Wednesday, May 29, 2024

from previous

....bathroom was the  only place they got together to paint it, Edgar had   a shelf  above the bathroom  in that he kept bath soaps  shampoos cream  a small electric heater,  the shelf was built in and painted  white with the walls,  there wasn't any electric point though inside the bathroom  but he cleverly  connected the heater to the nearest point right outside the door 
He turned the heater on and watched the rods turn red hot, he then left the room,  the electricity control was inside an Almira  above the stairs,  Edgar carefully opened the d, he turned the handle  up  , the power was cut off, , he had a piece of cloth covering his fingers as not to leave his fingerprints behind 
The red   hot  rods of the  heater began cooling off black, still using the  piece of cloth Edgar picked up the heater from the shelf and  put it in the bathing  area inside the lower side of the tub

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