Thursday, April 25, 2024

page 206

...., oh so that is so
Junaid don't you waste anymore time spoke  sadta rather pleasingly,  pick up this box carefully  and carry it back to the same place  where we had dropped you,  if you   delay  any thing disastrous can happen,  do you  understand  my point 
Yes of course,  he shuddered  and asked if there was any  snake alive 
Not at all all are destroyed and buried  to ashes,  he  explained in a firm manner,  you can safely move around 

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

from previous

....the sun was sinking on the other side of horizon,  it was after five    but the temperature in the desert   was  boiling  keeping the mind boggling and  the body  burning,  freshening up was  even worse experience,  one hour  later it would be dusk descending   turning the entire atmosphere  completely  to  a different level  cooling  the air   breezes   playing around  pleasantly 
The delivery truck stood some three kilometers away from hajo towards the west, both science and technology were used beneficially and David s competent team had discovered the tunnel   twenty feet  below 

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

page 201

....but I can  certainly  make a guess,  her tone was  meaningful     she declared   her guesses  proved  always right 
Aren't you getting above yourself
If you don't believe me  try ne this time her voice  was filled with a strange note
But  during their conversation  he had made it very clear 
It is acceptable  in their religious community to become friends  from that moment onwards  explained jasim  plainly,  I never try and test my friends,  I have  made you my friend  so I trust  you are my friend  and therefore  no reason  to test your intentions 
In  that case  I will tell you  all  without your asking questions,  she was stressing  pressure on each and  every word strongly,  if I am not wrong   and  it's  hundred percent  certain  it's not wrong  you exited from the airport  with khalal huskies  , then you went together to his house  and right now  you are coming from there
Your  speculation   is  and  belief  are incredibly powerful  sighed coolly  jasim
 But so sorry  you have the  control of the steering wheel 
If you wish   I can stop tge car on the side of  of the road nish spoke  meaningfully 
Jasim  quickly explained  it wasn't necessary 
We are just two minutes away from  taqsim  square  her voice was sensational  

Monday, April 22, 2024


....a village damsel goes to city to stay  with relatives,  all her cousins  surrounded her affectionately,  one of them asked her  if she used Facebook 
The girl replied she didn't,  she never felt the need for it 
Another cousin  suggested she must use Facebook sometimes at least 
The damsel remained silent for awhile before  replying  I am  so fair naturally  
...a husband  going abroad for work   to wife; darling  do take lots of care of my mother and father  when I am away 
Why is your thinking so backward  taunted  the  wife 

Sunday, April 21, 2024

page 29 must have heard 

Of some incessant tearful eyes 
Read you must have somewhere 
Of showering of moments 
Of sorrows untold
But my dear Of life 
Did you ever  see  or  judge 
Tears of written words 
Your going away 
Gifted me just that 
Whatever I express in words 
All those words  shed tears 

Saturday, April 20, 2024

from page 26 it possible to be in love this way Maga  lifting her head  enquired  aima, 
Maha stole her eyes away seeing her tearful eyes  to look at the  leafless tree  in the distance fixedly,  it was autumn already  , every thing around was colored yellow,  green leaves  covered in yellow,  were fallen around on the soil  draping it yellow,  when  someone walked on them they raised a rebellious  crunchy sound  before they were crushed,  they seemed to be saying  falling down from the tree was our fate,  is it anymore necessary to crush us under your feet  but  alas their  pained voices  were  inaudible and left unheard,  perhaps this was unconditional love that aima realized  unhappily she was experiencing 

Friday, April 19, 2024

from previous

....the gunman along with his gun  crashed onto the floor of the restaurant  , near by the waitress lay  motionless dead hit by his bullet,  there was no doubt she was  not alive,  it was a useless  unwanted incident,  the gunman was still alive,  because he hit the floor on his chin  it was painful and  most horrific fall, , jasim was  trying to avoid  the  situation,  but a waitress got involved and the public  got visibly   disturbed,  next moment the entire area was surrounded by the police  vehicles,  to not get into deeper trouble jasim reached the  injured gunman  rolling in pain on the floor  whose  gun was dropped somewhere  because he couldn't have held it any longer,  not at all interested in his gun jasim  quickly gave him the injection  before  pulling his own cell phone  and his from his  control,  by then Nisha had also come out from the  washroom