Sunday, June 23, 2024

page 15

...I say let's play video games,, now from where to get ludo partners,  without partners  no fun,  spoke kabir  sitting  before inayat with the remote 
I don't like video games,  ,  they kill me 
You are afraid of defeat 
Not from defeat but the anticipation of defeat  scares me 
Aren't you crazy,  our mothers endless chatterings 
or they could have proved our game partners 
inayat turned to look at the ladies  who were gossiping as they peeled the vegetables 
Don't you have any children in your neighborhood 
The  neighborhood is packed with children but their mothers won't  send them outside in this  summer afternoon,  
Then let us  sit down to drawing  pictures,  suggested another option  inayat 
Our we members of play group  scowled kabir,  you know inayat when I grow up I shall get married and have lots of kids a dozen or so 
What kind of  weird thoughts you think  , inayat spoke with a tinge of surprise,  dirty thoughts 
What is dirty about it, don't you want to  be surrounded by lots of cousins and have a good time together 

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