Monday, May 27, 2024

page 49

...clad in red  Sheila  got goosebumps with fright,  though she was   most attentively  given  the look of a bride  but with her  injured  and swollen  face  she wasn't  somehow  looking right  in that  character,  her heart trembled with fear, she stood    on wasif  s orders  in a corner  scared  and watched  the scenes  downstairs in the hall,  there was  a feast  going on but  she didn't  catch the  nature of the feast,  on the right side a huge stage was  set up  , seven children stood there unable to speak  their  mouth taped and they were tied up, in a line , the way was decorated with  flowers  as if fir a bride 
It was a weird  sight  an odd feast and the guests were also   equally  strangely dressed,  some had   masks of beasts  to cover their faces , some   others appeared in Satan  masks  , yet others had horns on their heads m loud harsh laughter    devil faced  held drinks in their hands,  several of them  loosing balance   were drunk  already m watching all this she  was reminded of the video by shayan siddiqui 

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