Saturday, December 18, 2021

page 50... is quite short  , half of it in your favor  the other half  against you,  the time  that is in your favor  don't  let success go to your head  and  when  life is going against you  keep patience,  
Standing  at the murrie  bus station  she opened her small  humble  purse  to pull out the only  five hundred rupee note tucked away  previously to put it  on the palm  that reminded  him of the saying  by hazrat ali  along with  rushing memories of ammi  and maji  because  it was maji who had   ages ago given this specific note on one eid, after maji was gone  ammi had  persuaded  never to spend that special note on ordinary  purpose because such  money  are meaningful and bring prosperity,  so it was tucked away  and there was no regret nor resistance  naturally  it was safe and without objection,  his pockets were always overwhelmingly overflowing with money,  so he quickly  obeyed ammi s command  rather  uncaringly,  and today he desperately needed that money,  today that was all he had 

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