Wednesday, August 31, 2016

from previous--

--mahnoor  was  for  past  some  weeks  very  upset,  on her  cell  she  was  getting  messages  in bulk  and  a  storm of  phone  calls  from some  unknown number  definitely  a  stranger  who  kept  changing  his  number, in the  beginning  she  ignored  them totally  but  then she  thought   others  might  believe  her part  of  this  or  why  should  she  be  getting  all  the  unwanted  calls, when anwar  was  told  his  head  took  so  many  spins  in a  rage  that  he  blocked  her  sim

from previous-

-  a  new  born  chick  asked  his  mom hen  why  were  their  names  not  kept  like  the  human beings  do, the  wise  hen  replied  in their  community  it  was  a  tradition to  keep  names  after  their  life  is  over-chicken chilly, chicken fry, chicken masala, chicken white sauce, chicken roast, chicken tandoori, chicken grilled, chicken boneless, 

from previous--

--rajya  khatun   in annoyance  woke  up  her  youngest  daughter  still  sleeping  , maira  was informed  they  were  to  attend  the  recital  function at  mamu"s  house  , but  she  was  fast  alseep, in fact  she  did  not  want  to  wake  up  on working  days  , why  should  farid  uncle  not  choose some  other  day,  her  classes  were  more  important  , it  was  her  last  semester,

page 123-

-he  was  a  sage practising  yoga  o the  far  away  high mountains  for  hundreds  of  years  , it  was  believed  he  ate  fruits  from the  trees  growing  there  at  night  , others  said  he  had   magical  powers  to  produce  things  he  needed 

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

ranjish hi sahi-

-he  was  home  alone,  it  was  a  sunday  and  he  did  not  go  to  work,  walls  were  surrounding  him giving  no  comfort, in fact  they  were  choking  him,  loneliness  is  killing  , boredom adds  sadness  to  the  air  around-  what  if  someone  comes  , welcome  they  are  full of  hatred  too,  come  to  meet  again, to  leave  them alone  -what  an  idea  

from previous-

-as  they  reached  the  hall, the  hostess  ran  to  greet  them both, welcoming  and  ushering  them in, abrar  and  madiha   were  asked  by  the  gracious  woman  if    madiha  was  feeling  better  , madiha  had  come  prepared  with  a rehearsed  excuse  , in the  school  she  was  kept  busy  in a  hectic  sports  week  so  she  collapsed  with  exhaustion but  now  she  was  fine  but  arrived  late  , feeling  rather  ashamed  

from previous--

-arranging   thin slices  of   radish, carrot  and  cucumber abrar  who  did   everything   in a  perefctly  systematic  manner  remarked  why  did  she  all the  time  worry  about  matchmaking, matches  were  made  in heaven, but  her  point  was  one  should  be  practical and find  suitable  companions  on time,  exactly  that  was  something  he  quickly  agreed  upon, toli had  turned  twenty  seven  as  he  he  pushed  the  salad   neatly  arranged  in the  round  big  salad  plate  towards maliha  and  left  the  kitchen quietly

from previous--

--abrar   was  only  half satisfied  that  biryani  was  cooking  , if  only  kabab  roast  another  tasty  dish  along  with  sweet  dish  of  firni  or  custard  were  also  added  to  the  menu  it  would    go  well  with  them all,, dragging a  chair began  cutting  vegetables  on the  tiny  dining  kitchen table  , pulling  the   large   piled  up   thali  , his  way  of  helping  madiha  

rishtey naatey-

--it  was  one  more   sunday  when everyone  was  home, children were  still sleeping  so  there  was  silence  around, maliha  always  made  an  extra  effort to  cook   good  food  , she was in the  kitchen  cooking  biryani  for  all  because  that  is  the  only  dish  everyone  could  eat  without   creating  scenes,  her  husband  abrar  came  in asking  what  was  she  cooking  as  she  was  busy  stirring  the   ingredients  that  go  in the  huge  family  handi  for  a  sunday  special

