Monday, October 14, 2024

from previous

..once a foolish man  turned informer to receive the reward amount,  I came to know of it, I  threw him away cut into pieces  , he couldn't tell anything anymore,  , he didn't know  eye code  or I would have  scooped out his eyes as well,  idiot proved hus own deadly enemy,  hilarious creature he looked without  tongue and no limbs 
Roston narrated a frightful incident and laughed out threateningly,  broad began sweating profusely nervously  but he quickly  controlled himself,  he was there on his own free will and he wanted to work with them 
Once a  man didn't turn tge entire  amount he had stolen to me he kept away a few things  , when it was time to distribute amongst ourselves,  me being the leader  gets the biggest share,  he already  had taken a lion's cut, you know what I did,  I removed some of his body parts fir cheating me just two fingers on one hand and a few on the feet and sold off one of his kidneys to cover my losses 

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