Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Avar Khaan

The sultan Ashman sat in his palace, he is informed the lady of Hungarian origin wants to see him, every one at the court including avar khaan, alao khaan the sons of the sultan and other male members of their clan waited for Doyana hungarian princess in hiding, she wanted to accompany the army on the move, as other ladies were going along with their husbands and soldier sons, the sultan tells her she was told before to mix and mingle with other people of her christian origin in and around the palaceso she could find a suitable match for herself, some young nasrani man to live her life with, she tells the sultan she already has decided to get married to a person of her liking who is not a christian, nor does he have a family nor any place to live, the sultan thought he knew who the young man might be--Abad Alrehman Ghazi--it was as she smiled her consent

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