Monday, August 29, 2016

rim jhim mausam-

-come  monsoon and  the  velvet  skin looks  drained  out, one  must   wash  it  more  often , use  some  basic  tips   like  using  water  based  moisturizers ,  cleanse   face  skin with   packs  that  suit  your  skin, removing  extra  oils, giving  that  super  clean  shine

ghar ka sakun--

-it  is   hammered  in the  girl "s  mind  that  mothers  in law  are  cruel vicious  and  unfriendly  species,  most  often than not  brides  come  prepared  with  a  fighting  attitude  to  tackle  their  mothers  in law, before  some  one  could  stop  them brides  themselves   begin behaving   in a  manner  that  is  so  provoking  and  aggressive  that  the  set  of  the  in laws  house  system is  quickly  damaged  , the  family  begins  to  scatter, their  unity  and  mutual  understanding  weakens  and  everyone  becomes  touchy

internet dosti-

-modern  world  is   more  actively  involved  in their  private  lives  , late  nights, late  marriages, single  parent,  live  in relationships  and  not  letting  society  interfere  , control  or  distract  them, internet  has  entered  lives  with  so  much  force  that  users  are   spending  more  time  in virtual  world  than  being  social in real  life, social  medias  like  facebook and  twitter  and  others  allow  them to  release  their  pent  up  friendly  emotions  on these  web sites cutting  them off  from families  and  friends  circles, losing  real  life  friends  for  strangers  on the  net  sometimes  they  fall prey  to  cyber  crimes

fitri khwahish-

-every  woman  wants  to  be  admired  for  her  beauty, youth  and  looks, she  loves  being  praised  and  admired  , be  compared  and  declared  the  most  attractive  of  all, she  can  not  even allow  her  own  reflection look  better  than her  self, the   point  is  woman  does  not  know  what  to  eat  to  look  young, she  avoids  going  to  kitchen , only  if  she   learns  to  cook  what  must  be  eaten  to  stay  healthy  and  youthful amazing  dramatic  change  will turn her  into  an  enchantress, every  woman can  do it

page 105--

-they  both  did  not  complain  nor  did  they  blame  each  other  for  their  mistakes  but  they  both  were  grateful  they  had  kept  dignity  and  maintained  their  mutual  respect  , she  was  unable  to sleep  , it  was  after  three  mid  night, her  eyes  filled  with  tears  of  gratitude,  she  was  saved   form  disgrace , it  was  her  first  stumble  that  could  have  thrown her  down destroying  her  life  for  ever, but  she  was  saved  

Sunday, August 28, 2016

from previous--

-a  strange  noise  is  left  somewhere
-someone  has  become  silent  somewhere
-you  try  look for  me  as  i  for  you
-one  of  us  is  lost  somewhere 

from previous-

-like  a  school  master  the  client  began  dictating  the  lawyer, first  he  wrapped  up  his  case  introducing  it  as  complicated  exciting  and  serious  , dangerous  in nature, the  doubting  the  intentions  of  him he  scanned  the  walls  and  windows  and  doors  with his  x  ray  eyes, then  asked  him to  note  down  points  as  he  instructed  him , quite  an irritating  client  ,  so  that  it  would  be  easy  for  the  lawyer  to  understand  his  complicated  case, so  that  it  would  be  good  for  them both  that  the  points  were  taken down  and  he  would  not  have  to  repeat  them , the  lawyer  avoided  arguing  at  this  point  and  pulled  out  his  rough pad,, looking  questioningly  at  him, the  client  began  once  again  that  his  points  must  be  listened  very  carefully  and  attentively,  the  matter  is  of  a  vehicle, , the  vehicle  happens  to  be  a  car, a  car  which  he  bought  one  year  ago, then it  was  white  and  new, now  it  can not  be  called  new  from any  side, his  car  was  not  driven  much on roads,  ,, the   epic  on a  car  opened  chapterwise, no  no  car  accident  cases  and  car  thefts  are  very  common  his  case  was  beyond  ordinary  he  patted  his  bag  , he  would  prove  it  he  bought  the  car  when it  was  new

