Friday, January 31, 2025

qatil maseeha

...within a couple of minutes the  approaching lights reached us  , they were about twenty men,  all of them clothed heavily,  heads covered with  woollen caps,  most of them held  gas lamps,  he saw wolves all around,  it was  a scary experience,  it was the first time he saw   chains on their necks,  in the dark tgeir dtes shone dangerously,  several of them  carried axes and daggers,  just one or two  were armed with rifles 
Imran whispered in his ear  he believed  majority of them were women 
He also thought so  and agreed,  a very  large woman  emerged,  she had pointed ber automatic rifle towards them,  she had seen the dead women fallen on the snow  killed by jaggu woman,  she roared  fiercely  we don't understand words 
Ma'am Maura looked questioningly  at mansoor Singh  standing nearby,  he explained  the fierce woman wrongly thought they had killed them all,   the group of women was  getting  quite aggressive  and could do anything unexpected 
Ma'am Maura opened her mouth to speak  but he spoke up before her  , he asked  mansoor Singh to let them know  they were not the killers  in fact they had tried to protect them 

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

from previous was the last phase of the night,  Molly had occupied the driving seat of tge old  car , mom was present in the passenger seat next to her   and  incessantly crying remembering  Wendy,  her  uncontrollable  sobbing  and sighing   were leaving a hard impact on Molly , she was  getting distracted and emotionally disturbed by Martha s constant  weeping 
Oh my dear child  was frightened when I called her up  on the phone,  I can't say what all she must have gone through  with that villain 
They had driven out of their area by now,  the rickety  vintage car slowly and steadily  moved on noisily  through the uneven rough route  through the jungle , Molly was not familiar with the track  to the house of guss,  she was  following mom's  directions 
The jungle was  unfolding  in sprawling  miles ahead,  there were  farmhouses and   residential trailers  on the way   several of them  shrouded in the dark,  Molly was more worried what if tgeir old vintage car broke down   and stopped in this unfamiliar place,  she didn't want to think any further,  this was enough to scare her wits out, ,  in the middle of a dark thick jungle,  unknown terrain,  old car, secluded  isolated from the rest of the world,  jungles  are natural habitats to  the wildlife 

Tuesday, January 28, 2025


... early morning  steno Molly sat down with her laptop  Mc book  to check her online bank account  current balance,  she was still processing  to get connected when her mother Martha entered her room without announcing herself 
Molly explained Martha  she was  going to Sam s to get her hair done  her tone was casual  , stay home  be careful 
Martha held a   fuming cigarette in her right hand  fingers,  Molly  looked at her mother with some aversion  and spoke sharply  mom you ought to knock before  entering the room,  Martha was forty five  but looked above fifty because of her lifestyle  sge tried desperately everything to appear young 
You are my daughter aren't you 
Yes if course I am  but courtesies demand you knock politely before entering someone s room , Molly sounded sarcastic and logical  and you have just recently  been to the hair dresser,  more than half of the budget is  used on your  grooming 
You do know it  at two  midday  inside press is arriving to interview me  live  spoke Martha proudly    taking a long  puff apparently relishing her smoke  

Monday, January 27, 2025


 Now  if ever we visit that lane again 
There we shall   stay out lurking 
They who are   leaving  unreasonably 
Just follow them going to the same lane 
A few days passed by happily at home 
Now it's time to visit that lane again 
Who is there mine in that lane 
If you are there  we shall meet again 
Then we shall get drunk by the late evening 
To visit that night  that lane again 
Life is  filled up to the rim
One fine day  life will spill out to the brim
One lane  got abandoned by us
Let's see when do we visit that lane again 

