Wednesday, June 5, 2024


...the reality was so that all of a sudden  Jabar s heart was broken  when  unexpectedly Zarin refused to get married to him ,  the manner in she behaved with him and the way he treated her it was  absolutely certain they couldn't   reject each other,  both were overwhelmingly  sincere and  friendly,  because of their close  warm relationship he had  mastered  courage to propose to her  hoping sge would quickly accept  it
Zarin not just refused to marry him  but she got immensely annoyed at the proposal 
Jabar was  though already married ten years  but he and naghat were  incompatible like two opposite sides of a river,  together they exist but  remain  separate,  with  passing time  their hatred and bitterness for each other  kept on increasing 
They never liked each other  this is what he believed not naghat,   she had always tried to save her marriage  she  was a good caretaker homemaker and  a wife but he just didn't want her  simply because he didn't find her attractive,  she wasn't young any more,  her figure  was out of shape,  Zarin was an intelligent woman  and quite understanding  but the more intelligent she was the more boring he found her,  he just wouldn't appreciate her skills  and   never admired her virtues 

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