from previous-

-the  lawyer  explained  keeping  his  temper  under  control, the  client  and  death  are  unpredictable, they  must  be  treated  with  full respect,  that  he  accepted   all  types  of  cases  , it  was  his  profession, he  was  used  to  dealing  with  complicated, easy,  authentic  , false  and  dangerous  in nature  cases  and  people, so  it  was  all right  , but  the  client  was  rather  too  much  he  suspiciously looked  around  at  the  windows, walls  and  doors  as  if  they  were  alive  and  would  repeat  all  his  secrets  he  shared  with  the  lawyer, who  was  doing  his  best  to  change  and  shift  his  own  mental  angles  to  make  his  client  easily  express his  point  of  view  

page 192--

-he  was  a  lawyer, professional  and  sometimes  he  got  to  meet  clients  so  crooked  and  twisted  that  they  never  spoke  their  mind  straight  and  clear,  the  listener  had  to  adjust  his own  mental  angles  according  to  their  pattern  to  get  their  information out  from their  system, one  day  a  client  arrived  who  would  speak  in spirals, spinning  long   prefaces,  long  speeches  , fillers  and  fringes  but  he  failed  to  come  to  the  point, he  kept  on revolving  round  his  own  point  if  the  lawyer  took  up  cases  of  that  type, of  course, a  lawyer  of  any  type  took up  any  kind  of  cases  including  dangerous, special  and  ordinary

Saturday, August 27, 2016

farebi rat-

- it  was  a  mahogany  motor boat, magnificent  cutting  through the  ocean  like  an arrow, taking  a  round  of  the  rock in the  middle  it  turned  into  a  specially  cut  oval  opening  to  tie  it  up  near  their  boat  house, what  a  fantastic   little  island  it  was  whose  owner  he  was  married  a  couple  of  months  to  give  his  wife  flora  a  surprise  who  jumped   onto  the  wooden platform walking  like  in dream, she  was  so  thrilled  to  have  a  place  like  that  to  themselves, the  staff  of  over  seven old  loyal servants were  sent  away  on leave  so  they  could  have  private  holiday  just  by  themselves

from previous-

-wife  to  husband-  how  nice  you  were  before  marriage  , you  used  to  tell  how  beautiful i  looked, how  sweet  i  was, how  brilliant  i  was, the  disgruntled  husband  remarked  he  was  being  punished  for  life  for  his  lies

from previous--

--sometimes  most  interesting  and  odd  situations  arise-  in a  family  home  a  husband returns  from work  begins  his  story  that  he  wants  his  wife  to  listen-when he was  coming  home  he  saw  a donkey..the  story  is  cut  short, their  son needs  immediate  attention  who  was  fighting  with friends, the  wife  attends to  the  son"s  demand  returning  to  husband who  begins  the  story  again  he  saw  a  donkey  on his  way  home..this  time  their  daughter  needs  mother  to  help her  with her  doll, , again they  begin the  story  telling  when again they  are  interrupted-the  irritated  wife  stops  everyone   shouting  on top of  her  voice  to  listen to  the  donkey first

from previous-

-one  friend  to  another  asked  if  he  was  still searching  for  the  lost  bog  money, the  friend  was  busy  looking  for  his  younger  brother  who  had  found  the  lost  money  hours  ago

page 169--

-a  lazy  clerk  in office  was  always  found  sleeping  with his  head  on the  files  on the  table,  one  day  he  was  softly  shaken up  awake  by  the  boss  who  apologetically  and  gently  informed  him he  did  not  want  to  disturb  him at  all, but  the  matter  was  of  utmost  importance , he  was   fired  from his  job

Friday, August 26, 2016

from previous--

--the  tall  man  said  the  woman  was  not  his  daughter, in fact  he  had  never  met  her, the  detective  wanted  to  know  what  was  the  story  if  they  were  not  related  and  never  met , how  could  he  help  find  a  woman  like  that , the  man  declared  he  was  in love  with her, the  detective   could  not  bite  his  sords  as  they  escaped  from his  mouth  that  he  would  prefer  someone  older  than that  eighteen year  old  for  old  men, the  tall man  was  offended, nobody  had  a  right  to  insult  anyone  for  loving  who  they  want  to, pointing  to  a  date  with  signatures  of  the  artist  he  showed  the  painting  was  done  twenty  five  years  ago  and  now  the  teenager  in it  must  have  ripened  and  aged  and  he  wanted  her  found, he  had  no  clue  of  her  name  address  and  anything  that  could  help  ,but  the  detective  professionally  stated  if  the  woman was  not  found  or  if  she  refused  to  agree  to  marry  him he  would  have  to  return his  check  because  that  was  his  professional  honesty, the  tall  man  "s  eyes  flooded  with  emotions  if  the  woman  was  not  found  or  refused  to  agree  was  something  that  broke  his  heart

