  happenings  , he  had  killed  the  victim burning  her  down,  but  when she  reached  the  police  station to   get  the  F.I.R filed  it  was  not  done, against  her  son in law, her  manner   plainly  was  expressive  of  her  inner  pain and  stress  she  was  experiencing

Sunday, April 23, 2017

from previous-

-zishan was  hiding  ready  with his  rifle, slowly  and   cautiously  he  began to  pit  pressure  on the  trigger  preparing  himself  for  the   push  on his  shoulder  after  the  fire, then taking  aim he  suddenly  pressed  the  trigger  quickly  , the  resonating  fire  shot  echoing  and  re echoing  through the  forest  sounding  resounding  and  revolving  around made  the  birds  rise  in air   with  a  noisy  flutter of  wings  flapping   up  into  the  sky, he  saw  the  man  fall  down   bleeding  , he  also  saw wahid  turning  towards  him as  he  saw  the  man  falling , what  a expression on his  face  it  was, of great  disbelief, unbelievable  incredible  as  he  looked  from all that  distance  between them  at  zishan  who  now  heard  his  own  heart  beats   drumming  so  loud  in his  head, this  was  his  first  kill

from previous-

-saim asked  flatly  why  had  he  made  that  video, to  blackmail him, he  said  the  word  blackmail was  insulting  , he  did  not  actually like  that  word  and  what  it  implied, but  like  saim had  his  needs others too had  their  needs, for  instance  money, if  he  cooperated  with  them , video  will be  safe  , the  evil  smile  was  dirty like  the  sine  in his  eyes

from previous-

-saim"s  eyes  were  fixed  on the  paper knife, kamal  stared at  him and  followed  his  fixed  gaze  , a  poisonous  smile  stretched  an  ugly  expression on his  evil face  as  he  extended  his  arm  and  pulled  the  paper  knife  to  him declaring  dramatically  kids  like  him should  stay  away  from dangerous  toys   that  can  hurt

page 245-

-she  brought  tea  for  him,  finishing  his  tea  he  was  ready  with his  bag  to  leave  for  college, he  hugged  her   on his  way  out  and  said  to  take  care, amazing  change  in him  was  seen in just  one  day, he  had  never  behaved  like  this  before, she  kept  looking  after  him with  surprise, in the  college  amir  also  was  shying  off  from confronting  him  but  the  change  was  so  sudden  that  he  too saw  what  a  friendly  and  casual  and  light  his   behaviour  had  become, 

Saturday, April 22, 2017

from previous-

-taking  off her  shoes  she  reclined  on her  bed, sometimes  pain itself  can heal, gone  through  so  much  mental  pain  she  could  no  longer  change  her  clothes ,  time  can  make  smart  moves  and  when it  begins  to  play  games  time  makes  strange  moves  one  after  another  , after  experiencing  so  much  she  was  intimidated  by  the  mere  mention of  imrana mami, sinking  in the  ocean of  fear, if  she  knew  she  had  been with zed  what  would  she  do,when she  had  specifically  kept  her  miles away  from his  falling  shadows  saddened  at  her  mother"s  unawareness and  uncaring  attitude  towards   grown up  girls, though  shahzeb  and  other  children  are  like  others  trusted  blindly  yet   time  has  its  calling 

from previous-

-sauda  comes  in as  the  door  is  opened  and  banged  with a  loud  noise  to  drown  her  entry, so  he  had  gone  to  help  , helping  means  it  must  be  someone  special  and  close  or  he  would  never  have  gone  at  all, if  someone  is  with  shahzeb  nobody  will ask  when they  go  out  and  what  time  they  return because  he  was  a  man  trusted  by  them all, painful as  the  step  relationships  are  sometimes  they  can  become  shield and protective 

from previous-

-his  friend  arrived, he  asked  why  did  he  take  s  long  to  inform, the  accident  happened  last  night  and  he  waited  almost  one  day  to  call him up, what   was  next  to  be  done  he  began  instructing, call  the  family  of  the  girl  and  tell them  of  the  accident,his  tone  was  gruff  and  tired,his  friend  thought  he  had  saved  the  girl  but  he  soon discovered  it  was  him who  hit  her  because  he  was  drunk, she  was  walking  on the  footpath , his  car  suddenly  got  out  of control

page 227-

-it  was  a  private  hospital  , on its  second  floor  were  located  private  rooms , there  prevailed  that  typical  heaviness  of  sadness and  sorrowful  silence, he  began looking  out  of  the  window  the scenery  covered  in light  mist, so  that  girl  is your  acquaintance   , you  were  perhaps  class fellows, your  eyes  show  your  inner  true  feelings  when you  watched  her  from the  glass  window  lying  unconscious, he  flared  up, she  was  his junior not  his  class mate, his  face  had  displayed  so  many  expressions of  rage  and  other  feelings 

