Wednesday, June 29, 2016

from previous--

-  akmal  and  shehzad bought  new  pairs  of  everything  they  needed, spending  the  time  shopping  and  eating  good  food  , good  time  they  had  together, they  had  promised  khala  they  would  eat  home  food every  da  because  they  liked  her  cooking  but  that  evening  they  must  be  allowed  to  have  an  outing,  realizing  rashid  had  instructed  them not  to  spend  quickly  and  too  much  they  returned  home, khala  was  surprised  to  see  them back  so  early, she  had  a  social friendly  nature  and  went  out  visiting  neighbours, bothe  the  men  stayed  back  planning  what  to  do  next  when they  heard the  door  bell, khala  would  not  press  the  bell  she  had  the  keys, it  was  the  police  come  to  catch  them, but  they  had  disposed  off  of  all the  extra  cells, purses, wallets  by  throwing  them into  the  open drains and  man holes

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