Wednesday, January 24, 2024 morning James reached worthmill by car , Carter was ready,  he didn't have much luggage just one brief case  full of writing material  and his typewriter,  Lucy took her seat in the back seat with the briefcase,  Carter  and James occupied front seats, he found it hard to believe Lucy would go with them to drop him home,  but she was up early and all ready to go along,  in fact it was rather good  actually,  the doubts in mind would get cleared up,  she won't  trouble Carter for the rest of the  month,  Carter had given some helpful tips before she came like about how to manage his finances he was to get from  dramas , James started reciting those tips as the car started,  first of all he sweetly enquired how was she,  instead of choosing to answer she turned her face away,  James intervened to subdue the air by congratulating  Carter for  getting involved with the production,  he was  chosen for his   brilliance  and were ready to pay him thirty thousand dollars 
Lucy startled turned to look at Carter  , he smiled  there was no need to be so happy,  he would get the money after the drama was completed  and that too if they liked it, he wanted to be  able to  please them  with the plot of the drama and he could succeed only if he was not distracted  and disturbed at home 

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