Monday, July 31, 2017

from previous-

-namra "s  journey  of  life  had  reached  the  point  where  dreams  can  be  translated  into  reality, she  had  chosen a  near  by  private  institute  to  convert  her   plans  and  with  her  hard  work  and  a  group  of  highly  trained  teachers   she  was  polished  into  a  gem   and  she  sparkled   and  outshone  others  with her  intellect, she  was  otherwise  just  an  ordinary  girl  from a  simple  background  and  turned  into  flawless jewel  to  dazzle  all  with  her  extraordinary  brightness

from previous-

-they  stared  at  each  other  in sheer  disbelief , he  had  believed  her  dead  all this  time  and  she  was  leading  a  normal  life  here  without  him,   every  moment  he  lived  he  felt  he  was  losing  something  of  him, he  was  dying  every  moment, he  clutched  her  hair  and  pushed  her  into  the  courtyard, she  screamed  asking  him to  leave  her  hair  but  he  had  to  know  why  did  she  play  with  him making  him believe  she  was  dead, sayad  asked  again who  was  that  man  , a male  voice  from somewhere  asked  sayad  to  leave  namra  , it  was  dark  hunter, he  left  her  quickly  to  turn  round  to  see  it  was  actually  dark hunter  with his  flaking  chipped  skin, a  tremer  of  fright  ran down his  spine

from previous-

-that  woman  was  wearing  a  face  cover  and  kept  on walking  through  the  tight  lanes  and by  lanes  of  the  locality,sayad  with  great  expertise  followed  her, finally  she  entered  into  a  backward  area  and  stopped  before  a  cottage, sayad  waited  a  while  at  the  corner  end , then  trying  his  best  to  control his  speeding  up  heart  beats  he  walked  up  to  the  cottage purposefully, he  knocked  at  the  door  waiting  for  it  to  open, he  heard  some  feet  shuffling  and  running  on the  other  side  of  the  closed  door, then  the  moment  seemed  to  hang  heavuly  on him, the  door  was  opened  and  he  was  shocked  to  see  her  standing  there  as  much  as  she  was  stunned  to  see  him standing  at  the  door

page 37-

-he  said  he  was  his  very  old  friend  and  he  trusted  him completely ,but  nobody  was  challenging  his  absolute  trust  on his  friend  only  wanted  to  check  like  every  parents  who  believe  their  child  alone  is  the  best, sadak  bloated  with  pride  and  the  the  elder  man  kept  on staring  at  him with  emotional  eyes, the  next  day  sayad  left  for  kerachi,he  had  already  found  out many  details  about  khilji  before  personally  meeting  him  and  he  was  rather  satisfied  with  the  discoveries  about  his  character  and  personality

Sunday, July 30, 2017

behtar shakhsiyat-

-it  is  natural  for  every  person to  feel  he  is  above  others  in his  persona  and  personality  , that  he  can  attract  others  attention by  his  looks  and knowledge, his  mind  and  his  status  or  something  that  others  want  and  lack  that  only  he  possesses and  enjoys , to  increase  ones  good  qualities  one  must  learn  to  develop skillfully  to  become  better  than others  and  also  comparatively from his  own  previous  self  positively

iqbal bano-

-the  magazine  pakeeza anchal  does  its  best  by  introducing  new  writers  to  the  readers  , giving  information and  interesting  facts  about  them which  can  also  be  inspiring  for  those  aspiring  to  obtain  name  and  fame  for  themselves, only  the  successful can  answer  how  to  become  successful by  their  own life  experiences  they  share  ,this  episode  highlights  personal  glimpses into  the  life  of  iqbal  bano  a  successful  writer  and  novelist  

fun e zaiqa-

-mutton  arvi
-,oong  dal  parathey
-qasuri  koftey
-kashmiri  kheer
-nawali  gosht
-white  namkeen handi-
-method of  moong  parathey-
-mix  boiled  dal  and  fried  onions in the  dough  to  make  parathas  to  taste  add  salts  and  spices  , this  is  basic  , read  more  for  the  proper  recipe

