Sunday, June 9, 2024

page 185

....where is najya
Who are you  and why do you ask  about my daughter 
I am David sir s man that man explained 
 ,  and come to find out on his orders where is your daughter 
Najya is missing since last night  answered  gafar daud  with a heavy heart 
In fact today morning  I have  filed a  police report in the station 
David sir already knows all the developments  blandly spoke the man,  
You didn't answer  tge question  I repeat   where is your daughter  najya right now 
I don't know  spoke gafar daud   his voice was pained full of all the sorrows of the world,  if I knew of her whereabouts why would I report to the police 
So you won't tell anything  frankly  the man on the phone   was threatening,  perhaps you aren't aware of David sir and his  power  or you are playing a fool 
  Mustering courage  gafar daud said he wanted to speak directly to David sir 
The caller on the line  said whatever it was  gafar must  talk it out with him because  David sir was listening to the cellular conversation 

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