Tuesday, August 5, 2014

page 54--box

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a  baadshah  aggressively humiliated  fakirs, he  was  not   in any  way  in spirituality  of  simple  living  and  high  thinking, a  worldly  man  , a  man of  riches  and  desires  he  led  a  wonderful life  , one  day  a  fakir  challenged  him to  prove  himself  better  in any  way  than them, the  darvesh  fakir  was  not  helpless  , nor  did  he  find   any usefulness in storing  worly  possessions  and  pride  in them, he  showed  how  similar  they  both  were  in the  spiritual world  and  similarities  and  differences   that  partitioned  them in this  material world  were  just  merely  man made ,when both  would  die   they  both  would  be  buried   in the  same  soil and  they  could  take  nothing  of  their  wealth  with them ,

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