from previous-

-he  was  a  rather  tall man  , turning  away  from the  private  detective just  hired  for  five  hundred  in advance   he  went  towards  the  back  wall where  many  certificates  and  pictures  were  arranged, near  a  small oil  painting  of  a  extraordinary  woman of  around  eighteen he  came  to  stop looking  at  the  image, the  detective  followed  him, what  an  amazing  beauty, with  her  deep  mysterious  eyes, her fresh  rose petal  face, her  golden  hair  falling  on her  shoulders, so  his  daughter  was  missing

from previous--

-without  a  moment"s  hesitation the  man  pulled  the  table  drawer, taking  out  his  personal account  check book he  signed  him the  whole  amount  of  five  hundred  for  he  trusted  him completely, a  bit  ashamed  the  private  explained  it  was  his  policy  to  accept  one  half  for  his  funds were  limited  and  sometimes  all the  running  would  not  give  them success, so  there  was  no  money  back  guarantee , but  what  was  it  he  wanted  him to  find  for  him for  that  money

asli naqli-

-the  man  at  the  table  asked  if  he  was  the  one  sent  by  a  common  close  friend  , if  he  really  helped  find  the  missing  people, the  investigator  worked  privately  and  he  believed  people  who  got  separated  from their  close  families  and  relatives  were  the  lost  and  could  be  found  again, but  he  charged  a  wholesome  amount  to  locate  them,   fifty  percent  advance  , the  rest  of  of  half  later  when the  work  was  done,  because  he  had  to  spend  much  on travelling, hotels  fuel  and  he  attached  detailed  report  with  presenting  his  bill

Thursday, August 25, 2016

from previous--

--her  eyes  opened  , her  head  was  spinning, anika  had  also  fallen down  , she  felt  the floor  had  ripples  as  she  tried  to  stand, she  had  contacted  ghalib and  zarin but  they  were  out  of  signal  range, she  had  messaged  them in detail that  she  was  contacted  telephonically  and  was  in the  haveli, her  head  ached  , makram shah  also  was  around  still  unconscious, she   shook him up, he  rose  , did  she  know  what  was  happening, she  explained  her  husband  was  missing, they  had  some  information , the  lawyer in her  was  mentally  arguing  and  logically  thinking  what  if  it  was  these  two  brothers  step  or  real  who had   a  reason to  disappear  khazar  could  also  wipe  her  out  from the  surface  of  the  world  she  lived  in forever, will  ghalib  and  zarin get  her  message  , will it  be  enough to  catch  the  culprit

from previous--

--the  black  shining  car  reached  the  white  haveli, anika  tried  to  contact  zarin and  ghalib  but  the  signal  failed  her,  reaching  there  she  was  asked  by  makram shah  to  wait  because  his  brother  mumtaz  shah  was  busy  with  a politician  who  had  unexpectedly   come  to  meet  , meantime  what  would  she  like  to  have, tea  or  coffee, she  chose  coffee,  the  moon was  mysterious, it  had  the  power  to  pull  and  subside  the  tides  in the  seas  and  oceans  and  mankind  was  seventy  percent  water , coffee  arrived,  both  makram  shah  and  she  sipped  their  coffee  suddenly  she  saw  makram fall off  dozing

