Thursday, October 17, 2024

page 101 the families with  young grown up girls such   behavior  is not acceptable,  if  you don't reform yourself  your sisters will  be affected negatively  spoke fida bitterly 
You are pouring out all your inner rage on me,  why don't you ask who is the wrong doer, who is talking against Ada  blackening her reputation,  he even  laughed at me in a sinister manner when I was passing by , I fuming slapped  hard on his face,  all the neighbors  gathered to take his side and began  accusing me and showered dirty abuses on me , thereafter what a hearty  bashing I gave him you saw that with your own eyes,  Mrs jafry added  dogs nature is to bark but it's not advisable to bark along with the dogs , wasim shall be punished for the crime  he has committed soon 
Fida Sar down on the bed,  around his right eye black circle appeared 
Mrs jafry  worriedly   looked at Ada  and  asked her to warm up a piece of cloth to press it on her brother's eye,  the two girls were sent away to the kitchen to also get warm milk,  Mrs jafry  began pressing his eye with her veil  corner , he shook away her hand,  
In the  morning  land lady had come,  she threatened to vacate the house,  the grocery store refused to give groceries 

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

waham o guman

...vegetable market was close to the  bus stop,  in the evenings  vegetables were sold  very cheap Mrs  jafry   by five   would  finish her factory work,  it took another half hour to reach the vegetable market,  the rates of the vegetables dropped after seven,  two hours from five to seven  she spent in the market,  at seven  she  would buy three days vegetables and return home,  she didn't like overstaying  outside  unnecessarily,  just recently  in the past  she had to  go through a bad phase,  her daughter Ada fell  sick,  she was vomiting,  Mrs jafry s experienced eyes recognized tge problem,  but still she  visited a doctor,  the lady doctor thoroughly checked her and confirmed her doubts  that the girl was expecting  but it was possible to get rid off the pregnancy through pills,  coming back home Mrs jafry asked her what had happened,  it was  wasim the neighbor s boy

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Mizaj pursi

...after a lot of thinking  he decided to take up the murder case,  the wife of the accused said something that made the lawyer  rethink on the matter seriously,  they met for the first time in the city court  corridor  stairs,  he was  going down from the second floor court when the woman  close by stopped him,  she wanted to discuss something important if he could give her just ten minutes,  such requests are common  and the lawyers are used to it , besides the lawyer community and the groups of judges  two other kinds of people are seen  actively moving around from here to there,  one of them are somehow related to  the cases  second type  are those who are looking for some  lawyer, they are desperate to consult a lawyer  either to escape the law or to receive their lawful  rights 

Monday, October 14, 2024

from previous

..once a foolish man  turned informer to receive the reward amount,  I came to know of it, I  threw him away cut into pieces  , he couldn't tell anything anymore,  , he didn't know  eye code  or I would have  scooped out his eyes as well,  idiot proved hus own deadly enemy,  hilarious creature he looked without  tongue and no limbs 
Roston narrated a frightful incident and laughed out threateningly,  broad began sweating profusely nervously  but he quickly  controlled himself,  he was there on his own free will and he wanted to work with them 
Once a  man didn't turn tge entire  amount he had stolen to me he kept away a few things  , when it was time to distribute amongst ourselves,  me being the leader  gets the biggest share,  he already  had taken a lion's cut, you know what I did,  I removed some of his body parts fir cheating me just two fingers on one hand and a few on the feet and sold off one of his kidneys to cover my losses 


....frank had a compulsive  habit of  seeing the positive side of any negative news,  every bad news gave him an opportunity to find another aspect  more positive than the real 
His friends irritated  thought of teaching him a lesson  for his irrational  thinking
Frank they said  there is a bad news , Tom killed his wife and her paramour  incompromising situation before shooting himself  last night 
Frank  said indeed it was a bad news but worse could have happened if Tom returned home earlier the day before, then Frank would be dead 

Sunday, October 13, 2024

be iman

...the black car was speeding  off towards its destination,  the driver was expertly maneuvering  around the corners  and turns,  Broderick in the passenger seat was having a  bad time,  his mind was full of  endless  chattering thoughts,  he was constantly tossing and turning in his seat, sometimes he strongly  hoped the car would break down  completely next moment he would want someone to call him up to cancel the program and take a u turn  and come back but nothing happened his way,  the journey was not  disrupted,  he began  cracking his  fingers  noisily , his mind was  absolutely  restless 
He wished someone else was given this job,  he was chosen   last but why at all,  his mind was  shaken but he couldn't find a reasonable answer 
We are here,  spoke up the driver  halting hus mind flow, he was startled,  the car gad stopped,  sighing   deeply  he felt relieved and picked up his drinking bottle,  he gulped thirstiily  

Saturday, October 12, 2024


..grandmother lovingly  held her grandson and  continued there used to be fairies  in the days of yore,  she was one day flying over and across the sea
Grandson  stopped her middle   and asked if fairies really could fly 
Of course  fairies are fairies and have wings to fly , they can fly like birds and pigeons 
But  the aunty next door neighbor  doesn't fly 
She is ordinary like you and me
But father hugs ger in the evening and says my dear fairy