Saturday, August 20, 2022

page 64 was a spectacular  scene,  huge  hills covered in green,  tall trees all around and  the fast flowing river below,  , it was definitely  a fantastic   landscape,  a unique example of nature's   creativity,  , but she had no time to look at the surroundings and enjoy  the scenery,  , the scenes were  passing by at high speed like a slide show,  when life is  at stake  dangers don't let you enjoy life,  every attraction loses its charm,  , it wasn't easy to run up the  slope,  but helplessness is the mother of efforts in all ages, , but she kept on running with all her  strength  courage body mind and  life , her shoes filled  up with  pebbles and  stones  hurting her, , she was quite out of breath,  , her heart drummed  loudly,  her ears were tuned to the  shouting screaming  noisy voices  running after her, her mind  was giving her just one command  again and again  to run  run and run 

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