from previous--

--anika  freshened  up  after  ghalib  had  gone, they  had  been gone  one  and  half  hours  , she  relaxed  and  was  about  to  relax  when she  got   a  call from makram  shah  his  brother  mumtaz  shah  wanted  to  urgently  speak  to  her  regarding  her  missing  husband  khazar, because  the  next  day  he  was  leaving  for  an  urgent  business  for  a week  it  was  not  possible  to  talk  in the morning , if  she  was  ready  they  were  sending their  car  , the  information was  so  secret  they  could  not  release  it  to  the  whole  world  before  ensuring  safety  measures, the  car  arrived, she  tried  to  contact   ghalib but  the  signal  was catching , the  moon was  mysterious  , she  sat  down in the black  car

page 155-

-then  the  host  and  the  owner  of  the  white  haveli  politely  asked  them  to  come  there  any  time  they  wanted, it  was  a  pleasure  to have  them there  as  his  guests, anika  smiled  as  she  started  her  car,  comparing  the  two  brothers  mumtaz  shah  and  makram  shah  she  felt   makam shah  was  better  because  he  seemed  educated  and  civilised  , ghalib  asked  what  was  her  opinion , she  expressed   mumtaz  shah  was  a  dangerous  very  dangerous  man

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

from previous-

-destruction is  brought  down upon  the  nation  when  the  politicians  make  it  their  profession to  rule  and  obtain power  without  ever  sowing  a  seed , never  doing  any  hardwork , never  built  any  construction to  show  progress , never  woven  a  fabric

from previous--

-learning  is  important  even if  you  must  go  to  school
-paradise  is  under  your  mother's  feet, but  under  your  father"s  feet  and  eyes  are   jannat2
-leave  today's  work on tomorrow , perhaps  by  then some  machine  is  launched  to  complete  it
-being wicked  one  is  not  alone  , the  whole  colony  is  there  with  you
-sometimes  good  fortune  befalls  on you  like  passive  smoking  without  sking  for  it
-a  poet  expresses his  beloved  is  enchanting  like  a  witch  , what  an  amazing  with  she  really  turns  out  to  be

from previous--

-anika  was  frightened  for  the  life  of  her  loving  husband  khazar,  she  could  only  share  her  fears  with her  best  friend  zarin ,  who  tried  to  console  her, aasking  if  she  ever  remember  her  dead  mother  who  loved  her, of  course, anika  missed  her  mother  so  much , god  bless her  soul, she  sometimes  felt  she  was  uncanny  , she  would  know  what  she  wanted  as  if  reading her  mind  telepathically, god  willing  anika  would  find  khazar, because  god  is  loving  , he  loves  his  children , he  fulfils  all their  right  and  correct  wishes, his  love  equals  seventy  mothers  love  

from previous-

-an american  doctor   doing  his  medical  research  on  tears   got  samples  from one  hundred  patients  on payment  to  experiment, he  found  onion tears  are  chemically  different  from real  emotional  tears, because  they  are  saturated  with  emotions  released  in blood  stream  under  great  mental pressure  which  when  roll  down  from their  flooded  eyes  give  them  relief as  a  result  they  feel  lighter  

page 149-

--a  british  student  speaking  to his  girl friend  -  first  he  would  go  to  get  his  unemployment  check  from the  bank, followed  by  the  education scholarship  check  from his  center, meantime  she  could get  her  free  check  up  done  from the  hospital  , get  their  glasses  from free health  center, on their  way  back  she  must  get  their  free meal  tray from the   food  store  , he  would  collect their  photo  stamps, precisely  ay=t  three  they  should  be  at  ten  downing  to  join the  crowds  demanding  their  rights  shouting  slogans  against  the  givernment

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

from previous--

--anika  gone  abroad for  her  higher  aspiring  future  studies  had  to  cut  short  and  return home  within four  months  for  her  parents  did  not  survive  a  serious  car  accident, father  died  on the  spot  and  mother  waited  breathing her  last  for  her  to  join  her  life  companion, it  was  zarin who  then  supported anika  emotionally  strengthening  their  ties , developing  a  family  relationship  of  trust  and mutual  understanding  between them,  it  was  a  turning  point  in their  lives  