Saturday, July 29, 2017

from previous-

-anwar  opened  his  eyes  , he  was  alive  and  all his  body  was  bandaged , he  was sure  he  had  entered  the  borders  of  the  next  country, he  was  grateful  for  being  alive  and helped  , the  girl  had  also  explained he  had  escaped  being  caught  by  the  border  police  
-the  girl  he  came  to  know  was  a  friend  because  his  family  had  lived  in that  area  till  some  eight  years  ago, she  was  the fifteen and  lived  in the  neighbourhood  with her  family, she  had changed  but  she  had  recognised  him, he  recalled  her  name  was zanubya who  had  completed  her  matric  and  taken admission in first  year

from previous-

-his  father  had  always repeated  his  statement  that  before  going  hunting  one  must  master  the  skill of  riding, he  had  learnt  enough  horse  riding  to  go  hinting  in a  forest  for  deer  and  rabbit
-the  problem was  ten miles  away  from where  he  was  the  territory  of  neighbouring  country  begun, he  was  afraid  the  horse  might  enter  the  neighbouring   country  with  him on his  back,
-he  was  not  frightened  of  the  wild  lions  because  he  was  sure  the  forest  was  free  of them, but  the  horse  moving  from the  thickets  and  brushes  and  branches  was  rubbing  himself and  anwar  also  was  bruising  himself, this  was  the  first  time  this  happened  that  the  horse  hit  hard  on something  in the  dark  blindly  running  and  maintaining   his  speed  that  anwar  flew  off  hitting  his  head  badly  on a  high branch  of  a  strong  tree  and  fell down unconscious  rolling  down  a  slope  injuring  himself  as  his  eyes  got  shut 

from previous-

-he  did  his  best  and  failed  to  control his  horse, so  he  lifted  his  rifle  from its  position and  with  great  care  tightly  hung  it  on his  shoulder  ,lowering  himself  he  clutched  tight  on the  nape  of  the  horse  in case  it  threw  him off  on the  ground  he  must  at  least  have  a  rifle  to  protect himself, 
-he  realised  he  and his  horse  were  cut  off  from the  res  of  the  group, though  it  was  not  a  dangerous  forest  where  lions and  cheetas  lived  but  it  was  remote  and  he  was  alone  and  it  was  getting  dark  

jung e dil ruba-

-from somewhere  near  him the  horse  heard  the  hiss  of  a  deadly  snake  and  madly  began  to  run faster, as  if  the  it  was  not  merely  the  hiss  but  the  sound  of  death  itself,  anwar  tried  his  best  to  control  the  horse  and  lessen its  speed, a  very  good  rider  himself  he  could  not  control the  horse,
-though  not  yet  dusk  the  scenery around  was  dusky  dark  because  of  the  thick  forest  , where  anwar  had  come  with his  friends  to  hunt  the  deer, rabbit  and   swamp  deer  found  in abundance , he  lost  his  control on his  horse  when they  were  chasing  a  deer

Friday, July 28, 2017

muntkhab ashar-

-lest  the  loved  ones  are  sold  off  for  hunger pangs
-may lord  let  you  prosper  looking  at  the  pleader
-intoxicated  with  the  lust  of  might  and  power
-they  became  all powerful  but  could  not  become  human
-o lord  your  mercy  is  not  lost  on the  mortals
-but  amazing  is  the  duration of  your  mercy
-beloved  so  cruel  almighty  is  remembered\
-lover  forgot  Him remembering  only  the  beloved
-only  faces  are  noticed  by  the  ugly  world
-ignored  are  the  skills  of  the  daring  

from previous-

-your  veil  is  the  end  of  the  world dear  mother
-so  we  all adore  it  the  most  of all
-on a  face  so  fair  it  covers  your  head
-with  dignity  and  respect
-like  a garland  of  flowers  decorates  you
-soulmate  clings  to  you childlike\
-waving  it  runs  life  and  blood  in our  veins
-dear  mother  the  veil is  protector of  children
-since  their  birth  it  is  worshiped  so  dear  mother

