Monday, September 25, 2023

page 225 morning both woke up rather late,  Lenny prepared the breakfast  unhappily,  the blizzard was still  active outside,  television channels were  appealing  in sign language to stay alert and stay home,  , next few days were to experience more blizzards,  all depended on the cloud formations,  , the weather could change with the change in cloud formation,  Lenny was relieved,   the three of them were restricted to their rooms  and she needed time to find solutions and figure out what she wanted in life,  she received a message from Oscar,  he wanted to meet her,  ally was sitting with Lenny and read the message  , he began tapping his fingers and meaningfully looking at her commented on the message and the sender,  she should meet Oscar  who was longing for her and  the blizzard was stopping them from seeing each other,  ally said he didn't want to stop her,  smiled Lenny and messaged Oscar she would meet him at diamond restaurant at two  but if the storm  turned  terrific she won't be able to get to the restaurant,   after sending the message she looked out of the flat  window  and  trembled,  visibility was zero,  nothing was visible,  , snow  sheets had  covered everything,   but she was decided she was meeting him, something began brewing inside her mind 

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