Friday, April 21, 2017

page 46-

-fog  had  spread   and  the  the  roads  were  empty  in the  darkness, traffic  was sparse, very  few  vehicles  running  were  pouring  their  lights  making  way , suddenly  his  car"s  headlights  shut  down  and  the  tyres  came  to  a  screeching  halt, he was  forced  to  get  out  of  the  car well  dressed  in royal blue  , looking  grand with a  matching  neck  tie  a  pen in his  pocket  studded  with precious  gems,  gold  framed  glasses enhancing  his complexion , highlighting  his  personality, every  looker  on would   turn  again and  again to  see  him , he  was  a  sight  of  perfection, he  was  equipped  with  all one  could  ask  for  except  one  thing  and  it  was  his  self  , his  self  was  missing 

from previous-

-he  exclaimed  on  you  are  sitting  here  and i  was  looking  for you  everywhere, she  lifted  her  surprised  face  towards  him,  he  also  sat  down  on the  floor  by her  side, teasing  he  asked  if  she  was  gaping  at  him because  he  was  irresistible  , adding  she  could  stare  at  him as  much  she  liked  because  it  was  her  right  in fact  only  she  had  the  right  to  look at  him

from previous-

-her  eyes  opened  she  woke  up  with  the  echo  of  azan, she  dragged  herself  to  sit  on the  bed  and  listened, she  pushed  herself  to  get  going  to  do  the  wazu in the  washroom where  the  mirror  showed  her  a  woman  breaking  to  tears, all night  she  had  spent  so  awfully  peaceful yet  she  felt  so  exhausted, her  heart  was  heavy, with  empty  eyes  she  offered  her  namaz  and  extended  her  arms  for  dua  without   asking  for  anything, vacantly  looking   at  her  hands  empty   bringing  tears  again to her  eyes  

page 41-

-defeated  my  spirit, defeated  also  are  you
-my  beloved broken shattered your  soul within
-like  a  destroyed  scene of wiped  out  city we  are
-eyes  revealing  in what condition you  are
-if  together  we  get amazing  pleasant life  journey it may
-crushed   i am scattered  you too 
-she  wanted  to   destroy  that  piece  of  paper  but  the  times  spent  together   lowered  her  eyes  burning  helplessly

Thursday, April 20, 2017

from previous-

-he  wanted  now  to  quickly  recover  , the  doctor  was  happy  and  hopeful to  see  him usng  his  wheelchair  al over  the house, trying  to   follow  his  routine  and  daily  exercise , but  something  was missing, mirrors, in his  room there  was  a  dressing  table  but  no  mirror, all other  mirrors  also  were  disappeared, he  asked  her  he  wanted  to  see  himself, she  led  him to her  own room, holding  him tight  from the  shoulders  she  remarked  it  was going  to  be  her  test, her  test  of her  love  for  him,test  of  her  motherhood , he  noticed  again the  mirror  in her  room too was  covered  with  a  sheet, she  clutched  him even more  tightly  from his  shoulders  as  the  sheet  was  pulled  away , he  looked  at  himself  in the  mirror sitting  in the  wheel chair

from previous-

-she  saod  she  had  been married  four  years  , looking  at  the  small child  her  motherhood  longed  to  hold  the  child, she  tried  to  rectify  their  relationship and  they  went  to lahore  to  stay  with  the  child"s  granny,the  reality  was  disclosed  only  to  her  own mother  and  shark"s  parents, because  the  child"d  granny  was  with  them all there  was  no  legal complication,  this  is  how  he  became  their  son, they  first  were  ready  to  state  his  real  parentage but fearing  the  granny  they  could  not, many  times  she  wanted  to  reveal  the  facts  but  the  wrath of  granny  stopped  her,, as  long  as he  stayed  unconscious  she  kept  on praying  asking  forgiveness,certain  her  prayers  were  answered because  he  was  given her  back 

from previous-

-ashar  was  the  only  friend  left  in  lahore   and  when he  came  to  see  faras  he  remembered  every  thing, he  had  fallen  from  the  stairs on eighth january  two thousand thirteen  and  now  he  opened  his  eyes  in two  thousand  sixteen fifth  october , his  parents had  suddenly  become  very  weak  and  old, his  father"s  hair  all  were  white  and  his  mother  looked  so  fragile  and  aged, the  doctor  smild  and   congratulated  him for  having  a  second  chance  to  life , he  was  brought  home  , though  some  minor  operations  still were  needed  on his leg  and  hip, his  room was  inky  and  silver, he  saw  his  mother  sleeping  down on the  carpet  with her  head  on the  pillow  just  by his  bed, he  felt  guilty, he  wanted  to  cry , he  was  helpless 

page 29-

-faras  opened  his  eyes but  his  effort  was  defeated  because  he  felt  heavy  weights  hanging  over  his  eye  lids, on his  head, his  whole  body  ached uncomfortably, he  could  see  faintly  his  mother"s  lips  uttering  his  name, barely  audible she  was  telling  the  doctor  her  son was  coming  to  , her  touch  on him was  expressing  her  love  for  him, but  the  room was  still  dark

fun e zaiqa-

-starting  the  kitchen  menu  with 
-party sandwiches
-kashmiri kofta  do pasta
-parcha  gosht
-zera chicken
-pao  chaney
-deghi alu  gosht
-karela  aur  chana  da
-arvi salan-
-recipes and  ingredients for  details  

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

from previous-

-it  was  not  the  poor  girl"s  falt  that  she  was  hit  by  drunken  driving, she  was  walking  in the  foot  path meant  for  walker, it  was  they  who  were  not  driving  properly  and  run over  her  their  car, she  was  in pain, in hospital, her  identity  was  unknown, her  family  must  be  looking  for  her, waiting  for  her, she  was  not  in her  senses, unconscious,  he  always  kept  his  distance  from women, but  this  was  not  about  the  male  female  relationship but  about  principles, about  his  mistake, about  his  human duty  for  a  fellow  being  and  this  was  even more  because  he  was  responsible  for  her  state,, he  will  try  find  her  family  and  contact  them and  stay  in the  hospital  till her  condition improved, he  was  guilty

my routine hobbies

i like  photography, music, radio, reading, thread  handicraft, cooking  gazals,  short  stories, urdu  based  cultural descriptions  and  good  food  and  good  humour