pakeeza anchal- by doctor yusuf sabar

-the  purest  of  the  pure  is  the  veil  of  you  dear  mother
-so  it  is  most  revered  to  us  dear  mother
-hues  of  it   attractive  at  night
-it  wraps  us  round  in conversations
-its  touch  softly  removes  all tensions  and  worries
-its  fragrant  presence  significant  of  unconditional love


-do  not  associate  with the  cheats, unfaithful and  the  likes
-compare  not  the  loyals  with  the  actors  and  performers
-there  is  no  place  without  rule  and  power
-there  is  something  special  about  some  things  forever

-traded  here  are   conscience, man and all
-the  world  has  always  been linked  with  buyers
-he  who  keeps  an  alert  eye  on all his  actions
-i  relate  them only  to  the  wise  of  the  world
-if  there  is  life  also  will be  sorrow  and  defeat
-the  shrunken flowers  also  are  related  to  the  garden

Thursday, July 27, 2017

muntkhab ashar-

--on the  journey  of  faithfulness they  walked  alone
-empty  distances  wept  on their  destiny
-wealth  vacant  of  faithfulness without  any  traces
-one  must  sometimes  walk  along  them in life
-they  arrived  to  get  a  promise  out  
-leaving  them  forever  inconsolably cheated 
-lets  see  what  fate presents  us  with in life
-fragrance  of  faithfulness  radiates  from the  cheats


-man  makes  his  own  destiny
-destiny fools  those  who  blindly  depend  on it
-destiny  like  love  smiles  on the  courageous
-one  has  to  lift  the  cup  of  destiny  to  sip  from it
-destiny   rules  the  life  of  man
-we  make  our  own  choices  and  take  our  own decisions  and  shift  the  blame  on destiny

from previous-

-he  challenged  her  of  she  really  wanted  him gone  not  to  return until she  was  also  gone  for  good,  his  tone  had  changed  , she  lowered  her  eyes  and  began  to  gather  the  scattered  torn  flowers  , what  beauties  they  were  fresh  and  lovely  before  they  were  thrown  to  her  pet  who  had  chewed  them  and  made  a  mess  out  of  them,  
-what  was the  world  coming  to  with  crazy  minded  people  , trying  to  impose  their  silly  ideas  on others, forcing  them  to  follow  them  in their  weird  ways  

from previous-

-plucking  flowers  not  allowed-she  said  showing  him the  board  fixed  in the  lawn, how  dare  you  throw  the  bouquet  and  pluck  flowers  from the  garden, he  smiled  and  in mock  fear  replied  he  wanted  to  surprise  her  by  giving  her  birthday  greetings  with  a  floral  bouquet  but  then remembered in time  her  pet  benu  had  more   status  and  to  catch  her  attention he  used  love  me  love  my  dog  formula  and  he  threw  the  flowers  gathered  from the  garden  on him

page 156-

-man is  spiral  like  a  twisted  sweetmeat , he  wants  to  give  his  love  to  someone  who  actually  does  not  care  for  it,  he  wants  to  shower  all his  attention on someone  who  does  not  deserve  his  love  at  all, the  lover  in him is  blinded  with  passion amal  specially  handpicked  all the  lovely  spectacular  flowers  yellow  and  blue  , red  and  white  roses  to arrange  them  in  a  decorative  bouquet  to  throw  it  before  benu  quickly  turning  away  from it to  collide  with  anusha  who  was  dressed  in so  colourful  bright  garments  that  he  was  shocked  how  amazingly beautiful  she  looked

