Monday, January 14, 2013


asahr  hated  that  girl --kiran--how  had  she  bahaved  with her, known to  each other  all their  life  when he  reached  her  home, she  opened  the  door  slightly  and  said  nobody  was  home  he  must  come  later, it  was  an outright  insult, how  could  he  marry  her, she  was  so  outdated, like  a 1960  model, out  of  fashion, not  current  any  longer, not  happenening, he  wanted  someone  in his  life  companion who  was  bolder, a  little  romantic, a  little  naughty, a  little  modern , with  a  good  dressing sense , and  likeable  of  course,

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