Tuesday, March 21, 2023

page 43

....OK, what  about to talk about  asked gazal  looking at the  coffee foam  stirring the heart in a rich creamy  circle,  naghin  unreasonably thought it was his heart  mercilessly   removed 
That the village lands are sold off, I have more plans for our future , to open an institute and  a magazine,  you just wait and watch me how I make progress naghin sounded enthusiastic 
Building up dreams , but how many years will that take,  your abba fanatically loves his village and will never allow you to cut off ties with it, but  even if we suppose  all your plans   manifest  how much can a writer and a poet make  practically,  is it possible  for you to actually  compete  with the world racing up speeding up  just by your poetry 
Look, all this is fine work in college life  , to compose something and get appreciation  but in real life  all this has no importance,  , fast pace world  ignores insignificant small words,  speaking rapidly gazal  fell silent,  naghin glanced at her all her face features and  complexion  and looks were the same but  but there was something more today he couldn't put a name to
He asked her to  say it whatever was troubling her mind,  his voice firm and hard,  her face  went a couple of shades pale,  look naghin she began stealing her gaze,  my father  likes a boy of his friend from America for me to marry,  you have no chance before him , they have  money and status you don't have,  even if I protested and mentioned your name  my father wouldn't agree 
He suddenly felt weak  as if a very strong storm had  shaken him and left him silent,  he realized  that extra color on her face today was of unfaithfulness 
Gazal  pushed her chair backwards  a signal she was ready to leave,  picked up her shoulder bag,  she turned to go, naghin then spoke in slow soft but strong tone that she was absolutely right,  he didn't have the standard she was looking for but he released her from his  commitment,  she was free,  but  money will never buy her a sincere  heart 

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