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

from previous-

-shafaqar  when emerged  out  from his  flat  he  heard  the  door  banging  after  him and  a  shrill shrieking  voice  of  masuma  speaking  to  her  mother  asking  her  how  dare  she  alone  took  the  decision  , her  mother   explained  the  boy  was  good  and  responsible, he  had  left  the  right  to  decide  to  masuma, she  had  the  night  to  sleep  over  it, whatever  her  decision was  yes  or  no  will be  acceptable, but  she  mist  add   the  bitter  truth  for  her  knowledge   this  proposal  was  come  in their  bad  days  and  if  she  rejected  it  there  might  not  be  another  chance  for  her  to  get  a  suitable  or  better  than this  match

from previous-

-dusk  had  descended  in its  all misty  smokey air, it  was  then they  began  to  drive  back  home  from the  hospital, masuma"s  mother  was  stable  and  her  condition better  , on their  way  back  shafu  stopped  his  car  at  a  chemist  and  bought  the  medicines  prescribed  , he  heard  a  sweet  honey  toned  voice  pouring  softly  in his  ear  , masuma  was  asking  him to  give  her  the  bill  with  prescriptions  and  all he  had  paid  for  , she  would  not  let  him spend  his  money  on them, he  also  grunted  his  yes  and  began  to  drive,

from previous-

-the  woman  clad  in burqa  uncovered  her  face  quickly, shafu  was  stunned  to  see  what  an  amazing  beauty stood  before  him asking  to  give  her  a  lift  because  there  was  no  other  public  conveyance  available  at  that  time  in that  corner, she  needed  to  visit  her ailing  mother  in the  hospital, it  was  urgent, shafu  kept  on staring  wide  eyed  as  she  moaned  helplessly  pleading  to  be  dropped   at  the  location of  her  choice

from previous-

-shafu  thought  long  and  wide  and  came  to  a  conclusion that  he  must  change  his  line, building  construction and  state  agent  who  sells  and  buys  lands  on commission is  a  possibility  he  should  follow, his  honesty  in work, his  hard  work and  taking  lots  of  interest  with  positive   attitude  showed  surprising  results  within some  months, he  quickly  changed  his  vehicle, giving  the  old  one  away  to  gullu  and  getting  another  second  hand  in good  shape  for  himself, shifting  out  from the  old  room to  a  better  flat  in a  posh  area, upgrading  his  standard  of  living

page 113-

-shaffu  was  no  longer  same  shafu ,ever  since  he  had  killed  kafil  he  had  given  up  his  old  life  style  , given  up  crime  and  changed  himself, if  he  wanted  to  do  something  he  would  recall  to  his  horror  the  night  , his  heart  would  begin to  sink,slowly  and  steadily  he  could  focus  more  seriously  on his  life  and  thought  in that  life  there  were  more  dangers  and  threats  to  his  life, he  may  possess  more  wealth  but  fear  will not  let  him enjoy  his  life  fully,  the  last  and  final  destination in that  line  was  prison and  the  noose

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

from previous-

-sultan  was  mighty  and  could  never  ask  or  beg  for  things  he  wanted  , others  were  not  above  him, he  snatches  what  he  wants  , he  was  mighty  and  not  a  weak  beggarly  asking  for  things  in charity  depending  on the  mercy  of  others,
-of  his  mother  wanted  him to  apologise  he  was  not  going  to  apologise  for  any  thing  in the  world
-she  could  for  her  own  sake  and  the  sake  of  her  values  she  followed  and  cherished  could  apologise  for  his  actions
-he  sneered  at  his  brother  abbas  who  was  showing  sides  supporting  his  wife  and  her  sister 

from previous-

-she  got  up  and  blamed  arzu  for  coming  to  the  place   where  three  young  men lived, why  her  mother  sent  her  to  such  places, she  was  indirectly  shifting  all  the  blame  on her  mother, forgetting  she  was  there  because  asmat  beghum had  refused  to  help  the  sister  who  just  gave  birth  to  her  fourth  daughter, arzu  was  not  there  without  a  reason, 
-ulfat  saw  the condition of  her  sister  and  covering  her  in a  large sheet  abbas  and  ulfat  brought  her  to  mother"s  room, hearing  her  out  abbas"s  eyes  began  to  boil  with  rage , he loved  his  wife  ulfat  so  much  and  arzu  was  her  younger  sister  , to  show  he  loved  his  wife  he  had  to  prove  he  also  cared  and  was  protective  towards  her  family 