Sunday, January 26, 2025

from previous

...I am sorry madam 
Mrs waqar was present in her office after four days,  he  swiftly  presented himself in her service,  her face  reflected  tge agonizing days spent in recent past  , , lifting her  her glances heavy with sorrowful pain  she  looked at him steadily for a while,  whose just one spoken  statement  weighed her down 
For what  asked she  with a heavy heart 
Oh  like I was  telling you the other day  you were not your self  you appeared annoyed  he rapidly  explained himself 
I was  trying to find a doctor  she pointedly answered 
Sorry I ought not to have spoken in this manner 
You are right in your own way  treating me like that,    she opened the files  to force herself to keep herself busy,  her  mind was increasingly getting disturbed 
Extremely sorry I am,  he  was  speculating how much troubled she  was 
It's all right  for you to speak up your mind and for me to hear you say that 
He remained silent  because apparently she didn't want to talk,  he left her alone and came out of the office 
Hello shaheer Suleman  , he attended the call  after several missed calls 
Yes please 
He gave a quite a dry  listless response  adding too many  frowns on his  forehead 
Aren't you coming to the office  her tone changed 
I think you should check your mailbox 
Shaheer Salman couldn't    appear Rude and rough  
Do you have a clock before you  she asked  confidently 
Not catching her point he looked about him  , there was  one on the  bedroom wall, he  said yes
Twenty five minutes to ten  she asked next
Right  he replied rather hesitating 
From office to to your house  it takes only twenty minutes 
Absolutely correct 
I want you here in the office  by ten  she spoke decisively and shut down the phone 

Saturday, January 25, 2025

page 17

....Mrs waqar sat leaning her back on the couch,  with her left hand sge turned on  and off the table lamp, a black  pencil held in her right hand   she drew  lines on a  piece of paper  , the lap top screen shone  before her near the lamp..yours faithfully 
Shaheer Salman 
 Two options  gleamed  of reject or accept 
On her face  a minute tear drop rolled down  , sighing heavily she pressed the reject button   before  leaning back on the couch,  she had finally shut the table lamp off , a procession of   bitter memories   began sawing her peace of mind,  in her  unhappy mind  rose the image of shaheer Salman,  his  eyes, his high forehead  his high cheekbones,  well groomed bearded  and neat moustaches , his  shoulders ,  broad chest ,  his manly  swagger,  majestic like Alexander the great,  his manner so  courteous    that impressed  everyone,  in Mrs waqar  s study room    it was complete darkness  and  the memories were not illuminating  but  looming 
.are you ready  asked alya emerging from the washroom 
Yes, let's go, what time is the class  she spoke  hanging her bag on her shoulder 
What do you mean,  aren't you getting ready  surprised  Alta looked at her appearance from her head to toe 
But this is how I get ready  
No way , like this  wrapped up in a sheet,  get dressed properly  trendy

Friday, January 24, 2025


...there is a box,  if during the experiment something goes wrong    in that case  all the details are  mentioned in the diary,   this is the code to the lock  I am keeping with you in safe custody   Joshua extended  that envelope towards jackal,  jackal  put away the envelope in his lab coat  pocket 

After the experiment I would want to spend forty eight hours in that lab , the safe should not be opened before I am dead,  if it's successful  you all will not need the  box and the diary  at all,  if the experiment  fails   destroy the box and documents and the diary 
Are you ready  asked shamsher   hus permission  to give him a shot of vaccine 
Nodded Joshua  giving his consent  he lay down on the stretcher  shamsher and jackal began  fixing up clips  mandatory for the experiment,   tests were being done  and his blood pressure and heart beat were found normal,  he gave a sign of all clear and turned to look at Harry who had screens  monitoring  every bit of the inside of the body 

Thursday, January 23, 2025

page 185

.... hearing   the footsteps  behind her she turned around  scared  she screwed her eyes hard enough to see who was there but she saw nobody,  she began  walking fast , six days a week se went to work  at Mrs siddiqui  s house  by the end if the day when  it was time to go home  dark shadows   deepened , she walked  to her work and back home as routine  from  the bungalow of  beghum sahib it hardly was ten minutes walk back home to her quarters,  the bungalow was situated in  a posh area but it remained secluded,  she had to cross a lonely street followed by a jungle  next was a  huge open ground  to reach ber colony   always  hyper noisy  buzzing with activity 
It had never happened before but today she felt  she was being watched  when she exited the bungalow,  a shiver of fright  rippled through he on  more than one occasion  but seeing nobody around  she felt satisfied  , she again  started moving towards her home 
She was about to pass through the tight street  when  echoing  following footsteps  made her turn around,  in the dusky darkness she couldn't see a living soul around as far as she could see,  the   mood of the weather didn't allow any bird  or  beast to  walk free all of them were  comfortably tucked inside their  nesrs and   resting shelters 
Bar .. bie a whispering husky voice  made her spring up,   her heart  started thumping  hard to squeeze out her  life she choked 
Who is there   she stammered 
 Her voice frozen from fright in her throat 

