-she was married and daiz"s bride that night, thinking how two people who never wished to be together are thrown together by fate , challenging each other, testing emotions, proving heavy burden on the minds of each other, she looked at faiz he appeared undisturbed, no expression was showing, how could he after all she had made it happen, shaken off all the burden from her mind and life before entering his life
Saturday, August 31, 2019
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-she simply stepped into her chachu"s room and declared her marriage with faiz must be fixed, uncle looked shocked, she continued there seemed to be some matter posing barriers , he must find out and she wanted to get married within a month, having said what she said she turned and left the room without waiting for him to answer, chachu looked amazed and confused
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-she said simply she saw his missed calls
-momin tired defeated said perhaps she had been busy
-she was busy in the kitchen an ordinary simple girl, plain tone and so straight
-some other work also should be done besides the kitchen work
-for instance she asked what else she could do
-making pictures
-she smiled adding her creativity was dead
-he explained creativity never died just was put aside to rest
-momin tired defeated said perhaps she had been busy
-she was busy in the kitchen an ordinary simple girl, plain tone and so straight
-some other work also should be done besides the kitchen work
-for instance she asked what else she could do
-making pictures
-she smiled adding her creativity was dead
-he explained creativity never died just was put aside to rest
page 41-
-a couple of days passed as if the wind blows rustling softly, one every other sound ears twitch and alert intent, the heart is pulled by some unseen power, but some kind of strong wall gets in between, some curtain partitioning , the divide needed to be removed and on the fourth day she called herself, how he managed to stay alive these four days only he could tell
Friday, August 30, 2019
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-the investigating officer asked shani"s mother what was her opinion, what plans had she made for her daughter"s future, like getting her married off as quickly as possible, mother wanted shani get married to aftab , shakila"s son, shakila was her younger sister and shani"s aunt, they lived in aminabad, akram was shakila"s husband and dead long time, when he was working in the field a poisonous snake bite killed him
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-on the outer edge of the village was located the cemetery , beyond it was a small shrine where resided a follower and called himself shah after the name of the holy one, he claimed to have special position , the faithful who visited the shrine also paid homage to the shah, he blessed them with taviz and black threads , the people who worshiped there adored him and he seemed quite genuine
asmani faisla-
--all over the world in every country there are legal courts set up to implement fair justice to their citizens, where there are no such law courts some other kind of similar system works to give their people a legal solution, , what is weird is above these legal courts is another court of justice and that is nature"s law and this law is considered the ultimate law which can not be challenged or taken to any man made court , no appeal can be filed against its verdict
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-she knew though it was not the right time to say it she had to say it because she will never find again time to speak to the him, this was her last chance she was meeting him, she said not right away but after some days, weeks, months he should check that tree and he might find a piece of paper under the soil , he would then like to talk to samira, after three days she received two selfies from the doctor in which samira was with him, he looked still very weak yet his expression and manner showed he was doing fine and his brain was functioning well
page 145-
-what he had suspected was right, the doctor had made arrangements to get new fresh blood for the patient but before he could put the blood in the poisonous blood had to be cleaned up and emptied for the body, after completing the procedure the doctor turned gratefully towards her , he had never before experienced such a case and had no practical experience of it, if she had not helped him it would be impossible
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
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-hope recognized the girl when she turned to look her way, she was samira. half asian half white, , her lab researcher, her eyes were black like hers , she embraced her and said how golden she looked, others smiled at her beauty and said she was cooking instead of dancing in the party, they could not dance in the party so holding glasses of water in their hands they began dancing there
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- he picked up the glass from the table and said she should meet wajiha who was like her , he took her to the kitchen where three women with muslim head scarf tied were working, the first one was taking out the roast from the oven, second was busy with her washing the dishes and stopped to look at her, the third woman was pulling out a huge sack from underneath the sink , she was the eldest and the thinnest of them all,
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-samir opened the door to hope, a warm air mixed with soft music greeted her arrival, she was a family medicine doctor, as the ritual was she threw the snow ball on the floor and gave the blossom bunch as the tradition was, which were specially grown for christmas, he was just an inch or two taller than her but looked quite attractive in his style
-she was a different type of a woman who hated going to fake christmas parties where strangers invited her to dance and get drunk, the way she was raised did not allow her to accept such invites, before this she had never attended house party with her laboratory associates,, this time she had to accept the invite on the insistence of the host and mainly because all the guests in this particular party were highly educated and civilized
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
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-it proved a hell of a night for him, he could not tell anyone what he felt, it was merely a play of destiny , he could not tell the facts nor disclose the circumstances, nobody in his proper senses could ever believe it that he had already spent future six months , they would choose to ignore his statement and him as a crazy weird man