from previous-

-her  eyes  opened  with  the  noise  of  her  door  banging, in the  dark  tripping  over  things  she  reached  the  door  and  opened  it, in the  dim moonlight  she  saw  arzu  standing  there  crying  , her  dress  torn  and  she  was  shivering, dragging  her  in quickly  she  shut  the  door  and  asked  her  to  keep  her  voice  low, 

-arzu  in her  normal  and  more  than  her  usual  volume  began  accusing  sultan  for  her  condition, 
-she  was  not  ready  to  listen to  any  more  allegations  against  sultan her  son, she  asked  arzu  to  wait  till morning  in her  room , when all wake  up  they  would  find  out  the  latest, arzu  bent  her  head  on her  knees  and  sat  on the  couch  and  the  elder  woman  slept  on her  own bed  thinking  about  arzu  who  was  after all a  dancing  woman"s  daughter  and  proved  herself  true  image  of  her  own mother attracting  all  the  wrong  guys

page 225-

-she  was  annoyed, when all  logic  ends  people  tend  to  get  unreasonably aggressive  , he  said  musa  had  four  sons  because  he  was  destined  to  have  four  sons, his  fate  would  have  given him four  sons  whether  he  married  gul, nasim hajta  or  ulfat, 
-she  grunted  desperately  with  desire  burning  somewhere  deep  in her  heart, what  lovely  girls  they  had  in their  family  , but  all  practical  and  sweet  ones  refused  to  marry  sultan  and  ever  since  gul bano  rejected  him sultan  had  gone  crazy  wild, threatening  he  would  either  kill her  or  take  such  a  revenge  she  will  regret 

Monday, July 24, 2017

from previous-

-safat  beghum  spoke  to  abbas  he  ought  to  have  attended  the  mourning  after  the  demise  of  amma, all the  old  and  ages  long  sourness  and  bitterness  would  have  got  cleansed , he  had  wasted  so  many  years  running  and  chasing  attractive  flighty  butterflies  like  women, colourful  and  never bothered  about  anything  else in life, he  had  charred  his  reputation and  blackened  his  image  ,  he  not  only  destroyed  himself  but  also  his  future  generation who  were  left  with  stigma  of  his  dirty  past,
-he  said  she  only  saw  all the  sin of  the  world  wrapped  round  him, he  was  sunk deep  in sin  and  for  her  all the  angels  were  on the  other  side who  never  allowed him and  her  to  enter  their  world
-all  the  points  he  felt  were  ordinary  and  he  took them so  casually  and  callously  were  the  ones  that  were  destructive  , the  woman  he  had  rejected  is  the  one  who  filled  his  home  with  his  sons

from previous-

-aram  and  huma  reached  her invaded  her  home  unexpectedly  asking  too many  questions, why  was  she  getting  married  at  such  short  notice,
-who  was  the  groom
-why  were  they  not  informed  before
-alisha  slowly  and  softly  explained  her  family  knew  of  it  , harun bhai  had  arranged  it, the  boy  was  a  software  engineer
-within two  months  she  was  married  off  and  sent  away  to  her  husband"s  home, the  decor  was  amazing, she  was  exceptionally  impressive  and  impressed, her  mother  in law  was  busy  with  all the  customs  and  following  all  rituals, the  elder  sister  in law  was  not  very  actively  participating  but  the  younger  sister  was  the  master  of  all  functions  there

