Monday, June 24, 2024


....some  people  were gathered  at a random  spot  on a secluded road in the city,  , the focus of the group  was a dead  girl  laying by the road side   tree, , a deep gash on her forehead suggested  she was shot dead , her clothes were  soaked in her own blood  ,  it was a morbid blood puddle,  the  gathered around   murmured   collectively    rising  excited voices    were heard in snatches,  
Who could she be 
It seems sge was  hit by a bullet 
Someone call the police and the ambulance 
Everyone  get aside  a rough voice  announced the arrival of police,  an  a s I and a constable  cutting across the crowd reached the body, seeing the body a color passed  on shehzad  s face,  he vent down to check  her pulse,  Murad was by his side,  his expression  was  of bewilderment  trying to  place her identity,  he was about to blurt out something  but his senior  silently  gestured him to stay secretive  and straightened up,  shehzad began giving out instructions,   first to take her pictures,  then  send the body on ambulance  ,  remove the crowd,  only  who were to give  statements could  remain standing there,  shehroz  the s h o was contacted 
Wali Murad wanted to say something  but  shehzad  ordered him to keep his mouth tightly shut and  say nothing  at all, it was  more of a threat  than command 

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