from previous--

-zatin and  ghalib  waited  outside  the  door  waiting  for  anika  to  open it  , but  how  many  times  they  pressed  the  bell  she  did  not  open the  door, that  she  was  home  was  sure  for  her  car  was  parked  near  by  in the  garage , how  worried  looked  zarin a  college  friend  of  anika,   , bith  from different  backgrounds  had  different  reasons and  causes  in life , if  anika  an only  child  of  her  rich  parents , father  a famous  doctor  , family  of  repute  , lands  in the  village  , she  was  sent  abroad  for  higher  studies, zarin on the  other  side  was obliged  to  accept  a  suitable job after  her  graduation  to  support  her  family  and  solve   domestic  financial  problems

from previous--

--he  began  giving  his  regular set  of  instructions, she  must  remember to  give  him o k  calls  on reaching  her  office  in the  court , not  to  forget  calling  him up  before  leaving  her  office  , she  laughed  out  she  must  get  a  chip  to  locate  her  and  monitor  her  activities , what  a good  idea  he  agreed  , he  must  use  this  to keep  an  eye  on his  criminals, he  was  a  policeman  , she  a  lawyer, these  were  safe  security  tips  easy  to  remember, to note  down  number  of  the   auto  and  rikshaws  , that  he  would  like  to  share  with  all  women , but  he  disappeared  himself , time  like  sand  was  slipping  from her  fingers  , she  felt  helpless 

daldali chehra-

-he  disappeared  as  if  he  never  existed,  like  every  day  he  left  home  for  office,  while  getting  ready  for  work  he  had  planned  his daily  schedule  till late  evening,  he  had  informed  his  wife  anika  they  were  eating  dinner  out  that  evening  in her  favourite  chinese  restaurant,  followed  by  a  long  drive  to  return home  , talking  about  their  evening  they  left  together  for  their  respective  jobs

Monday, August 22, 2016

from previous-

-farqan  spoke  on the  intercom with his  agent  who  informed  him there  was  a  rich  client  ready  to  spend  any  amount  , he  was  sent  in, a  man  of  attitude  confidence  that  comes  with  wealth and  experience  and  power  entered, exchanging   civilities  they  sat  down , the  client  was  rahat  khan  an  industrialist  , it  was  his  son"s  problem, this  time  his  son found  himself  trapped  and  no  amount  of  money  to  get  rid  of  his  problem  could  save  him, same  traditional  conservative  thinking  of  dignity of  family 

from previous-

-because  he  had   immense  wealth , envied  by his  rivals  and competitors, he  argued  of  course  honesty  and  decency  did  exist  in this  world  outside  offices  where  such  people  followers  of  faith  poverty  stricken  sold  snacks  and  tea  on stalls  standing  and  waiting  for  equally  honest  and  good   customers, ,with  all the  wealth  came  with  it  the  dark  side  of  wealth, dishonest  friends  , women  wine  and  sins, the  only  one  thing  that  he  really  loved  with  his  one  secret  corner  of  pure  heart  left  untouched  was  his  daughter, the  rest  of  his  heart  and  soul  were sadly contaminated  and  corrupted  forever

from previous-

-he  had  become  notoriously  wealthy  and  gained  a  title  of  chief  mentor  of  criminals, in his  own  defence  he  only  would  explain his  profession  allowed  him to  earn  money  , he  was  not  there  for  charitable  services  and  show  servitude, not  his  natural  tendency  to  help  others  unconditionally  he  justified  his   actions, 

from previous--

-he  was  a  wealthy  lawyer  who  had   accumulated  all his  wealth  by  unfair  means, his  associates  called  him the  emperor  of  engineering  of  breaking  laws  and  miscontrueing and  inventing  his  own  interpretations, all  the  hard  core criminals  enjoyed  his  support, with his  professional  expertise  he  protected  them and  they  escaped  life  terms  , never  for  free, he  charged  them  heavy  fees  which  was  willingly  paid  for  hiring  his  sevices


