Friday, November 19, 2021

muhabbet zindabad... was early morning  when they got the news aju bhai was unwell and rushed to the hospital and immediately admitted  there, , almas  clutched ger heart for qpast some time sge gad observed  hus condition was deteriorating,  he had become very weak,  ,  she reached the hospital  and was awfully terrified to see her brother  connected to so many  machines,  his pres Today  also was a reason  to live for and  of  unconditional  support,   he had  been there for her in all her difficult times and provided her security and proved an unshakable  shield  always defending her, all he had to say was he was there to solve  her problems  and  all the problems  disappeared  , she spread out her veil  praying for his life and speedy recovery  , entire  clan was present  there,  , aju bhaya was good to each and every one 

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