Tuesday, November 29, 2022

page 139

...a man returns home carrying a huge sack of colorful  shoes 
The wife asked him what were they and gotten from where 
The husband explained if she didn't know it was his first day of lecture 
Suddenly a terrible storm  came,  trees  were getting  torn out from their roots,  vehicles began banging into each other,  rooftops flew off, amidst all the chaos an absent minded professor  herded  people back together  encouraging them  to find from where to start  in this  hellish condition 
A man approached and took him aside  and gently said first of all he must go home and wear his  trousers 
.a man  stepped into his office singing loudly  and slapped  his boss on the face  followed by going to sit at his desk with legs on the desk  , his friend came in to tell him he was joking about his winning the lottery 

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