Saturday, June 1, 2024

page 77

....finally he asked her what exactly did she expect from him,  she explained she needed a  paramour   who must be of a wealthy background  popular  for his pleasant courteous charms  acceptable in the high end society  , he should not be sick mentally or physically   , not have addictions of any sort, not be a  weak character  but be of solid  high standards,  no scandals  and no controversies    , respected  and honored 
Madam stopped  her explanation,  sge wanted a social security to get a good catch for her marriageable daughter  , life must be a comfortable  experience,  she was  ready to gamble her last stakes on this matter 
Sge wanted to arrange  get-togethers  where social dating is permissible,  she  needed at least thirty thousand franks 
He knew it was a huge money to lend for nothing in return  , so if she could arrange for a guarantee but her face expressed it all it was impossible 
He  had a rare art piece of ivory  he was ready to  give her it , she could sell it for whatever price  with a  story  and  keep the profit  and give him his thirty thousand franks 
He would keep on sending clients with profiles interested in buying it, she could always say it was her family heirfir generations and never would have sold it off for billions but for the sake of her daughter  s future she  had to afford to lose it

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