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

khel tamasha

....a year ago 
Life is quite difficult,   Life brings you to a spot where you have to choose  one of the two   unfavorable choices  , all of a sudden he got a chance of a lifetime   , anyone would  have  jumped upon and grabbed it  but he was doubtful he doubted himself  his own capabilities,  he turned to look at his right side of the shirt where his sleeve was empty  and loosely hanging  , once upon a time his arm used to be there,  ability and disability are Totally different from each other  but first of all he must decide does he want to do it, his mind presented another idea 
If he was getting  massive wealth without  effort what was the trouble 
His mind and heart battled 
There was no harm in receiving  easy money without  doing anything 
But what if he was caught  it was  a crime 
But nobody will  ever know of it hus heart encouraged greedily 
The death of a dying bedridden old woman will stir commotion 
But  look at it this way your life will be made possible 
But life is not intolerable even now  weakly argued his mind 
Heartily rebuked  his greedy heart  what else is bad life  definition for you it would be a favor done to a miserable  old decaying woman  by freeing her from her   suffering  now  answer can you do it will you 
When conscience is dead nothing is sinful 
No guilt is felt and at this point everyone believes he is doing the right thing 

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

page 177

....drshewar  completed her graduation she had somehow managed to  get along with her fiance and parents  and got admission in masters  , hevhad  secured second position in the inter , and Nana had sent one kilo box of sweets to abba after that he got direction and ficus of his life picture he took admission in b a honors  and  on the first day he happened to  come across  drshewar 
You here he exclaimed 
Yes, psychology   is my main subject 
And your fiance he asked another question 
It was enough   if you are an engineer  your wife must be a postgraduate  she smiled   but her stupidity made him feel bad for her  she was  repeating her mistakes 
He   was doing double shift studying for his b a and  preparing for central government job,  this was his ultimate goal he aspired to hold a powerful position as an officer,  he already had  explained it to his several close friends and also drshewar  , she even laughed at tge idea of his becoming an officer  but observing his  seriousness she had cooled down 
If you hit it big will you get married to me then 
She asked him one day when they were all alone in the art gallery 

Monday, January 20, 2025

page 15

...sir,  i am so excited and happy,  I can't believe it  that my novel is approved  it's all because of your support and encouragement,  you work so hard to  give right direction to all your students,  I spoke to the editor,  he praised  my manuscript along,  she was   definitely  rejoicing  speaking on the phone with sir abbasi , she was giving him the  breaking news if the latest developments on her side 
Dear child this all is your own intellectual  work,  gems  arrive and it is the job of the teachers to polish their shine,  he answered  modestly 
Sir, first of all admission in the university  followed by editor s call , it's so fulfilling 
 Moving   bare feet on the grassy lawn holding the phone to her ears she was extremely happy,  anyone watching her could see how excited she was circling,  this speculation was done correctly by  Mair standing on the terrace if tge second floor,  he was clutching his fists tightly and swallowing his anger  and  constantly staring at her, her  merry laughter was  hurting him,  he was  one if them who were against her going to the university s
Thank you so much  sur she was still on the phone 
She then  shut off the phone  on the note  of gratitude 
Oh lord  you are merciful 
The sky was  blue  all over 
It was time for the  soaring birds to go back home 
Offering her Thanksgiving to almighty  she sat down on the grass 
Smiling she repeated the title of her novel, sehra ki  lehrein

