Sunday, December 6, 2020

page 13....

.....enough  is enough,  what the world is coming to with  greed for grabbing  others  assets,   no value was left  of promises,  raisa bano,s blood pressure  shot up as she heard  directly from Ayaz, s mouth  the groom, s family now wa demanding  motorcycle  in dowry at the last moment  when just fifteen days were left  for the wedding day, they already had given a long list of  dowry and had sold off the shop and sent the cash amount  too to the in laws of shanya  ,raisa bano thinking all was going well  and was quite satisfied when this demand from  shanya, s in laws brought a storm in their miserable life,  in laws had no girls to marry off , no extra  expenditures  but just because it was considered trendy  fashionable and  modern  they asked for a bike  that raisa bano dare not refuse 

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