from previous-

-it  was  the  last  day  in the  university, ailisha  was  called  in  the  office  by  harun  who  was  doing  research , he  asked  her  to  come  in and  she  very  obediently  and  politely  stood  there waiting  for  him to  speak, 
-he  asked  her  to  sit  down and  tell what  were  her  plans  for  future
-job  of  course, she  will do  some  job
-but  first  she  will get  married , he  was  sending  a  family  of  a  prospective  suitor  to  her  house  to  meet  them  
-was  she  otherwise  involved  or  interested  in someone  else,
-she  almost  yelled  why  did  everyone  who  met  her  wanted  to  fix  her  wedding  with  someone  or  the  other, in the  university  it  was  him, at  home  it  was  her  grand  mother
-was  there  no  other  topic  in the  world  besides  getting  her  married,

page 186-

-old  grandmom shouted  at  alisha for  heaven"s  sake  she must  fear  wasting  all that  water , she  was  watering  the  plants  with  a garden  hose, with her  finger  pressing  it  , alisha  also  quipped   it  was  untilised  not  wasted , the poor  plants  were  mute  and  could  not   say  they  wanted  water , that  they  needed  a  spray  to  freshen them up, that  they  needed  a  cleaning, that  they  were  thirstying  in heat
-the  grandmother flared  up, how  dare  she  speak  to  her  like  that , if  this  is  how  she  would  speak  in her  in laws  place  she  will be  thrown out  of  the  house

Sunday, July 23, 2017


-  it  took me  a  lifetime  to  understand  myself
-if  stopped  shore  i am
-moving  forward  flowing  river  i  become
-answer  to  all unspoken quests i am
-silent  i  turn desert"s  vastness unmoved
-desired  destiny  do  you  know  of  it
-how much  i waited  patiently  to  just  see  you

from previous-

-she  got  up  and  asked  them all to  get  ready  for  the  next  class, though  sir  jamal  was  absent  for  past  four  days  and  sir   hanad  was  taking  the  classes  on  his  behalf,  she  got  irritable  when questioned  by her  friends  if  she  had  spoken to  the  teacher,  also  the  department  was  located  so  far  away  and  in the  heat  it  seemed  awful  walking  all that  distance  to  attend  the  classes,
-why  should  they  not  instead  just  bunk  and  go  home  quietly,  but  she  was  sincere, all  she  declared  was  for  their  parents hard  earned  money  spent  on them , if  they  still  did  not  want  to  go  to  the  classes  they  could  waste  and  destroy   all  that  was  invested  on them and  escape  
-the  entire  group   in a  joint  body  moved  purposefully  towards  the  classes , determined 

mein teri khushboo hun-

-it  was  sizzling  hot  summer  day, the  three of  them sat  under  the  cool shade  of  a  neem tree in the  university , very  hungry  they  were  religiously  treating  their  empty  starving  stomachs   also  waiting  to  attend  the  next  period,   two  boys  near  by  stood  watching  over  the  scene,  aisha  naughtily asked  them if  they  wanted  to  eat  with  them, the  boys  turned  their  back  to  them

from previous-

-she  felt  low  emotionally  when she  saw  her  husband  tired  and  almost  half  sleeping  , all day  long  she  planned  she  would  take  time  out  to  speak  to  him, share  her  notes, express  her  desires, explain  the  matters, find  a  solution  when he  comes  back  home  from work, they  would  laugh  together  and  have  fun time , giving  each  other  full attention and  making  it  quality  time  for  fiture  memories, but  he  was  turning  more  towards  sleep  than  to  her,

page 171-

-it  was  eleven  at  night  and  she  winding  up  the  kitchen  entered  her  bedroom turning  the  lights  off  all the  way  back  to  her  room,  where  tabish  had  been watching  news  and  gone  into  half  sleep  state,remote  was  held  in his  one  hand  and  kept  on his  chest, his  glasses  still intact  on his  nose  as  the  news  caster  fluently  reading  the  news  unaware  of  one  admirer  of  his  was  sinking  ready  to  go  deep  into  slumber