Sunday, January 19, 2025

page 15

....I feel  unreasonably that I am wasting  her on the alter of marriage  just because she happens to be a daughter,  my decision is  I will never stop her from  progressing in life  to lead a good quality life,  if she is a daughter so what,  she also has a full right to  attend university  like any other student  explained baba Jan to mama Jan  about his personal statement 
Just forget it drop this  weird idea,  nobody before her has ever seen and been to any university,  don't lose control over her  tighten the reigns   she screamed in rage 
Come on beghum  there never was anyone brilliant like her in the  family , daughter is extraordinary  bright intelligent and ambitious his tone was quite sober  as he praised  her attributes in admiration 
What would you do about Mair s proposal,  bhai sahib will be terribly offended,  her feelings  were  of a woman who just lost a prince of her dreams 
Nothing matters more than my daughter and her education let her complete her  education  then according to her status  another suitable match will arrive  then we shall see
She began swinging between  my daughter and bhai sahib 
My daughter is sulking for  two weeks  let me    talk to her bhai sahib comes later  he spoke rather   carelessly   as if Mair was not important at all 
You both father daughter are crazy  she scowled 
There is a limit to get insulted 
I won't die  of hunger,  his fingers were moving very fast on the laptop  typing his resignation letter,  wiping his sweat from his forehead with the back of his hands,  he was annoyed   and rashly typing hus resignation but his  inner nervousness was  weakening him

Saturday, January 18, 2025

page 174 you give home tuitions he was asked,  he nodded  he did 
The senior said he had a daughter in b a and fir two years unable to clear just because of her poor English,  , he and  his brother  want their children to get married  but they prefer a girl with a b a degree,  
That is a strange condition 
Strange yes but still a condition 
Now tge boy is getting engaged to someone else 
He said he will explain the whole situation  and called a servant and  instructed him to bring his daughter and her English syllabus with her 
He thought  what a funny story  the girl was failing  and her marriage was canceled  at this moment  shewar entered the room , what a stunning beauty  strawberry cream complexion,   attractive  , good height and luxuriant long hair,  die eyes  covered by thick eyelashes,  he remained silent  though his head and heart  were screaming their consent 
Show tge sur your English books wahud sahib instructed his daughter shewar,  extending her books towards him she sat down beside her father quietly r  he began turning the pages of her English  book and  gave her sidelong glances
Start teaching her from tomorrow   with this assurance this year she will clear her exams 

Friday, January 17, 2025

mushkil mod

...their childhood  was spent not in poverty  in deprivation  , the reason was simple,  tgeir abba  married a second time on reaching Pakistan,  tge children  were two brothers and a sister  who were left alone with the mother,  it happened like this   abba was looking for a place to live in Karachi  and it was impossible to find any house  during this search period  he mea woman  shahina 
Shahina was an ordinary looking woman  , a widow,  her late husband was  sp , he left her  lots of property,  she and her daughter were  doing well in life financially  ,,  abba was  quite a handsome man,  he gad  himself  chosen mother  and got married to her , their  grandparents also were not prepared fir this matrimonial,  but mother  eloped to marry abba  willingly,  nikah took place at abba  s friend's house  , abba sent message after getting married to the grandparents who  cut off all ties with mother,  after some time abba and mother reached Pakistan with children  and within six months  the news was heard 
Shahina had her all conditions accepted by him including he would not have any  relationship with his children and mother,  he was nine and in fifth at school 
Mother was a strong woman  , she wouldn't give up and began working as a domestic help in others  houses 

Thursday, January 16, 2025

from previous

..a  fortune teller told me 
You will get name and fame 
Lakshmi will stand at your door  with folded hands 
I asked  gingerly 
What exactly  does future behold 
He lowered his head 
Speaking  sadly in voice low
In your destiny 
There is no wealth 


...that was a scene of a village 
In that scene  present were we both 
Sitting by a river 
You with your hands  in cold water 
Splashing  on me
Me covering my face with my hands 
Annoyed glared at you 
You roared with merry laughter 
Seeing you laughing thus 
I too infected with laughter 
What a  comeraderie  in mutual trust 
Then  my eyes flew open 
I don't know when 
Pleasant dream was shattered 
Grip on the hand slipped too
That  river side and cold  water 
All was  inside a dream 
Water was there but in eyes 
To put out the flames of life

