Monday, January 1, 2024

Lamhon ke asir

That day  Zafar was  late for college  so   sitting down at the writing table he was  quickly  scribbling  some notes,  it was also his study table,  he would always keep his window open during  his  studies,  his window was  wide open right now also,  it was a room in the apartment,  the window opened in a side street  on the other side of the street  was   another  wing of more apartment buildings,  all their windows also opened in the same street,  the lane between  the  buildings was very narrow  that bigger than an auto Riksha  vehicles couldn't cross it
The window of the second floor apartment  looked the window facing it directly from across  from another apartment  that opened sometimes  and Zafar then could  see  a good looking girl standing there,  several residents of the  area knew each other well  or were familiar with each other or knew them by their faces or names,  Zafar knew   her name was bakhtawar  of twenty five,  she must have been married quite young  because she was a young mother of two,  her boy five  and other six  showed up in the open window  across the street and sometimes screamed  mummy mummy calling bakhtawar,  perhaps her husband was a travel agent,  Zafar had overheard someone say it but he had never seen the man 

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