Saturday, July 22, 2017

from previous-

-both  hindu  and  mislon are  very  much  ashamed
-lamps  of  hatred  are  bright   very  much
-emotional  wounds  are  displayed  when convenient
-speaking  foe  self  each  one  is  true
-not  liking  the  fragrance  of  truth  anymore
-what  to  do  new  minds  are  influenced  too much

some misconcepts--

-believing  you  shall always  remain young  and  beautiful
-believing  only  once  will you  commit  that  sin and  then refrain from it
-telling  your  secret  to  someone  trusting  it  would  be  kept  a  secret
-falling  for  the  outer  appearance  and  making  an  image  on its  basis
-believing if  you  can not  do  something  nobody   else  is  competent  to  do  it  either 

page 169-

-he  who  wasted  time, wasted  his  all life
-good  manners  is  the  biggest  wealth one can possess
-never  make  fun of  others  in their  bad  times,  almighty  could  reverse  the  situation putting  you  in his  place  
-he  who  can not  keep  his  word  is  the  biggest  cheat without  any  principles
-brains  may  have  limits  but  idioticity  has  no  limits
-you   are  not  the  ultimate  wise always  keep  that  in mind  and  remember  all the  stupid  deeds  you  have  made
-the  cruel  is  not only  he  who  is  cruel  but  also  the  one  who  allows  the  cruel  to  carry  on  becomes  his  partner  in crime 

page 171-

-without  reason live  not  even the  helpless 
-universe  is  your  creation decorated  celebrating you
-where  destiny  plays, effort  is  futile
-proving faith  useless, supports  powerless

Friday, July 21, 2017

from previous-

-two  friends  talking  about  one  of  them"s  engagement  to  her  groom
-what  happened  
-i  canceled  my  engagement
-our  minds  and  thinking  are  not  compatible,
-then  did  you  also  gave  back  your  engagement  ring
-, my  ideas  have  changed  for  the  groom not  about  the  ring

from previous-

-mankind  commits  sin to  self  destruction on three main points
-1-believing  in repenting  later  he  commits  sins
-2-believing  in long  life  he  hopes  for  repentance  and  commits  sin
-without  rectifying  his  sins  he  believes   he  will  be  forgiven  and  shown  mercy

from previous

-a  girl  came  home  from school, a  student  of  fifth grade  she  complained  to  her  mom her  class teacher  punished  her in the  class  , she  stood  on the  bench  though  she  had  not  done  any  mischief
, mom feeling  bad  promised  to  see  the  teacher  soon, the  little  girl  explained  she  had  not  done  her  homework  at  home

page 241-

-when one  woman loves  you, you  become  her  husband
-when some  women  love  you,you  become  macho man
-when too many  women  love  you, you  become  a  lover  
-when hundreds  of  women love  you, you  turn  an actor
-when thousands  of  women  love  you, you  become  national  leader
-when  the  women of  whole  world  love  you  , you  become  a  jewel  

Thursday, July 20, 2017

from previous-

--the doctor  was  an alert  citizen and  when he  came  to  know  the  case  was  going  against  alya  , who  also  had  invested  some  amount  and  had  nothing  prove  her  right  brought  her  to  see  a  lawyer of  high  success  reputation, 
-his  clinic  was  near  his  apartments  and  his  son and  he  worked  there  together, in his  absence  his  son was  in the  clinic  and  when he  will be  free  from the  lawyer  would  also  directly  go  and  spend  time  in his  clinic

from previous-

-alya  felt  she  was  being  investigated  instead  of  the  sympathy  she  needed  from the  authorities,  her  neighbour doctor  akram  gave  her  and  he r mother  shelter  in his  house, he  lived  just  opposite  majid"s  flat  in the  lane  , he  asked  the  lawyer  to  find  a  way  out  for  majid  was  running  very  fast  and  there  must  be  some  factor  that  could  stop him from getting  his  way, alya  also  was  needy  and  had  a  share  in the  flat

