Saturday, September 2, 2023

muntzar naye raston ke the veranda in a corner  bright eyed children sat singing  nazm  melodically,  first  namu jan recited in a specific manner followed by them all in a chorus,  Grey haired  pepper and salt  brown  mustached  master sahib alias mamu jan recited the last couplet of the nazm 
Nothing in this world is mirrored 
nobody is bad in the nature's factory 
Mamu , sir, we saw a squirrel yesterday,  that was very near to our wall,  it had a thick furry tail  absolutely like  Aruba appi s ponytail,  the  naughty  hadi rolled his  round fat eyes  and quickly completed his  sentence,   mamu jan  reacted  by a roaring guffaw,  Aruba appi glared at him  in turn 
Wao, admirable  similarity  between   tresses of Aruba and  a squirrel s tail,  munir almost  choked  on his tea , coughing  he placed tge tea mug aside,  he pulled out his handkerchief out from his pocket to first wipe his face  then  wiped the stains of spilled tea from his shirt 

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