Monday, October 11, 2021

page 22...

....before going to bed at night he pondered  on the changes   in aira s nature , she  didn't  like  speaking  freely with  men,, nor had she  made any  male friends in the university,  in fact  she  was quite reserved  with her  male  colleagues in office,  but she was quite  informal  with  her  maternal cousin   Hasan  but that was some years ago,  now she had stopped  Atchison calls,   about which he used to complain  to sadan,  , if she  spoke  with Hasan  on friendly  terms as cousins  there was alyan too who was now  working,  
Sadan  became  quite worried  for  aira,  be stayed awake   worried   and tge stress gave him a flue and fever  by the  next morning,  , when aira came to ask him to get ready  for the office  and seeing him still  in bed   touched his forehead  that was burning  , she  asked him  to allow her to take him to the hospital  but he refused 

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