.... cartons of oil and evaporated butter , lentils rice wheat flour packets, spices and other groceries for daily routine use he was picking up from the store and arranging inside the car dikky, the storage space was almost full, , his wife amara standing in the porch was watching him silently, just a couple of days ago she had spent several hours shopping them , hoping it would suffice two months, because it was troublesome and quite tiring to go out shopping frequently for small things, besides fear of corona was there, both as a couple worried about their children s health and wellness, they avoided outside contact and were very cautious , they would online and telephonically speak to their relatives and friends, they had learnt it by heart to stay safe they must avoid direct outside contact
Sorry, I realize your precious time is invested on this shopping but I can't delay it any more
It's okay, I know how important it is , as a good wife she supported her husband's decisions
Midnight phone call was followed by his all night tossing and turning, he passed the sleepless night somehow, every time she opened her eyes she saw him wide awake, now at fajar he was ready to leave with a full dikky full of groceries, among other things he had carefully kept a fluffed up envelope in his pocket
What time will you be back
I won't take long, I will have my breakfast at home with children