khurshid begh was a successful man, his munshi was his all in all for past fourteen years, manager cum secratary , as khurshid begh left driven to the meeting by nishar, munshi was made to sit and wait for his return , not leaving the office , without his permission , and to arranage and see if all the files were kept properly,
Thursday, February 28, 2013
Wednesday, February 27, 2013
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cril robert three years ago for the second time stood before the same judge in the court, who shook his head sorrowfully at her drug addict's life, drug abuse, sex abuse and other charges framed against her had brought her there, she retaliated she too was sorry for the judge still stuck in the same chair-perhaps it was a conspiracy or his inability to go any higher, he pitied her because she was a destitute, with noone to support her, but the whole court was surprised when doctor jackson took her charge and took her home, made her his secratary and reformed her totally
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the two officers asked the woman --the secretay to the doctor of his whereabouts, she had instantly the moment they had come in recognised them but she refused to give the doctor"s details, one of them even addressed her as black beauty--refering to her dirty past, youth, her colour and her status that reminded her she had left her past , the woman they knew -the cril robert they knew was dead, she was different
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the man in snow and harsh winds walked on, thinking of his family he had missed for three long years, like everyone in the town and around the globe at christmas become more cheerful and forgiving, buying gifts for their loved ones, he thought what could he get for his wife and children, when a sudden pain rose in his spine and he fell down dead, his blood painted a design in the freshly fallen white snow
Thanda Gosht--translated
who does not know the most well known name sydney sheldon, whatever field he chose to express himself he got success and he began as a tv and drama producer, director that acheived him a celebrity staus, and later he turned to writing novels that earned him even a bigger name than his oscars, a great writer of all times-this story is based on -hacked face
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when nik happens to see charlie --the cop who knew him well, it was a sign of danger, so he quickly begins to impliment , and fusing the electric fences , jumping over the high security walls, poisoning the hounds with lacerated meat brought in his bag, pushing the cat in a bag and jumping out before the firing started in the flood lights, they sped past as fast away from the scene
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both gloria and nik are robbers, plan to switch the maid who worked in the family for mr masqad an iranian , their children loved playing with the pet persian snow white fur cat, this cat was their target, they were paid forty thousand dollars in advance, gloria successfully takes over the house job as the maid is drugged in her flat and they use her rooms as their headquarter
Monday, February 25, 2013
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sherry told nik all about him , his life and his friend gloria, she said had come back an hour ago, he would if agree to get the cat, he could find forty thousand advance in a locker at the central station, the key was handed over, , he also found a ticket on his name , the flight to jackson was at eleven forty two
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nik velvet turns around to see a stranger --a young woman, she introduced herself as sherry -an iranian student in chicago university, she for past two months had kept an eye on him, his movements, she admired his skills and called him an expert artist of his skills--she wanted him to steal a persian cat
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nik velvet was a very honest professional, he did not like to keep the extra money, cutting out the expenses he donates the rest of the advance amount to a charity cause, then going to hotel he eats and sips his beer in the lawn , trying to figure it out what was going wrong, when he felt someone press his shoulder, it was not gloria , she had gone to manhatten
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nik velvet has a female friend and companion --gloria , who also assists him on his every project, this time not revealing he leaves shadowing his target--laila, who for two weeks remains in her house and then suddenly leaves for new jersy, and then to florida from where she sails on a cruise, hoping to get the hair clip vevet is there on the deck , when laila falls overboard in the dark rainy night
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nancy was a billionare, she married peter now fifty who was a poor man before marriage , in the contract there were some conditions he must carefully fulfil-one was not to have an affair outside marriage or nancy was free to give him a divorce, but laila had waited so many years hoping he would marry her , was not threatening him she would reveal their secret to nancy , and show her the hair clip, or he should withing a month marry laila
Sunday, February 24, 2013
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their shuttles were on fixed roatation stable like satelite around , made of transparent material jonathan could see all the cabins excet private living rooms and the control board, the three there had stopped talking openly and shut their mouths when questioned, and advised him not to think at all, as if some thing was over powering their minds,
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jonathan is put on a drip, put in a box, given some sedatives, and acomputer massage on a week long trip to reach the six astronauts, to keep him off from feeling lonely, , reaching the shuttle he finds out that two of the six have commited suicide, one shot himself, the other took sleeping pills, and one was missing with an emergency shuttle, the other three behaved mysteriously , there was something strange happening on that space ship
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jonathan is a forty two year old astronaut , married to his ramila , they had met in a sub way, she got in one station before he exited,
jonathan is sent on space missions for his expertise, intelligence and coordination,
he is called back to go into space alone , it was to be a month long mission, to find out why the six members on the mission were not answering , why just the computer was answering , nobody was seen in the shuttle, it was sent to a new found star coincidently on the other side of the milky way
jonathan is sent on space missions for his expertise, intelligence and coordination,
he is called back to go into space alone , it was to be a month long mission, to find out why the six members on the mission were not answering , why just the computer was answering , nobody was seen in the shuttle, it was sent to a new found star coincidently on the other side of the milky way
Saturday, February 23, 2013
