Tuesday, June 11, 2024

from previous

....I was  longing to meet you  for some time,  daddy had said you were a   voracious  book reader,  and  a passionate teacher who enjoyed  teaching,  I have inherited your natural skills,  I love reading books  and aspiring future teacher,  explained  Ellen seriously  sitting down  beside her grandmother,  she had  wanted to share her life stories with her , Gloria was  stunned  into gaping  silence  with the revelation of this similarity of pleasant surprise 
You are saying you mean you had desperately wanted to see me your grandmother, without any greed  or need and for no reason  asked Gloria,  her eyes reflected  in credibility   and sheer disbelief 
Absolutely,  thats what I am telling you  I was longing to see you and grandpa,  I  had  to see our family house and grandparents  now my wishes are fulfilled,  when can  I get to see grandpa,  Ellen s voice was soaked in sweet sincerity  and  warmth 
Ellen,  I can't lie to you,  you know better about our mutual  relationships,  your grandpa is in a sulking rage and has decided to return home later than usual 

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