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

from previous Carter  how is everything going  asked William  emerging from Charlie's room , Carter was   about to step into the room  when William  came out,  he was  company's  boss and business partner and owner Charlie's  younger  step  brother 
All is good   spoke Charlie  bringing a forced smile to his face,  William  was someone  nobody liked , William had never taken any interest in any office work nor business  , he would sometimes  visit them making a loud  appearance  laughing and  talking noisily,  carelessly looked about  before leaving,  nobody respected him nor had any  good feelings for him,  he was   actively disliked fir his unwanted activities,  a gambler and a nuisance by nature , Charlie never tried to stop him  as if he was not at all interested in him , he worked hard and very early in life  reached  success,  he was a successful business man , even otherwise Charlie was a sober silent  person  , when his mother died he was hardly six years old,  after this  he remained aloof and didn't  become  emotionally close to anyone else,  his father  remarried and William was born  , Charlie had stopped reacting and showing his  feelings,  his step mother died soon after in a car accident and father became a cripple ,all the business  burden shifted on Charlie,  father  was uncertain of his capabilities but he quickly  won over all hus workers and    made some crucial changes  to rapidly  rise ànd build a progressive business  but his step  brother was  completely  impossible 

Tuesday, January 14, 2025


....have you seen the movie,  asked tge man in blue coat  to the man sitting opposite,  his manner was irritating  , in response tge other man gave him a stern glare 
Now you would want to know what movie,  the same  recording I sent you  in which you are seen clearly doing the dirty work,  it exposes you  completely,  the man in blue coat was   provoking 
Warner you...what do you want from me   , lev opened his mouth for the first time,  his face red with rage 
Oh you so quickly  came to the main point,  ready to compromise,  lev , now carefully listen what do I want  warner said comfortably leaning his back against the back of his chair 
I am have my mind on your seat,  if you give up   officially I take over immediately,  you have to give in your resignation  he spoke coolly 
Resign,  are you crazy  Warner  his voice was soaked in sheer anger 
Of course  you must Resign  or I show these recordings to the boss  this time he was quite serious 
You are so desperate and cheap to blackmail your own friend
I agree I am  cheap and  will not hesitate to blackmail you my friend  but remember  a cheap person like you gave me this chance,  instead of accusing me look at your  self,  you have committed a huge crime,  you have sold out the company  secrets to rival opponents 

Monday, January 13, 2025

from previous'am  ,aeronautics  flight you were speaking of   I happen to know all about it  spoke Mr Jacob,  that flight once a week  only takes off from James Town to  johansburg  and back  trip  and for your information today the flight is not taking off  , reaching  Saint helinua is possible by just two ways, either by air or by sea  no other way, using his contacts he sent urgent messages to alert tge Colson house,  police chief  Paterson assured him his full support,  tge small township  consisted only of six hundred and  thirty  residents,  nit very difficult to catch an outsider 
Even sge knew that very well  decorating  a meaningful smile on her lips said silver queen,  she looked at Norman  what island he was  speaking of
He started to explain in a most  controlled manner,  this island  belonged to Karachi in Pakistan  it is one of the clusters situated near Karachi,  one can reach there in twenty minutes from  Karachi by sea , twenty five thousand people live on that island  that is four kilometers  diameter,  all are fishermen,  tit bit island  rhymes with bhutto island,  inhabited for three hundred years  the natives are poor,  they live  below  poverty line,  no drinking water available no cooking gas no electricity no facilities no schools college,   a makeshift  dispensary  is all to serve their medical needs  but the staff is always  on leave,  if by chance  any patient  finds a staff there  he is given the same pills and treatment  as for every single problem at this point  Norman  got a fit of coughing  he bent  double choking breathless, in his excitement to narrate  he had forgotten to  pause to breathe and now he had completed his narrative and was out of breath 