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-a man reached the medical store and asked for poison,
-the chemist said he can not give him any poison unless he showed him some permission
-the customer pulled out his two marriage certificates and showed him,
-the chemist urgently turned to scream on top of his voice and ordered his assistant -pappu , quick , get the biggest bottle of poison
-the chemist said he can not give him any poison unless he showed him some permission
-the customer pulled out his two marriage certificates and showed him,
-the chemist urgently turned to scream on top of his voice and ordered his assistant -pappu , quick , get the biggest bottle of poison
Monday, August 26, 2019
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- and in the very next moment his vehicle began following romatul"s slowly on larmela road, his vehicle was all he wanted, he had left his apartment and the hospital job, for the time being staying in a hotel in barcelona,, for luggage he had just one bag he carried consisting of his important documents and clothes, including his driving and CID licences
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- the more he pondered on it the more he got confused and deeply involved in the subject, before preston he was invited to join the society by delphia, he if agreed to give up his soul and spirit to them he would be made the revered head, he knew the society was working on secret satanic agenda, , so he put the offer by delphia to him on the shoe and kicked it off, after that she began hounding him
page 121-
-he said winding up his lecture that they would now meet again after some days, but their training period started from that day , first of all their ego shall be targeted and worked upon to shrink it , for that purpose seniors will assist them, ego was the biggest foe of man in life an obstacle to progress, ego is most dangerous thing which man can not end because it leads him to believe in his arrogance and superiority, he becomes a rebel , protecting his foe to harm him
Sunday, August 25, 2019
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-how much had changed, he was so bitter and spoke such sharp hurting words, , why, because circumstances had made him so, her inner conversation was only with herself , her questions were being answered by herself, , for some time he had vanished , she was surprised , when she would be alone he sent her messages asking questions, demanding her answers , , and when she would get involved he suddenly lost all interest and become quiet,, she felt he was becoming listless , why do lose yourself and where,, he said he was not aware when he was listening to her he simply had to lose himself in her words
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-he was an absolutely lonely single man he cooked for himself and was asked why did he not get married , he would stay silent , nothing to say, how people influence others, she thought sadly, only chachu could ask her what were you doing, did you eat your breakfast, what did you eat, why do toy have a headache, why do not you take some pills, her chachu understood the situation and asked little but this man was getting on her nerves one her mind, she was becoming like him, asking herself are you alone, why are you alone, man is born alone, why is the room so silent , because there is nobody else in the house , it was so true, she was all alone, she became sad , she had to live alone
page 39-
-right it was a painting of smoke, that smoke from which faces were born, those faces which have no shadows and no identities, they have no personalities, without connections they just appear and disappear , timeless, ageless, genderless, the faces seem one moment to resemble a man and then turns to look of a child"s then it changes to a woman"s face and then even to some other species or even extraterrestrial
Saturday, August 24, 2019
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-he said what did he have to give anyone anyway, he had nothing to give , no house, no money, no car and his business crashed down to complete loss, single who cared if he ate something or was going hungry, he had nobody to report and answerable to nobody and nobody"s responsibility
-why do you think so small, what is making your heart shrink so, life companion is also a companion who shares all sorrows
-these days nobody shares sorrows because people are becoming practical and go through life to earn their own bread and see to their needs
-why do you think so small, what is making your heart shrink so, life companion is also a companion who shares all sorrows
-these days nobody shares sorrows because people are becoming practical and go through life to earn their own bread and see to their needs
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-he eagerly impatient waited for the phone to ring that special tune, the phone finally did ring that tune,
-how are you
-fine and you
-same as before , same condition same soul
-like the creation
- no, momin who is complete in this creation , nobody is perfect, her voice tone sounded rather sad
-what did you sketch today
-paining of smoke
-painting of smoke>
-yes, painting of smoke from which rise innumerable images and faces
-how are you
-fine and you
-same as before , same condition same soul
-like the creation
- no, momin who is complete in this creation , nobody is perfect, her voice tone sounded rather sad
-what did you sketch today
-paining of smoke
-painting of smoke>
-yes, painting of smoke from which rise innumerable images and faces
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-you become restless and sleeps disappears when you a specific thought rules over your mind and soul, sleepless yet dreaming all the time with open eyes, half done images began to get completed, he came to sit down by the window to comfort his heart, he was alone by himself away from the rest of the family unaware of others with just his thoughts colouring his mind
page 37-
-the message tone was heard, he asked if she minded his presence, if she did not like his coming,
-she replied it was meaningless
-he was saddened to hear that
-why did he become sad on every thing
-not on all things just on the things that made him sad
-she appealed he should not be coming there again
-he had thought she would ask him to stop messaging
-she could ask him that too
-she shut the phone and began working vigorously in the kitchen, and in the rooms, and did the washing and cleaning and sweeping and mopping so that she would not have an empty mind thinking of him
-she replied it was meaningless
-he was saddened to hear that
-why did he become sad on every thing
-not on all things just on the things that made him sad
-she appealed he should not be coming there again