-he  was  a  out  of  shape  fat  obese  man  , flabby  and  plump,  whose  eyes  were  tiny  and  full of  wickedness, expressing  hidden cruelty of  his  nature,  a  heavy  thick  gold  chain round  his  neck  and  a  most  expensive  wrist  watch  on his  wrist, a  huge  luxury  car  for  himself and  a  small one  for  his  loving  little  daughter,  a  posh  house  in a  posh  locality  in town,  what  else  does  one  want in life, what  did  he  not  have  that  one  desires  for  , he  had  obtained  all that  with his  rascally conspiracies  and  scheming  dirty mind, he  was  successful  and  unscrupulousness

Sunday, August 21, 2016

from previous--

-her  marriage  to  a  very  handsome  man  , holding  a  high  position in his  job  was  fixed,  many  a  hearts  burnt  with  petty  jealousy  to  emotional  ashes,  the  would  be  bride  kept  thinking  how  she  would  react  to  her  mother  in law  she  had  grown up  hearing  how  scheming  traditional  mothers  in law are , reaching  her  husband's  home  soon after  she  got  married   she  eagerly  waited  for  her  mother  in law  and  other  women there  to  approach  her  in the   wicked  manner,  but  the  family  was   sensible  and  had   distributed   their  routine  amongst   them  without   hurting  anyone,  the  bride  was  disappointed  for  they  all were  well behaved  and  polite  creatures  unlike  soap  serials  she  enjoyed  watching, hoping  against  all hopes  may  be  someone  would  misbehave  with her  but  nobody  was   there  a  villain, her  husband  also  turned  out  so  unexpectedly  decent  and  goodnatured  that  she   could  be  grateful  to  destiny

from previous-

-may  god  bless  grand  mother"s  soul, she  used  to  say  women are  vicious  mothers, they  wickedly  show  only  one  side  of  the  picture  of  married  life  , the  frightened  girls  are  inexperienced  and  trust  their  mothers  blindly  believing  that  marriages  are  heavenly  , it  is  a  dream like  state  where  one  lives  in paradise  for ever,  practicalities  of  life  prove  them wrong  shattering  all their  fancies  and  they  for  the  rest  of  their  lives  accuse  and blame  their  mothers,  or  the  innocent  girls  are  taught  to  fear  married  life  so  much  that  once  they  do an  error  they  would  be  packed  up  and  sent  home,   thrown  out  of  their in laws  homes 

page 100-

-every  girl  child in her  growing  up  stage  no  matter  what  her  family  background  is, what  her  parental  status  is, what  her  culture  and  religion is  the  little  girl  likes  her  doll  the  most, dolls  are  their  soul  mates, they  love  having  dolls  and  that  is  their  favourite  passtime  playing  mother  to  their  dolls,  making  a  toy  house, managing  their  toy  home, understanding  the  depth  of  their  emotions  , their  bonding  with  humanity  begins  long  before  they  begin playing  that  household   games  , its  their  natural  tendency   that  instinct  of  motherhood  that  they  show  by  playing  such  games, when  they  grow  big   , leaving  their  childish  doll games  behind one  can not  tell, time  flies  past  so  quickly  and  girls  grow  up  very  fast

baton ki khushbuein-

-sweet  speech  and  well mannered style  verifies  love
-when seasons  sensibilities  , conversations   stop
-greed  signifies  poverty stricken mind
-forget  the  mistakes  of  others , remember  the  errors  done  by  you  alone
-knowledge  alone  can  add  worth  and  value  to  mankind
-every  night  ends   with  a  sunrise, patience  adds   golden light  to  the  beauty  of  gratitude
-asking  a  good  question reflects  a  knowledgeable mind

Saturday, August 20, 2016

from previous--

-sajjad  had  so  may  questions  disturbing  him left  unanswered, why  was  shahin not  in the  flash, where  were  their  relatives,  what  work  did  he  do,if  all the  relatives  they  had  were  distant  and  not  directly  related  and  lived   far  away  then   where  was  their  little  daughter, if  she  was  with him in the  car  she  failed  to  mention her, if  she  was  not  there  where  was  she, what  happened  to  the  little  girl, shahin was  stunned  into  a  shocking  silence, they  had  no  daughter, , the  mechanic  had  arrived  with  the  broken  car  ready  for  reuse, so  she  left  him again to  be  with his  loneliness till she  came  back,