Sunday, January 12, 2025


...We should not  ignore this  probability   completely  that  some mysterious things are happening  and it's possible behind these activities  it is tge man who was thrown down the snowy slope in America  to due but he cleverly  made it  and escaped from there fooling otgers , he was  searched for everywhere  but wasn't found,  in his presence  such  occurrences  were  usual,  silver queen  became silent  and nobody dared speak,   had she asked a question  only then  speaking was required,  a few minutes later she turned to look at Norman  where was he lost  what was his opinion  about  the latest developments 
He  explained he was thinking of the team  research  done three years ago on jasim and  shazya his tone was unflinching,  it was actually  Mr Jacob s   research  part two,  if you allow me I would like to say something  about jasim and shajya s  present location 
Silver queen granted her consent readily for anything  to support her  because they all were gathered there  to discuss this matter alone  to see what happened to David in the morning m if your  research  can  get us closer to jasim shajya it will definitely be considered a great success  kindly   narrate  your version clearly 
Do you remember  three years ago  jasim s estranged  beloved   in frustration decided to take our side 

Saturday, January 11, 2025

from previous

....ooh is that  you Maura, hiw weak  and listless you look,  it's so difficult to recognize you  spoke hayatan  moving fir but she without replying looked around  blankly  searchingly,  hayatan  understood  the searching eyes and  said perhaps  she was  looking for  wade sai,  he was  in the back room go and  see him,  hearing that  Maura jumped up and  ran  up the stairs  almost  loosing her balance  she quickly  crossed the veranda and  the  guestroom to reach the back room  she froze to fund Deen Muhammad sitting there,  pale face sunken cheeks and   eyes  , he appeared  chronic sick,  her heart tire to pieces,  if baba sai was ailing why wasn't she informed,  din Muhammad  seeing his daughter  sprang up out if his bed , she rushed to tightly embrace him , dun Muhammad seeing his daughter  blossomed up but nit a trace of smile did appear on his lips  but he was brushing her head patting it  but somehow sge didn't feel  it was a sentimental touch 
Baba sai what has happened to you,  what  have you done to yourself,  if you were so awfully  sick  why didn't you let me know  she Sobbed  
It was nothing serious,  I am perfectly all right  his voice heavy with sentiments 
Your condition  is a matter of deep concern  what exactly happened to you,  what sorrow weighs heavy on your heart  baba sai  won't you  share your  burden with your daughter 

Friday, January 10, 2025

khauf ke saye

   Autumn  at its best is one of the most beautiful seasons  , old decaying  leaves fall  quivering to make  space for new ones to show up,  every single thing is affected by nature and seasons  and  Autumn  is most  powerful,  every thing is in a way connected to others,  winds  blow   and  things get blown away,  leaves fall down and scatter around,    usually  unrelated things are brought together In such a scenario the train was moving  steadily towards its destination 
 , it was a rosy evening   and the air was quite chill a man of young age  sat there  lost in watching videos on his cell phone,  Maura sitting opposite him felt ignored and  thought him silly 
Every time she casted a glance on him she found his glance on her was already fixed,  he would quickly turn to look out of the window  or carefully watch his cell phone screen 
What does he have  that I am so attracted to him, she spoke to herself  in her mind,  now the train was crossing a secluded dry  deserted  hilly terrain  and it was then that she was suddenly startled 
She again looked at the young man lifting her eyes,  both   occurred their sears on the  division line of male and female compartments,  it was  therefore  easy fir them both to see each other  , the compartments  had no door between them  if there was any it was  remained open 
Maura was shocked  because she felt it was  somewhat familiar  situation,  but he was complete stranger to her,  or had she  seen him several times before  in her dreams   it was a mystery  what made him appear so familiar to her,  how could a dream become so real 
Where have I seen him she asked herself,  oh my God,  it's him she suddenly recalled then 