-he had thought she would ask him to stop messaging
-she could ask him that too
-she shut the phone and began working vigorously in the kitchen, and in the rooms, and did the washing and cleaning and sweeping and mopping so that she would not have an empty mind thinking of him
Friday, August 23, 2019
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-the senior members of the society were gathered there clad in black gowns and holding flamed torches, others were instructed not to look at them and keep their heads lowered, they had been sitting there just a few minutes when a loud resonant voice was heard declaring they all were the selected chosen ones , members of the society and he welcomed them al and gave them his greetings
page 119-
-he knocked on the door with the back of his hand in a specific manner, the door opened, he stepped into the lodge, it was a very high rounded ceilinged hall, it was considered one of the highest and tallest building around, a that time it was partly lighted, in some of the nooks and corners some lights were on and the hall was partially in the dark, this lighting was deliberate to keep the hall in darkness, this kind of setting made the whole scene in the hall appear very much mysterious-
Thursday, August 22, 2019
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-she was flustered and turned to look out of the window, she began her small introduction of her after taking a long breath in a sentimental manner, she was the sky, she was the soil, she was the sun, she was the moon, she was the stars she was the wind and the cloud, she was the rain and the blossom and the fragrance, she was the day and the night, she was the beginning and the end, she was love , she was in love with hatred , she was passionately in love with the universe, she was romatul, he was startled and asked if her name was romatul, she repeated she was romatul tawrez
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-he was absolutely shaken by her profession yet for the sake of social formality he said he was pleased to see her and having met her , what an artist she must be, she explained she could not easily introduce herself to others always, because people do not see her as she sees herself, he got deeply moved and interested in her talk and asked her to tell him what did se think of herself and perhaps he will easily comprehend her introduction of herself
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-he was a famous local resident doctor in barcelona , he was shocked to know she was a porn photographer, though he was aware europe was advanced and accommodated all types of professionals yet this was not acceptable to him, how the west had promoted porn as an art and had a great fan following was amazing though
page 116-
-she said in her quiet firm voice she was for now going to barcelona and and a couple of days later she will be leaving for madrid, madrid was her home town, she added meaningfully he had to tolerate her till barcelona, he argued how could she be so sure he was going to barcelona, she had seen the tag on his luggage so simple
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
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- that was an extraordinary woman, so attractive , her height six feet, age between twenty five to thirty five, what an amazing personality, she was trying to sit down, he used this word trying to sit down because she was dressed in such tight clothes that it seemed impossible to bend her joints, unintentionally he stared at her , she was remarkably impressive
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-ali asked sharu to recite her kalma , perhaps it was the time to be accepted, she asked what was a kalma, he promised to explain it to her if they survived, but mean time they had meant to live together till death did them apart, in case on opening the strange packet it exploded and they were dead they would still be together
page 113-
--he opened the door , the man bent double to thank him, then taking his signatures on the register he handed him the shipment, then he disappeared quickly in the side street turning a corner, he locked the door after him, he thought out loudly what a queer courier that was without any vehicle or a bike yet just holding an umbrella he reached out that late hour in the raining night to deliver his packet
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
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-some words have so much power over others no matter how they are uttered , whether the tone is soft or sweet the word with its meaning has a most destructive impact on the listener , surgeon is a word of that kind, G M sir arrived and announced the word sending hyper tension waves around the room, all that he had been talking about since breakfast with him was of so much high level that his mind was already shaken up
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-one day ali khan was busy in his work and it was time to lunch, the meal was served and the table was laid , the servant came to stand next to the busy man to remind him it was time to eat, but the busy man did not pay any attention and kept himself engrossed in his work, some time passed and it was getting late, the wife herself came to ask her husband to come to the table , this time the man smiled and said first summons were sent and now the warrant has arrived
page 99-
-a wealthy man turned bankrupt and within a week his wife died, his close friend visited him to give his condolences, he expressed his feelings that he was very much saddened by the news of his bankruptcy and his wife"s passing away, the wealthy man responded saying in business it was normal to go through profit and loss but this is also true good times do come after a period of bad
Monday, August 19, 2019
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-both mother and daughter namely lydia and nina were absolutely different yet their hair were same black , lydia had maintained herself very well and looked her own daughter nina"s elder sister, sam surveyed his surroundings and felt he was standing amidst some wealthy person"s expensive set up, the lounge was tastefully decorated, he told them it was not the first and the last blast
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-the door was opened by nina"s mother, she opened her arms to embrace her daughter who looked pathetic, nina like a fallen quivering leaf sunk in her mother"s comforting arms, nina in her deep emotional state could not observe lidya had slipped herself out quickly to avoid soiling her green dress, she was asked if there was any news of robert, that they should sit down to find a solution to the problem
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