Saturday, January 21, 2023

from previous morning  at eight  a medium  structured nadim  barq khan  stood pondering  in a hotel lobby  over the death  of begh  and how his body was found  , he didn't look sixty from anywhere,  retired bank officer,  wife dead, childless,  simple lifestyle  he spent time cheerfully with  neighbors and friends and amidst books 
He was  just about to finish his breakfast,  a long black shiny car stopped by the  main gate of the hotel,  the  staff rushed towards it, , a smiling   man emerged from the car,  who was  far younger than nadim  barq
Nacaro shouted loudly looking at nadim  who was greeted  warmly , what was  nadim doing there 
Tariq man something has  happened here,  he was certain  the newspaper would send him there,  sit down,  nadim promised to tell him the whole thing , nadim was absolutely right,  Tariq was sent to investigate the murder of begh of begh industries,  he sat down  close to nadim,  he was to try his best to reach the  killer  
A new voice  intervened  unexpectedly,  introducing himself as the manager 

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