from previous-

-majid  mist  have  warmed  up  the  fists  of  higher  ups  because  when she  went  to  file  her  report they  asked  her  to  either  show  her  receipts  of  paid  rent  or  the  papers  of  ownership,  from where  could  she  do  it, she  recalled  having  once  discussing  the  matter  with  razwan who  asked  her  not  to  worry  because  it  was  family  matter, they  were  brothers  and  majid  had  got  it  only  for  their  sake, his  stake  was  higher  of  one  lac  worth 

from previous-

-alya  tells  her  lawyer  some  nine  years  ago  shifted  into  the  flat  bought  by  majid  , it  was  sold  for  one  lac  thirty  thousand, till then they  used  to  live  in rented  rooms, majid  had  one  lac  and  asked  her  husband  to  somehow  arrange  thirty  thousand,  razwan  also  contributed  that  much  amount  and  they  were  allowed  to  move  in since  then they  happily  lived  without  fear  or  worry  about   rents, till her  husband  died  and  majid  threw  their  luggage  out

page 149-

-the  lawyer  wanted  to  know  what  the  whole  story  was, alya  began  her  narration, her  husband razwan  died  one  year  ago, he  worked  in the  electricity department, he  went  repairing  lines  and  one  monsoon he  was  called  to  repair  some  wires  , he  stood  on a  pole  and  got  a  deadly  electric  shock  and  on the  spot  fell dead, she  became  very  emotional 
-majid  was  her  husband"s  elder  brother

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

laton ke bhoot-

-one  tuesday  two  of  them  stepped  into  the  office, they  needed  his  professional  help, the  man  introduced  his  widowed  sister  who  was  thrown out  of  the  house  by  her  elder  brother in law,  doctor akram  wanted  the  lawyer  to  help  alya  but  the  lawyer  wanted  to  know  all the  deaails  first  and  took out  his  rough  note  pad , the  doctor  sat  out  side  waiting  for  alya  to  speak  in private  concentrating  fully  on her  facts  and  then  later  akram  also  would  fill in more  colour  to  the  story

from previous-

-ehsan  goes  to  the  export  office  where    a  beautiful  receptionist  around  twenty  five  welcomes  him with  a  professional  smile, he  comes  to  know  kamaal  arshad  has  left  the  office  and  shifted  to his  native  place  and  left  the  business  to  his  nephew  who  he  had  raised  after  his  parents  had  died  in an  accident,  
-this  was  strange  why  was  the  nephew  hiding  the  fact  that  his  uncle  was  dead

from prevous-

-ehsan  happens  to  compare  himself with  the  policeman  his  neighbour  an  authoruty  who  did  not  even  bother  to  investigate  the  case,  ehsan goes  out  of  the  way  for  many  reasons, first  he  was  really  inquisitive, second  he  was  interested  sincerely  in getting  to  the  bottom of  all that  mystery, third  the  police  friend laughed  at  him and  he  wanted  to  pay  him back  in the  same  coin , he  matches  the  pictures  searching  for  arshad  kamaal  and  so  many  on the  long  list  were displayed  he  chose  a couple  of  them , one  that  also  showed  the  cottage  in the  background  and  in one  the  dead  woman  was  also  present  and  there  was  a  third  person  a  mutual  friend 

page 140-

-ehsan  had  a  detective  "s  brain, analysing  and  logical  systematc and  he  was  though  not  in any  position  he  solves  a  case  to  prove  he  could  do  it  and   it  was  paying, 
-he  took  the  visiting  card  and  with  the  picture  on it  he  searches  the  internet  and  finds  the  profile  of  the  missing  man  on twitter, his  name  was  given  kamaal  arshad, , facebook  the  most  popular  social  site  gave  his  mobile  number  which  he  sends  to  his  friend  to  get  the  location and  address  of, 
-in rawalpindi  the  man  had  an  export  import  business  and  ehsan  could  also  onvolve  his  circle  to  get  details  but  he  uses  his  brain instead