Monday, June 3, 2024

page 104  only I shall win, spoke Donald standing on the road by the forest  looking at David his younger brother,  both were  sons of Meg a famous  business man in berima , they had just reached the spot a few minutes ago , driven there  carrying bags full of sports  material,,  their race began  tge moment their bags were  put down,  tbus was their routine competition,  David  had long legs and  speed always won,  but Donald today was  proving a tough competitor,  the  race was  around two kilometers long  the return through the forest,  the second part of the run was  harder,  running  and not getting yourself  entangled in the trees was  really difficult  but they were practicing for over two months,  Donald managed to get ahead  taking a   round  about  the  canopies,  David tried to cut tge route short  and entered the canopies  , and a sudden unexpected  shrill scream  escaped his mouth,  Donald turned to look,  he had fallen,  Donald  was not going to  let himself   be fooled by the  scheme,  loudly declaring  it he kept on going forward 
There is a ditch here you idiot 
Liar, how can there be  a ditch here,  don't we cross this  place everyday,  but he stopped and   approached him 
See it for yourself,  David was breathlessly panting 
Donald  followed  his direction and began to look  and really there was a pit in which  David  got his foot  twisted and fell 
It was a freshly dug pit , the soil was still   fresh and smelled  of  wet  mud , he too sat down beside his brother 

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