Thursday, March 4, 2010


Both kasim and hamid are at a restaurant, hamid wants to get rid of kasim, he is sent on a trail to follow the fat man exitting to find out who he is, where he lives and other details if kasim wants to be a good detective, kasim says as a beginner its too much of a job and he would just try find out his permanent location and whereabouts, hamid worries as he recalls once kasim's wife had gone to her parental home when a poet began visiting kasim , as a struggler he wanted kasim to listen and appreciate his poetry, kasim put a lock on the outside and hid himself , every time the poor poet dropped by thinking kasim was not at home returned, when came hamid he pressed the doorbell long enough, kasim shouted angrily if he was blind and could not see the lock on the door, made hamid worry acutely what if kasim got tired of folloeing his target and asked him to get lost quick, or was he a roaming nomad without a house to get in

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