Tuesday, June 4, 2024

page 107

....you come along with me  m we shall travel together around the world,  leave that old man  all he can give you is his wealth,   but wealth cannot get happiness  tryst me my darling,  he was very carefully treading ahead,  he was on this plan for the past ten days,  Linda was the target he was  after m you are so young and beautiful still,  that old man can't keep you happy,  women like  to be with  choicest  men , 
What would become of Adam  asked Linda  watching her son playing outside with his friends 
Of course we will take him with us too , , she warmly held his face  , he forced her hands  deliberately  aside to get his face free 
Loafers don't have responsibilities and nor do they carry children and families with them,  he will be happy here  left behind with his father,  we need freedom,  we need each other,  he won't fit in anywhere  in New life  with us,   it took   a rush  just ten days to bring Walter and Adam s life to  ruins
One night  Linda  silently on the quiet  packed up her things  and left with him,  with her also was  Walter's  cash,  it was a huge amount,  Walter was left mad with rage,  he left Adam with trusted  known contact and Walter  started  his chase to find Linda 

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