Tuesday, August 29, 2023

page 151

....the next morning was quite pleasant,  light cool breezy,  the air felt  soothing,  abid was  present  there in the  nearby park then,  early morning jogging for half hour was his regular routine,   running on the  park jogging track he remembered  last night function  , the  birthday party and  scenes 
Whole life was spent but I couldn't  change that woman's  habits and mind,  his  speed increased,   now it was almost over  no time to change,  thankfully children weren't like her, not  narrow minded  nor stubborn,  he felt a sense of relief 
His jogging time was up, he returned home  contented , his house was  located  right in the  front,  in his  way of walking he  opened the door and entered the house to his surprise   there were  foot prints made in  wet mud , whose  shoes  made them  asked he  in confusion,  he surveyed the entire  room and spotted the dirty  bucket   used to pick up filthy trash  behind the door,  flies swarming  over it, , he   was repelled by the  sight of it, how many times he  had  told them to  keep it covered  but who cared,  nobody listened,  he grumbled to himself aloud,  in  this matter he completely forgot the matter of soiled  footprints 

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