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sometimes saira goes to a restaurant with kashif to have a cup of coffee, one day he decides its right time to propose to her before she is married off to someone else and would like a by stander dumbly say his farewel to her, saira is surprised that kashif has proposed to her, if he had not she was already going to accept the next day to marry asghar , his friend , his best friend who had in his love letter proposed to saira that very morning
Friday, February 22, 2013
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madhat was the youngest , studying , a university goer, entered the kitchen -the heat of which was nadya's fate, when madaht was hungry, never to lend her a helping hand , but to take credit before others by carrying a plate or two , criticising the dishes carefully cooked as if she knew better, had an experienced eye, all the sisters gathered giving each other free useless suggestions on how to control theuir husbands and get away from their in laws control
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because mahin was ill treated , she was over worked, that she had some ill health, nadya's mother in law grumbled and left to see her, not bothering about nadya's ear pain she complained , asad was on a business trip , she had been taking care of the entire house and extra guests and children of othes and sending them to school, doing the kitchen and the whole house , and noone to take her to a clinic to show her
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zerfshan is an impossible woman in nadya's sisters in law, who for eight years of her married life did not get along with her husband till it was agreed that a house for her would be built next to her mother"s , where she after it was built did not live in, just her poor husband away from his family lived alone , buying food from hotels for himself, as zerfshan ate with her mother and sent packed food for children and they added trouble to nadya
Ek Rasta Hai Zindghi
nadya is a housewife, her middle class background is not very rich , but she and her brother were given good education and decent upbringing, married into asad's family she finds it difficult to manage her in laws ever demanding desires, her three sisters in law from weeken to weekend are found in the house with their dozens of children
Wednesday, February 20, 2013
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so the two families meet each other, at the function in mahin"s house, humayu could not attend it as he was kept busy , but the mother and sisters all desparate for humayu to quickly get married , liked the girl and she also looked as if she would be understanding and lead a life with them unconditionally
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both mahin and adil smile at each other, for mahin"s cousin was exactly and equally weird specimen in the family who gave tutions to the poor children , educated their poor mothers, helped the needy with her money, an only child of a wealthy man she got a huge pocket money that she spent on the needy, and was beautiful educated sincere and simple with a heart of gold
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and this sunday just before mahin and adil had arrived to invite them for their daughter"s birthday function , the sisters began complaining that their brother was crazy and weird, and adil was his childhood friend and must know someone humayu would immediately acept as his life partner, who should be endowed with beauty , inner beauty, kindness, good heart, helpful nature, hardworking and be compatible,
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on the second occasion they decided humayu should accompany them all the first time only , if the meeting was useful he need not to make a more rounds and share their meals, but the girl was very rude and ill treated her nine year old maid , all the work was done by the child, and humayu all the time there kept on planning mentally how to rescue child labourer, and how to educate them, and improve their life quality, , how to give such children almost treated like slaves a new life
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beghum alkhlaq qas a most cultured and good natured woman --mother of humayu and his sisters, for four sundays they all went hunting for a suitable bride , all the married sisters eagerly agreed and finalised each girl they met, but humayu a physician by profession rejected the first one, because the family wanted to see him , and he spoke to the girl who began lecturing him on how to make more money and be money minded , but he had a charitable nature
Tujh Pe Dil Hara
adil with his charming wife mahin arrives at his friend humayu"s house to find them all sitting very well dressed in their lobby, the visitors ask if they had come at a wrong time when they were about to leave , but they were happy that adil had come just then because humayu"s family also had reached home that sunday just then
Tuesday, February 19, 2013
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sadra shares her feelings in her diary that is missing , perhaps it was misplaced or the diary fell out from the purse she carried to office, but when her mother rejects mehsan"s proposal , sadra tells her sister about her liking for him, , when he himself comes to ask for her hand the mother also agrees, knowing how good his wife namra had been, and lovely the child is and a widower suited the daughter in all aspects , their ages and qualifications and good looks , everything was perfect
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sabrah completes her masters in two years and gets a decent job and their standard of living imroves, but both the girls are still unmarried, one day the elder sister happily announces that a marriage proposal has arrived through the matchmaker for sadra, surpise as it is because it is from the man whom she loves since he had moved into their building
Monday, February 18, 2013
Woh December Ki Sham
that wet cold december evening
when your life was handed to me
full of love in mine
lost in distant dreams
mist wrapped in cold winds
inviting us
dreams filled in open eyes
in that december evening
questioning eyes surrounded us
empty answers
fragments of
broken dreams
scattered shattered
of all times for ever
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but aliya was disturbed , it was her nightmare, was it not killing her, just before she took those vows , she was woken up , in her dream she had seen something like a shrine full of ethreal light , someone sober in sombre tones spoke to her, to change her veil, it was red, and before she understood what was being said , her sister had woken her up by giving her a loving tight hug
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aliya is eighteen , and shares a room with maharin, a year younger, two youngest sisters -amain and fatma share one room , humayun is twenty an engineering student her elder brother, everyone is happy that she is a very good student , gets seven A levels , declared the student of the year, but nobody is very happy about her sudden marriage , for marriage is a commitment , willing partners should know each other well enough and be naturally compatible,
Sunday, February 17, 2013
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marina was not sure when she looked at richard that he was one of those genius robbers wanted by the interpole, but just being present in an art exhibition on two consective days does not make anyone a robber
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