Thursday, September 11, 2008

Ways to Stop Worrying and Start Living 1. Ask yourself that if what you worry about did happen what would you do next?Let's say you worry that you are going to lose your job. Take a moment to visualise what you would do next. What would be the next step, the step beyond the job you do now? See yourself taking that step with ease while enjoying and learning from the transition to a new chapter in your life. 2. Put all your worries on a piece of paper and then set fire to itWrite down your worries on a blank sheet and then have a 'sacrificial fire ceremony' as you send your worries up in smoke. 3. See worry as paying interest on a debt that you have not yet incurredWatch how your worrying is draining you. The thoughts are sucking away your life energy. It's like a debt collector calling to collect on a debt you do not have. Stop paying of a non-existent debt.

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