Tuesday, April 13, 2021

from previous....

.......he sat listening to  the softly playing  musical 
....that i completely forget you 
Now this seems  right 
But impossible it is to forget you anyway 
Because you are a reality
And  not a dream 
Here the condition of the  heart is such 
Not  able to forget  that  trail
That never was
Merely a t  shadow of a hought 
That  never  transformed   to words
That one  point 
I couldn't  utter ever
That one  connection between us
That  never was
I remember all that 
That never happened 
If this is  the  condition of feelings  someone  explain 
Even if someone wants to  forget you 
How  to get  that  done 
Because you are a  reality 
Not  just a dream 


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