Wednesday, May 1, 2024

from previous be aitbar

...a woman speaking to her friend  ,, never trust a man,  from today I swear to God  I will never again look at Tariq again  and never again  trust any man in my life 
After all what exactly happened 
Poked her friend,  did you catch  Tariq with another woman 
Nit that at all in fact he caught me with another man,  only yesterday Tariq had told me  he was  going out of station 
.a girl called her boyfriend  on the phone  and asked him not to come at night m abbu had become aware  that they had used his car last night  and he was  getting mad 
But how did he come to know of it
He is one of the dozens we hit the car  last night 
,doctor to his old patient's husband,,I don't know how to begin to explain to you,  I am sorry  but your wife won't be able to live another week 
Seeing the doctor nodding  he exclaimed  crossing his heart  it means I am also dying 
Why so
Doctor sahib  how will my poor little heart  take in so much happiness 

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