Friday, May 31, 2024


...why don't you come along with me 
I shall  introduce you to one of the most interesting personality of Paris,  spoke my friend directly addressing me, he could   show us rare and exciting  art models,  it's a chance  in a lifetime 
Naturally I gave my consent to the invitation and with my friend we reached  the biggest  road in Paris,  from there he took me to   the  first floor of  a hig house  where a most courteous man warmly welcomed us , he was our host  was a well dressed  intelligent  interesting and  clever man,  we had heard of his reputation long before  meeting him,  he had  maintained a long list of wealthy people in Paris and America   who were connoisseurs  interested in collecting  rarest of the rare art   pieces,  this clever man  was well versant in classic  art and  catered the anesthetic  tastes of his clientele,  he had learned to deal with all the details to make it his  primary profitable business,  be would   send his men to  buy  art pieces  at lower price  and he made commission too
He would   keep  rich people's   art on mortgage  when in need  , some  wealthy people  didn't hesitate to sell off their family heirlooms to him,  my friend was informal  friendly  talker  and his attitude  suggested  he was quite  a close friend of the clever man 

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