Thursday, January 9, 2025

from previous

...Mr Sampson wants to see you  , Jacky was informed,  he didn't pay much attention to this name  but he  thought he had heard this name before  a few minutes later Sampson was  presented before Jacky,
I think you didn't recognize me a soft voice  poured into his ears,  he sat quietly in a chair,  a table  was between them,  Sampson had his both hands on the table 
It feels  your name is quite familiar,, you are one of the space researchers,  are you nit the same,  Jacky recalled 
Absolutely right,  it's me all right,  it's my passion  my life,  I have  only appeared twice before public,  I am  kept busy  in my silent  researches,  I was informed about your father's  murder 
You were  accused of murder
Jacky remained silent  , though his facial expressions had changed slightly but not a word did he utter 
Very soon you are going to be released from here  spoke  Sampson tailor in a normal tone 
Jacky  looked at him questioningly he looked at him with incredible disbelief 
Is that really possible  he could hardly speak 
A broad smile spread on the face of Sampson,  he looked deeply into Jacky  s eyes and spoke 
Of course young man  it is possible  a sudden  heap of problems and sudden  release from them 
Jacky was overwhelmed,  he broke into tears 

Tuesday, January 7, 2025


... Jacky looked down for the last time  at the city  from the  window of the aircraft,  this was the city that had  accommodated him for the past five years,  in those five years he never had thought he would ever have to suddenly leave it , he choked on his emotions overwhelmed,  the plane had taken off, , he was aboard to a new destination  where a new life awaited him 
How unhappy Sampson  sir was bidding me farewell,  what a truly nice guy he is,  he thought loosening up the seat belt and Juliana,  she was heartbroken 
Now you shall never come back here  and never again will you contact me,  when  the situation is right I will call you up,  Sampson s words echoed in his head,  he sighed  coldly  and shut his eyes off,  in his mind  a film of past six years started  playing 

Monday, January 6, 2025

page 52

....the family of wahid zulfar  became  very disturbed by this floating rumor  when his wife and children  heard wahid had employed  a  girl  at his petrol pump and  is  showing  too much   interest in her , this news created a volatile  situation,  the wife and children  git it confirmed and  turned against him 
I have heard  you have  hired a girl and  very soon getting married to her,  asked his youngster  son 
She is certainly working  on my staff but she is extremely needy and poor 
She is there  as your  paramour   the wife showed her fears
And also you are  paying fir everything she asks for  spoke the sin taking his mother's side 
That's right  I try to take care of her needs and  help her out   succumbed wahid to them 
The enraged son questioned  and who paid for the bew house you bought for her 
She bought it herself m she was being tossed around in homeless state  in rented houses now she owns one herself 

Sunday, January 5, 2025

Mera Masseha tu hi tha

Mrs waqar this is the full list of new admissions declared  sheher Suleman  entering the office,  Mrs waqar lifted her eyes  as usual her forehead  displayed frowns 
You could have shouted from outside of the office  why did you take so much trouble to  get in  her tone was  piercing 
Oh I am sorry 
He didn't really understand the reason but he had the manners of asking for her forgiveness  swallowing his pride he placed it on the table 
Suleman,  before entering the office  it's  imperative to take permission and asked if the person in there is free or not,  the way you  made your entry  has spoiled the whole assignment  what was fir reference,  who was to be quoted she kept on speaking endlessly poisonous and he stood there biting his lips patiently  controlling himself 
Now leave,  you stand there  as if  you respect me completely,  she once again turned her eyes to her laptop screen  as she ordered  him odiously  to get out 

Saturday, January 4, 2025


....doomsday descends on them who go through hellish experiences,  on them too suddenly the previous night  doomsday had descended,  she heard the news and ran homewards with a girl infant six months in her arms,  the child looked exactly like her father  dusty dark complexion  , sunken  tiny eyes and stiff body,  she gad carried her daughter and reached there alone,  all the etes of her relatives  widened,  some tongues wagged  bluntly  regardless of the situation,  someone from her in laws ought to have come  at such times at least,  what kind of people are there who  don't let pass any chance to attack verbally,  after all they were relatives not enemies 
If she didn't get along with her in-laws  it didn't mean  nobody from her in-laws  should  be present on her real mother's death,  she was sent alone,  she reached to find her mother's  coffin  was placed in the courtyard,  someone clutched her swinging child from her arms,  sge embraced her mother's body and burst into  incessant crying,  seeing her scream and crying  women gathered around also  began crying contagiously,  each one got up to hug her one by one   to mourn rightfully 

