Saturday, April 22, 2023

page 59

....all her vacation  got over after marriage  in surprise and  argument,  she rejoined  the college  , from the first day  onwards  electricity bills, cooking gas,  and entire kitchen  expenses  shifted on her, shazya  s college was rather  a  long way from home,  agad always sahib didn't even have a bike  to drop and pick  his beghum  to college and back,  shazya bought him a bike  and extra for it's maintenance and fuel  now that too was included in her responsibilities 
Shazya wished to make herself a normal home  where  each member  came back home to a warm family  instead of staying  aloof as an independent individual  who worked  to make a living for  just himself,  that the family would discuss  their problems and feelings  with each other,  sympathize and understand   and show affection  and spend time together  instead of counting money they made  but  reality was different  , shazya  was  solely responsible for arranging things 

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