Saturday, April 6, 2024

page 23

...manza exclaimed  in mock horror she was so highly educated and yet  expected not to get a job 
Of course you will  get a job and that too  for  my brother  laughed aima,  her laugh  drew someone's attention towards her  and that was  he who was busy on the phone,  startled and disturbed his hand fell down to his side as he turned   that was enough to put a brake on the mocking laugh  , aima  pursed her lips and looked at manza in silence 
Meet  him, he is my class fellow  taqi naushera,   observing  the  soberness on aima  s face   manza played the hostess 
Appi , let me see you later,  aima didn't want to see this person at all  therefore  quickly  commented 
Come on , stop , manza held aima by the arm , taking wants to speak to you,  he had sent for me to arrange this  meeting 
Appi, aima  choked on her own words
Taking broke in he will take just two minutes  to say what was he  there for  he had opened his lips 
Appi I have nothing to talk about  scowled  aima  looking at manza  and  then stared at taqi  whose eyes were  only  stuck on her face 
Just for a fraction  of a second  their gaze had brushed  , something  unidentifiable was  in his  look  and she couldn't  turn away  but  he had , he was speaking to manza,  who was  nodding as she listened  in agreement  and  turned to go
Now left alone  in the  room  he  turned to speak  to her  , she was  nervous,  he coughed  and   began he didn't know how to talk long and   a lot  but  coming directly to the point  be expressed himself quite  correctly   he was   sorry  for his behavior  the other day  , he had been rude to her and her friend 

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