Friday, January 3, 2025

from previous

....slowly and gradually you shall be given better  and more food  , hopefully you will  continue to cooperate   as before,  the youth  spoke gently  as he cleared the  table and folded it  , this time he gave him a full volume grin , without any traces of shame  without any hesitations   the smile  that shone his face  was   lost long ago was once again found,  enraptured by his own  smile  he saw the youth leave , he thought he won't come back  but within a couple of minutes he was  there again 
It's your medicine time  sir,   he pointed towards the tray  arranged with a glass of water  several colorful  tablets capsules  and syringes  
First tell me what all injuries  were  found on me after the accident,  I see all my limbs are fine,  he asked looking at the medicine tray, 
Instead of giving a reply  the youth simply held him by his left hand and  lifted it to his head ,
He fingered through his hair  and felt something  rough in tbe middle of hus scalp  a line crossing  through his hair,  definitely tgey were stitches  in a line 
You had a head injury,  as a result your memory  and  brain are affected , but  luckily you were  given  the best doctor  he proved your life savior   , the youth  worded his statement  confirming  exactly the doctor's  words  who had  been with him a few minutes earlier 

Thursday, January 2, 2025

talism tamasha

...with  his  eyes closed  he felt the  heat of lights and  sounds of rising voices   , these sensations  were   giving him  hope and  positive thoughts of being alive  , these were blessings   of life itself,  he tried to open his eyes and see but there was  heaviness on his eyes,  he had to exert  himself to do this simple thing,   during this process he realized he had  been through this  painful experience several times before,  life  is provocative  and throws lights and sounds on you  but the period of  struggle is very short,  every time he would begin  his efforts to make it he found  himself  nailed down  , his mind   dived into the dark   breaching all ties with the world  
I must open my eyes   before some other  pain  pricked him  he decided he had to open his eyes  , he gathered all his courage  and  pushed the heaviness on his eyes  with all his strength   finally he made it  but the flashing light  forced him to  again  shut his eyes 
Try again  try  harder  he heard a  human voice  encouraging him,  he was  stunned  because  it had been  a very long time since he had heard anyone speaking 
Dear friend you are alive  and once again you will see beautiful world,  tge encouraging tone  made hus eyes  to open  wide ,lights were blinding   but this time his eyes remained open and didn't  shut , slowly and steadily his eyes adjusted  to the  scene,  though blurred  hus vision  was recovered and he could identify the things around him,  it was  a hospital room  he was lying in bed , there was a drip stand next to his cot 
How do you feel now  he was asked  tge voice had reached his ear from the left side a smiling  man with snowy hair was sitting a little distance from him 

Wednesday, January 1, 2025

qatil maseeha

... meantime huma had returned  , he had  occupied his perch  away from the window,  his knees were bleeding  , hus clothes were stained,  observing his condition  she was rather upset and picking up the intercom   called farzana,  a few seconds later a woman arrived  whom he had seen  grooming a blind girl  , she recognized him  shocked,  huma gave her instructions  nobody else besides them should know of his presence  there,  farzana nodded  , farzana quickly brought  medicine box and bandages,   she helped  to clean up his injuries and   was quite respectful towards huma,  the same woman  brought them tea and snacks,  he looked at the wall clock   it 2as five in the morning  , huma  in straightforward informal manner  held the tea cup to his lips , he took a sip, it meant she won't  untie and loosen up his hands at the back,  certainly she had her own  reasons 
He said  tentatively that  he believed rai sahib must be in  a high rage,  don't  fall into  some other kind of problems  by helping me
Don't you worry,  let's see what happens she was  uncaring,  she forced him to have some bites from the cakes and pastries,  
She then said  rai sahib is responsible and must give  an explanation,  as far as I know  you were taken  to his chamber from the hospital ward without permission,  naturally she will invent excuses 
Right,  she might  to save herself  shift all the blame on you  that you were trying to escape  and  as a result you have  full body injuries  but you fled anyhow  but the senior doctor will ask  why was the patient moved without permission for tests